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What are the mechanics of CVC Matchmaking?

What are the mechanics of CVC Matchmaking?

Feb 5, 2024, 16:1202/05/24

What are the mechanics of CVC Matchmaking?

How is CVC Matchmaking determined?  Is it based off of:

(1) The average of the past 4 matches?

(2) The last match, regardless of type (PR vs Non-PR)?

(3) The last match of the same type (PR vs Non-PR)?

(4) Some combination of this or something else entirely.  If this answer, what exactly?


Feb 5, 2024, 16:2002/05/24

The sum of the total points each member of your clan earned in the previous CVC, regardless of the clan they were in during that CVC, regardless of the reward type of the previous CVC.

Feb 5, 2024, 17:4402/05/24

The sum of the total points each member of your clan earned in the previous CVC, regardless of the clan they were in during that CVC, regardless of the reward type of the previous CVC.

Okay, so that is how it is so easy for clans to manipulate the matchmaking for personal rewards CVC.  They simply tank the previous CVC.  That is a really basic and poor matchmaking system.  

I run a late game clan, but we aren't big spenders.  We consistently do 5M-6M in CVC, regardless of type and usually top chest whether we are in T5 or T6.  However, we have not won a PR matchup in many months, and this last CVC matchup was so bad that we lost 6M to 14M.  It was over before it even began.

Whne PR CVC was rolled out, I thought the matchmaking for the two types of CVC were determiend separately.  Was that changed or has it always been this way?           

Feb 5, 2024, 20:3002/05/24

Okay, so that is how it is so easy for clans to manipulate the matchmaking for personal rewards CVC.  They simply tank the previous CVC.  That is a really basic and poor matchmaking system.  

I run a late game clan, but we aren't big spenders.  We consistently do 5M-6M in CVC, regardless of type and usually top chest whether we are in T5 or T6.  However, we have not won a PR matchup in many months, and this last CVC matchup was so bad that we lost 6M to 14M.  It was over before it even began.

Whne PR CVC was rolled out, I thought the matchmaking for the two types of CVC were determiend separately.  Was that changed or has it always been this way?           

Always been that way, and I agree its a system far too easy to manipulate.

Feb 6, 2024, 18:4302/06/24

The sum of the total points each member of your clan earned in the previous CVC, regardless of the clan they were in during that CVC, regardless of the reward type of the previous CVC.

Wasn't it changed a few months ago to be each clan member's average over the previous 4 cvcs?

Or was that only Hydra clash?

Feb 6, 2024, 18:5402/06/24

Wasn't it changed a few months ago to be each clan member's average over the previous 4 cvcs?

Or was that only Hydra clash?

that was hydra clash. the only change they made to cvc was basing matchups on the individual scores of each clan member instead of the clan's prior total.

Feb 6, 2024, 19:0002/06/24
Feb 6, 2024, 19:03(edited)

Thanks for setting me straight. :)

On that note, *wouldn't it be nice* if they made it harder to intentionally manipulate cvc match-ups?

(Credit where it's due: making it based on who's in the clan at the moment match-making starts is a HUGE step, and I applaud them for it, but it's only *A* step)

Edit: I *still* say there should be minimum membership time requirements based on rewards tier: Your clan is in tier 4 you have to have been a member for at least 4 week before you're eligible to receive *tier 4* rewards; You clan is in tier 6, but you've only been a member for 2 weeks? you only get tier 2 rewards.