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Gala longbraids event

Gala longbraids event

Oct 18, 2019, 10:5810/18/19

Gala longbraids event

What the heck is this? 10000 points to get here and it's not champ quality but the shards. The amount of money you want people to throw down is insane. It would take 500 ancient shards to get her. Which is $500 usd pretty much. this event is completely greedy and very disgusting that you would want people to shell that much for a epic hero. 

Yes I really wanted to get her and was saving gems for ancient shards for an event like this. But with 4500 I can 1000 put of the 10k needed. 

Thanks for making an event that is impossible for the majority of your players. 
Oct 18, 2019, 11:0810/18/19
Yea, why don't you make events that EVERYONE can win just by logging in.  It's disgusting.  I turn on my computer and don't win the hardest events.  What a bummer.  I actually have to be a competive player?  Where's my blue ribbon for waking up and breathing?
Oct 18, 2019, 11:1510/18/19
Additionally I have checked through my games both computer and phone and what you guys want in exchange for event completion is 10x more than the worst which does have a play to win way. The majority though are all FREE to play events with NO premium currency required. if you want real advice, make the game so everyone can participate not just the big spenders. I cannot stress my disappointment enough. 
Oct 18, 2019, 14:2310/18/19
Totally agree. This event is simply silly.  10k points is out of range for 999 of 1000 players.  
Oct 18, 2019, 15:0710/18/19
Oct 18, 2019, 15:17(edited)

Angwil said:

Yea, why don't you make events that EVERYONE can win just by logging in.  It's disgusting.  I turn on my computer and don't win the hardest events.  What a bummer.  I actually have to be a competive player?  Where's my blue ribbon for waking up and breathing?

LOL you think spending more money makes a player 'competitve'? 

You might get ahead of the competiTION by emptying the wallet, that is if you consider the rest of the player base in Raid your competition, what is an overall quite frankly a non-competitive game, but it does not make you competiTIVE.

Oct 18, 2019, 15:1410/18/19

Angwil said:

Yea, why don't you make events that EVERYONE can win just by logging in.  It's disgusting.  I turn on my computer and don't win the hardest events.  What a bummer.  I actually have to be a competive player?  Where's my blue ribbon for waking up and breathing?

I seriously hope you are trolling, otherwise you just went full retard.

It really is no surprise the so called events they are pushing are geared towards only the minority of players who spend the big bucks.

In my eyes, it's painfully obvious they don'y give a flying shit about the rest of us.

Any games out there like RAID, but with humans for developers/publishers? 
Oct 18, 2019, 15:4010/18/19

Why would you complain about this event ?

sure its yet another summon event in a very short time. However I think there is something for any type of player in there.

open 300/450/650/870 green shards and you get some nice free stuff for f2p. if you love to spend 1000 $ go for the 10k points.

I dont think its worth spending anything without a x2 but thats just me. who cares that they added a buch of rewards which almost nobody is going to get. just look if there is anything in there for yourself and ignore the fact that some whales get some extra rewards.

Oct 18, 2019, 16:0310/18/19

Just to be clear, you open 10,000 shards in a couple of days to get XYZ rewards?? Who the hell opens 10,000 shards??? 

If you mean "points" then clarify how that works. 
Oct 18, 2019, 16:4110/18/19

MrChuckles said:

Just to be clear, you open 10,000 shards in a couple of days to get XYZ rewards?? Who the hell opens 10,000 shards??? 

If you mean "points" then clarify how that works. 

just open your eyes and scroll event info screen ...

mystery shard is 1 point,

ancient is 20 points

void is 120

sacred is 500


that means whale will open 20 sacreds and be done with it ...
Oct 18, 2019, 16:5610/18/19
Oct 18, 2019, 16:57(edited)

for a month's time of commitment & investing into the game, I get a fixed 700 points... plus those mystery shards that no one even wants to open since they just flood the champ storage and basically cost you money twice to first get them and then again to get rid of them to have more space for opening more of these pesky shards.

1 month of daily contribution equals less than 10% of this event - how retarded is this? Ancient shards and above are so rare in dungeons and CB / Arena chests (at least from what I have experienced so far) that there's absolutely no way any player could finish this event without spending huge amounts of money.
Oct 18, 2019, 20:0210/18/19

Angwil said:

Yea, why don't you make events that EVERYONE can win just by logging in.  It's disgusting.  I turn on my computer and don't win the hardest events.  What a bummer.  I actually have to be a competive player?  Where's my blue ribbon for waking up and breathing?

You must be trolling.  You can't possibly be this stupid.  You compare someone complaining about an epic champion costing hundreds of dollars in an APP (not a game, an APP) to them expecting something for free?  Are you seriously stupid enough to think that complaining about events in an app costing hundreds of dollars to finish as being unreasonable?

