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Stronger but weaker?

Stronger but weaker?

Jan 18, 2024, 12:4501/18/24

Stronger but weaker?

I do not understand how I can increase the stats and output of my characters, but then lose battles I was winning easily?

My 5 party members against Necropolis are Teodor the Savant, Artak, Scyl of the Drakes, Vogoth, and Aox the Rememberer. They are levels 50, 60, 60, 50 and 50, all of them are assended fully. Last week I was beating level 1 of the Necropolis in about 2-3 minutes. This week I focused all my attention on Minotaur to increase the stats of my characters more, I used the money I farmed to get all of the gear to level 12 and some to level 16. I have become stronger, and yet now I am losing to the Necropolis? OR its taking me 6 - 8 minutes to win a battle?!! Please.. ANYONE.. explain how I am stronger.. but losing more often now? ON LEVEL 1!!!

Building my characters up, I am able to win Minotaur, level 16, in about 2 to 3 minutes. Something I could not do 2 weeks ago, so I can beat one boss faster, but now being owned by another boss.. this makes no sense to me at all.. 

Jan 19, 2024, 00:1201/19/24

One possibility that springs to mind is if the speed on some of the champs changed, they would be going in a different order, and buffs might go up too late or wear off too soon