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Oct 15, 2019, 12:3710/15/19


Can we get more books? 100000000 heros but no books.

what about daily login reward?

Oct 15, 2019, 18:5110/15/19
I agree, books are hard to come by so use them wisely. All champs actually don't need to be fully booked to get the most of them. Good luck
Oct 15, 2019, 19:0710/15/19

Вот мне в дропе с 5го кб за 5 месяцев фарма ни разу небыло ни книг легендарных ни сокрала одна эпик книга и все. Ммммм может мой ак. Как то нада пересмотреть?

То доначу а дропа нет 
Oct 15, 2019, 19:4310/15/19
It would be great if we could remove books from heroes that we gave, becouse we was unexprienced players and didn't know that  for example "epic Bloodfeather" is a thrash.
Oct 15, 2019, 19:5010/15/19
Agreed, i wish we could reset the gh, remove glyphs, and remove books.
Oct 16, 2019, 08:5010/16/19

honkyman said:

Can we get more books? 100000000 heros but no books.

what about daily login reward?

Hello Honkyman,

you can drop a rare book from Arena Rewards, Guild Activity, Cb (Normal,Hard and Brutal).

Epic book you can drop from Arena, Cb (Brutal, Nm)

Legendary book from Cb (Nm and Unm)

In early game you need a lot of books but when you will understand wich heroes is better to level up you will find easy to store this books.

Have a nice day
Oct 16, 2019, 23:3310/16/19

Mr. Ivv said:

Hello Honkyman,

you can drop a rare book from Arena Rewards, Guild Activity, Cb (Normal,Hard and Brutal).

Epic book you can drop from Arena, Cb (Brutal, Nm)

Legendary book from Cb (Nm and Unm)

In early game you need a lot of books but when you will understand wich heroes is better to level up you will find easy to store this books.

Have a nice day

I had an epic book on hard cb last week. 

It does not change the fact that honkyman is right and Plarium is wrong, without a doubt. It is not about knowing wich hero to set up first anymore.

Plarium keeps adding new champ. I am not complaining about it. It is great, but it just so happens that I have about 15 epics now 5 or 6 of them deserve to be fully upped. Zargala alone need about 15 books, I already booked skullcrusher fully, because I was unlucky and got the cool down last. Gorgo is booked 4 times... Now luthiea, cage breaker, alika, cata councilor are in line. I already wasted a few books on shaman and jizoth because I didn't know then how rare they are.

By the time I will have my main objectives completed, I will have probably 20 more to fill up. 

It is not about knowing wich to up first anymore, it is about realizing that there is no way to catch up to our objectives. If it take 15 books to complete Zargala, wich I agree is one of the hardest but also one of the best, it does not change the fact that we are also aiming for multi choices in this game. I want to be able to change my team according to what I do, so it is a fact that I need 2 atk, 1 def and 1 support from at least 2 affinity and or void.

This means I have a really long way to go, even without factoring the books. As it is of now, it makes it impossible unless I farm for 2 years.

I spent a little bit of money in the game; mostly offers that include energy and gems so I can recharge and keep playing. Every time I see an offer for a chicken or a book for 50$ it just makes me sad because this is a mechanic of the game that simply should be more available. Even most of your whales do not spend money on that. They don't take the time to understand the mechanics of the game, they just want a kikoolol team of leg and quite often don't even care why they lose in arena.

It is a fact, books are too rare... Because there is more champ than books when you need on average 10 books per champ. It is common sense as there is very little chance to get the same epic considering the number of them now. And do not mention events like the Gorgorab one running right now because it just makes me fell even more sad considering the books I already placed. This event tells me the books I already placed in my gorgo have no value and were wasted.

Oct 17, 2019, 09:1010/17/19

Hey Hey

I think the drop rate from tomes is actually pretty good, tomes drop can be acquired from Events, Arena, Clan boss, missions, challenges, 35-90day rewards, tournaments.

I'm currently sitting at 190 rare tomes and 13 epics(all drops), I have managed to upgrade quite a few champions of all rarities.

My point being is that they are available for you to get, whether its part of a drop or a reward and you can get them reasonably often, given the further you progress the easier they are to obtain(e.g higher the clan boss you can farm).

