Algorithms Increased
As an amateur in the game, I do not understand how I can consistently and easily beat a dungeon level multiple times and suddenly not be able to beat that level with the same team two levels below. The game managers and AI must be turning screws in the background and algorithms up, making the drops more difficult, unable to farm any worthwhile equipment, even green shards are more scarce and are not giving rares. I have been a paying customer and up to a month ago have taken a long layoff of frustration in the game. Since my return (over the last month), I may be going dormant again. I assume that this is happening: As it is profitable... once a person spends money the thresholds are set, the AI algorithms are set and the end-user is fleeced by the system not providing the carrot. If the person does not spend money on the game, the algorithms become more constrictive.