Wasting hundreds on an app is NOT competitive.  It is either a severe gambling addiction, or sheer stupidity.  Either way, not sure how you think you can brag you're "competitive" because others were smarter than you when it came to not spending hundreds to get a bunch of pixels in an APP.  But, I guess that's the whale mentality - I spent more, so I am better.  If you aren't trolling, then you need some serious psychological help...
Oct 18, 2019, 20:4610/18/19

At the end of the day this just confirms plarium are running out of ideas, no new characters, just copy and paste old ones and recolour and give worse stats, and anyone thats defends this is working for them, i mean 10k points after a major fusion event does not give anyone time to recover really.

no posts from moderators as i am sure they are just as embarassed as how they are going to defend this, and now another levelling event announced....yawn....

I dont mind this game not being ftp, and i agree with people that say you get out of this what you like and you do not have to go for it, just wait, but shouldnt all events be attainable with a bit of grind and say $50-$100 spend? at least that gives people a choice, i wouldnt spend $5 at the current state of the game and stability of the game.

we waited ages for faction wars and its a massive failure.

we wait for champions to be rebalanced but then they end up worse, they nerf any over powerful rare or epic champs.

everything is coming soon, everything will be worked upon, and all our comments will be passed on to the developers! will ....

At the end of the day we all play this game and just have to accept that whales pay for this game, pay the wages, and make all the profits for the company, why would they care what we say/think? i know i wouldnt lol

Have a nice day all :)

Oct 18, 2019, 21:1510/18/19
I am the leader of a clan that has been going since clans were first introduced , we are in the top 60 usually . Lately we have been losing long time dedicated players because of the increasingly greedy tactics of the developers . Sure , you can say " if you think the event is too difficult or costly you don't have to participate " . How about giving us some events that ARE possible for f2p players and those who don't have piles of resources saved up ? How about some " quality of life " improvement events that don't necessarily generate income like reduced artifact removal , mastery resets , lower artifact upgrade costs with better chances , better rare campaign hero drop chances . If the trend of events continues the only players left will be whales and new players who get sucked in for a short time before they too quit in disgust .
Oct 18, 2019, 23:3510/18/19

Event are the worst part of this games. No schedules, no calendar, no permanent rules and the target too high to achieved. 

Oct 18, 2019, 23:5910/18/19
To be fair the 2500 lego tome is still very easy to get the rest was just a bonus for those who saved a ton or want to spend i believe i personally dont go for Any events besides champ level up and thats about it
Oct 19, 2019, 15:1810/19/19
Wasn't it estimated to cost about 100 dollars to complete the Foli fusion events? What's so special about this epic void unit that she costs 5 times as much to obtain?
Oct 19, 2019, 21:0210/19/19

Angwil said:

No, I just think it's retarded to think that a company is going to voluntariy sacrifice millions of $ in profit because the majority of their NO Pay customers whine, gripe, and moan that they can't get all the goodiels for free, while so many DO spend thousands of $ to get them.  Why would they? Is this a humanitarian project?

It's equally retarded to think a lot of people will exchange a new phone or or a vacation trip to a supbar epic champion. As for the whales, they won't rush opening sacreds without x2 chance. They won't rush opening shards knowing they'll get another dupe. They can buy the same number of legendary books for a fraction of a cost. For 10K points Plarium might as well put Santa or Visier as top reward.

FYI I'm a paying customer, I have 9 legendaries (3 from fusion) and up until recently I was able to clear most of the events. With current "summon rush" they just set the new record in ignorance.

Oct 20, 2019, 04:0310/20/19

Hey Hey

When I saw this event, I just put it into the ok I'll save my resources for the next event, I don't think they actually expect anyone to complete this event, you don't have to do every event and honestly, that would be hard to. I personally pick and choose the events I participate in and I think that is their message as well, use your resources wisely and pick your events.

Overall I will pass this on to them to review, so they know and can consider this for future events.

many thanks.

Oct 21, 2019, 02:1810/21/19

change summon event to once a month 

change upgrade weapon event to every 3 wks or 2 wks 

change level up event 2 wks 
Oct 21, 2019, 23:2010/21/19
kalo said:

Angwil said:

No, I just think it's retarded to think that a company is going to voluntariy sacrifice millions of $ in profit because the majority of their NO Pay customers whine, gripe, and moan that they can't get all the goodiels for free, while so many DO spend thousands of $ to get them.  Why would they? Is this a humanitarian project?

It's equally retarded to think a lot of people will exchange a new phone or or a vacation trip to a supbar epic champion. As for the whales, they won't rush opening sacreds without x2 chance. They won't rush opening shards knowing they'll get another dupe. They can buy the same number of legendary books for a fraction of a cost. For 10K points Plarium might as well put Santa or Visier as top reward.

FYI I'm a paying customer, I have 9 legendaries (3 from fusion) and up until recently I was able to clear most of the events. With current "summon rush" they just set the new record in ignorance.

I never said you should  exchange a new phone or a vacation for a sup'p'ar champion.  I merely think you should ignore the tournament.
Oct 21, 2019, 23:5910/21/19

Angwil said:

Yea, why don't you make events that EVERYONE can win just by logging in.  It's disgusting.  I turn on my computer and don't win the hardest events.  What a bummer.  I actually have to be a competive player?  Where's my blue ribbon for waking up and breathing?

this guy...

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