I would, however, suggest you be strategical on the use of tomes, try not to tome them all, for example, tome'ing a champion for a cooldown reduction (like Zargala) or to increase chances to apply a debuff is what I do(just a suggestion), if you want more real-time opinions from players and helpers, the official raid discord could be rather helpful.

I hope that helps.

Thanks and good luck.

Oct 17, 2019, 10:2010/17/19
Oct 17, 2019, 10:21(edited)
All books other than rare are definitely dropped too far and few between, its a fact, whether you strategically use them or not if you look through the f2p up to low spender lens.
Oct 17, 2019, 10:3010/17/19
noloses149 said:

I agree, books are hard to come by so use them wisely. All champs actually don't need to be fully booked to get the most of them. Good luck
^^^ well said
Oct 17, 2019, 11:2210/17/19
Oct 17, 2019, 11:26(edited)

no that helps not. We are not able to upgrade a special attack (f.e. cooldown), i wish we could!. But thats random too.

when i speak of books, i mean epics and legis.

KiwiMcSheep said:

Hey Hey

I think the drop rate from tomes is actually pretty good, tomes drop can be acquired from Events, Arena, Clan boss, missions, challenges, 35-90day rewards, tournaments.

I'm currently sitting at 190 rare tomes and 13 epics(all drops), I have managed to upgrade quite a few champions of all rarities.

My point being is that they are available for you to get, whether its part of a drop or a reward and you can get them reasonably often, given the further you progress the easier they are to obtain(e.g higher the clan boss you can farm).

I would, however, suggest you be strategical on the use of tomes, try not to tome them all, for example, tome'ing a champion for a cooldown reduction (like Zargala) or to increase chances to apply a debuff is what I do(just a suggestion), if you want more real-time opinions from players and helpers, the official raid discord could be rather helpful.

I hope that helps.

Thanks and good luck.

Oct 17, 2019, 19:4310/17/19
Oct 17, 2019, 19:50(edited)

KiwiMcSheep said:

I'm currently sitting at 190 rare tomes and 13 epics(all drops), I have managed to upgrade quite a few champions of all rarities.

I hear your point. I understand that the higher you get, the better it is to farm them. 

But honestly, you have to realize that you cannot take yourself as a reference for game matters, nor should any plarium employee, dev or long time gamer that made their voice in this community. 

You have to realize that you guys are high end game and constitute the top 1% of this game, and when you are not, you simply have an easier access to game content.

I understand you are sitting on 190 tomes, but what about the majority of gamers? We face a drought.

The game do have balance issues. They are not so bad, but they are there.

 For example the champ space problem that can only be solved by using some champions as food. I imagine for high end gamers during a summoning event it is a nightmare to just keep feeding champions 6 by 6 for hundreds of shards. This is an issue. Same for the accumulation of rare books when they start raining on cb. How about changing the interface and simply put books by stacks? Maybe untouched champions too? 

As for the epic books, it will still be a desert until high end... Wich is an issue, because they are supposed to help you reach high end so you can actually start the gear with more specifity and start being picky on each subsat random upgrade. 

Pb is rare books are too rare when you need them. There are a lot of missions that give you some at the beginning so you start wasting them and by the time there is no more missions, you just look like a fool realizing the waste. When finaly they rain again, you do not need them anymore ~ I am at that point, once I finish to up coldheart, I won't need rare anymore. 

Epic books are the same. When you don't need them anymore they finally start coming. 

Oct 20, 2019, 05:4210/20/19

Nico Traveler said:

KiwiMcSheep said:

I'm currently sitting at 190 rare tomes and 13 epics(all drops), I have managed to upgrade quite a few champions of all rarities.

I hear your point. I understand that the higher you get, the better it is to farm them. 

But honestly, you have to realize that you cannot take yourself as a reference for game matters, nor should any plarium employee, dev or long time gamer that made their voice in this community. 

You have to realize that you guys are high end game and constitute the top 1% of this game, and when you are not, you simply have an easier access to game content.

I understand you are sitting on 190 tomes, but what about the majority of gamers? We face a drought.

The game do have balance issues. They are not so bad, but they are there.

 For example the champ space problem that can only be solved by using some champions as food. I imagine for high end gamers during a summoning event it is a nightmare to just keep feeding champions 6 by 6 for hundreds of shards. This is an issue. Same for the accumulation of rare books when they start raining on cb. How about changing the interface and simply put books by stacks? Maybe untouched champions too? 

As for the epic books, it will still be a desert until high end... Wich is an issue, because they are supposed to help you reach high end so you can actually start the gear with more specifity and start being picky on each subsat random upgrade. 

Pb is rare books are too rare when you need them. There are a lot of missions that give you some at the beginning so you start wasting them and by the time there is no more missions, you just look like a fool realizing the waste. When finaly they rain again, you do not need them anymore ~ I am at that point, once I finish to up coldheart, I won't need rare anymore. 

Epic books are the same. When you don't need them anymore they finally start coming. 


Well said, though it's harsh that I am at first and foremost a player then mod comes second to that, its a shame my experience as a player is so quickly disregarded due to the mod title. 

Thanks for providing that feedback, I'll highlight it to the CM's/Devs for you.

Good luck and Have fun.
Oct 20, 2019, 06:5910/20/19
Oct 20, 2019, 06:59(edited)

KiwiMcSheep said:

Hey Hey

I think the drop rate from tomes is actually pretty good, tomes drop can be acquired from Events, Arena, Clan boss, missions, challenges, 35-90day rewards, tournaments.

Events and tournaments are bad ways to get epic books. It takes almost the same effort as for legend books. What is the most ridiculous, amount of books is the same. You definitely should move epic books from top-tier to mid-tier rewards.

There are no rewards after 90 days and you can get very limited number of books via missions and challenges.

Arena chests are given once a week. How high is the drop rate? Is there any chance to get one book per month? Hilarious.

To get epic books you need to kill at least Brutal CB. To kill brutal CB you need books. To get books you need to kill at least Brutal CB. To kill brutal CB you need books. To get books you need to kill at least Brutal CB. To kill brutal CB you need books. See the point?

Oct 20, 2019, 08:3810/20/19
Oct 20, 2019, 08:44(edited)

KiwiMcSheep said:


Well said, though it's harsh that I am at first and foremost a player then mod comes second to that, its a shame my experience as a player is so quickly disregarded due to the mod title. 

Thanks for providing that feedback, I'll highlight it to the CM's/Devs for you.

Good luck and Have fun.

"You are mod so you are on Devs team (the bad ones)."

Even if you are player and not even being paid for doing mod stuff - you are still face of Plarium here.

Anyway - whole game is rigged against f2p.

Books as said here - when they start to drop you are at the stage you do not need them anymore...

I had discord chat yesterday about events:

me having 2nd reward from NM boss daily (2x) and hoarding sacred, void and ancient shards for a month is still not enough to reach legendary book from the event ... (that means I am unable to get SINGLE Leg book in a month of playing)

If I were to ignore champ trainign event(s) (requiring mystery shards) I just might barely reach leg book ...

the other party on discord said sth along the lines of 'not end game enough yet, aim for best reward on NM' ....

this feels like: "you will be able to reach Leg book as reward from the event when you prove us you do not really need it anymore ..."

Oct 20, 2019, 14:1110/20/19

Bring back daily login rewards. Give us 4 epic book and 2 legendary book per month. Because today event is worse than before. Epic / legendary book is more difficult to obtained. The mod always said event is combination between easy and difficult. In my opinion there are no easy event. Which one is easy ? artifact enhancement requires more than 20 million. Training requires 15000 point. Summon rush requires a lots of sacred shard. Arena only for top end players. 

Compares with others games I played this games definitely has a worst event management ever. I play Zombie Strike and Trial of Heroes. They make a event based on weekly schedules. And only with 10$ per months i can completed 50-75% event. 

Oct 20, 2019, 22:4510/20/19
Oct 20, 2019, 22:46(edited)


As we are talking about legendary tomes and events... or tournaments, what's your opinion on the current tournament that gives you a legendary tome for 4500 points?(in 4d's)

I'm finding it pretty reasonable, I managed to get to 3k points, fairly well though I only had 20 brews of each, but used a few green shards for fodder to level champs, and rank them up. got a void shard in the process. 

regardless what's your take on this tournament and points vs rewards? 

many thanks

Oct 20, 2019, 23:4410/20/19
Oct 21, 2019, 01:27(edited)

For the book at 4500pts, I think it is pretty nice. It's a first.

Sorry if you felt I was harsh earlier, but again, even without being a mod, you are an endgame player and already reached a point were you just don't compare to regular players. Even the whales that spend thousands don't compare as most of them do it because they don't have the patience to make a team much less analyze the mechanics of the game. From an endgamer, we expect guidance and advice, not a loot comparison. 

Don't you find it strange that the said book at 4500pts is actually much more accessible than a rare book in stage 7 faction wars for 99% of the players?

I am lvl49, my epic champ just keep piling up... Since my first post were I said I had 5 or 6 epic to book, my situation changed. I now have 3 more worthy of it. This means I need about 30 more epic books... for a total around 90 needed. 

In the mean time, as my demand increased by 30, I had 2 books. 

Now the 4500pts book, I will try to reach. But the sad part is I will probably keep it for an unknown period of time as I don't think the leg I have are worth booking. Errod and Draco morph. I had 3 leg book before from a mission... When I got errod I was so happy to get my first leg I used them. Now I regret because I know that even when I'll do cb in nightmare, rare books drop by dozens when you litterally don't need them anymore... As for leg books... LOL

Oct 21, 2019, 00:2410/21/19

KiwiMcSheep said:


As we are talking about legendary tomes and events... or tournaments, what's your opinion on the current tournament that gives you a legendary tome for 4500 points?(in 4d's)

I'm finding it pretty reasonable, I managed to get to 3k points, fairly well though I only had 20 brews of each, but used a few green shards for fodder to level champs, and rank them up. got a void shard in the process. 

regardless what's your take on this tournament and points vs rewards? 

many thanks

I got 3300 point after using more than 150 xp brew + leveling champion with Xp boost. 4500 point for me is Ok because i have more than 600 Xp brew when the tournament started. I saved almost all Xp brew after 6-7 months playing this games. Very rarely used my Xp brew on daily activities. 

The problem is how many Xp brew we can get in 1 month ? if you arranged the tournament and event too often players will not have enough Xp brew to completed it. Let's assumed on the situation where some players also spent a tons of Xp brew on previous training event and tournament. How many Xp brew they have today ? if we keep repeat same activites over and over again sooner or later players will face on situation where they will have empty Xp brew and impossible to completed the event / tournament.     

Oct 21, 2019, 01:3310/21/19
Elviraz said:

I got 3300 point after using more than 150 xp brew + leveling champion with Xp boost. 4500 point for me is Ok because i have more than 600 Xp brew when the tournament started. I saved almost all Xp brew after 6-7 months playing this games. Very rarely used my Xp brew on daily activities. 

The problem is how many Xp brew we can get in 1 month ? if you arranged the tournament and event too often players will not have enough Xp brew to completed it. Let's assumed on the situation where some players also spent a tons of Xp brew on previous training event and tournament. How many Xp brew they have today ? if we keep repeat same activites over and over again sooner or later players will face on situation where they will have empty Xp brew and impossible to completed the event / tournament.     

2000pts in one day simply by upping champions to 5*. I have been upping food from 2*. So far I used like 15 brews. Event is doable with just farming. Granted I used about 250 gems to buy energy, but I am ready to put 300 more to ensure I finish the event tomorrow or the day after. 
Oct 21, 2019, 07:1810/21/19

4500 for leg book looks reasonable (I wouldn't mind having it at 4000 though ;p)

my idea of event / tournament balance:

lvlup / dungeon divers:

- 90-100% usage of free energy on lv 60 (260 from 2x free refills + 480 from auto regen daily, 1x 3day XP banner activated), brutal 12-6 farm / dungeons stage 18+ farmed (account for wasted energy due to pots / shards)

summoning events:

lets say f2p saves all ancient+ in a month and some mystery shards (1 sacred + 1 void + around 10 ancient is reasonable base), account for some lucky drops from best brutal CB or 1st / 2nd NM chests (account for drop rate how many extra shards f2p can achieve that way and put first leg book at that spot. mystery shards not accounted for in full numbers as those are to be used in lvlup events...

to cater for whales - just repeat same rewards over and over again up to 1mln points. basically I have nothing against current summoning event structure. All my gripe comes from 1st leg book being too high to reach. just lower points requirements so f2p at brutal NM killed daily can actually get leg book form the event if saved month worth of shards ...

run summoning once a week if you like, just let f2p get one leg book when saved shards for a month ...