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Question on UDK counter

Question on UDK counter

Jan 8, 2024, 04:5901/08/24

Question on UDK counter

How does one counter UDKs using stoneskin? Wukong is not built for accuracy so out of question, dont have any bomb champs and ronda cant do shit against stoneskin.

So 50% of the time i fight, i try to strip and it fails due to the, well 50% chance. So what do you do then? pack your bags and go home or is there an actual counter im missing?

I dont think i can build a proper go second team as i dont have meta champs like pythion or siphi that people are using.

Jan 8, 2024, 05:1001/08/24
Jan 8, 2024, 05:11(edited)

multi hitters that get around UDK and pick off specific champs, ally attack (similar concept to multi hitters but somewhat narrow, Cardiel would be an example that works in the meta) to get around UDK, super high acc strip (but if your wukong isn't built like that then I have worries about that)

certain subsets of UDK teams can be waited out if you have something like a Mortu team but even if you have that it can be quite miserable from a time perspective

may I ask why you don't have Wukong built in high acc, using him as a nuker?

Jan 8, 2024, 05:1701/08/24

So... your question is, how do you counter a champ built specially to counter your team?

I mean, the obvious answer is "you don't", since... that would make the counter not very good, would it?

Stoneskin on udk is a clutch. It's a sign that the team isn't built for duration, it's built just to survive the first turn or two. The counter is to build a team that doesn't need to win on the first turn. 

Jan 8, 2024, 10:2601/08/24
Jan 15, 2024, 05:54(edited)

I think the problem with UDK is that he pretty much hard counters the starter champions. He's easy to beat once you have options, but early game players don't have options. So they get stuck.

He also doesn't communicate very well why he's beating you. There's the visual bug, plus it's not obvious why he's healing. And on top of that, he's a stall champion and the game doesn't communicate very well that a "tie" in the Arena is a loss for the attacker, so people sit in fights they should have quit 10 minutes ago  .

Of course, he would also be less of an issue if the Arena progression was better balanced. The fact that the Arbiter missions are telling people they should be in Silver I around the same time they're finishing normal campaign (or whatever, I don't remember the exact ordering, only that it's insane) creates a lot of frustration.

Jan 8, 2024, 11:4501/08/24

When i started I ran Ronda as my champ alongside my starter....her A2 saved me a ton....after I started to run into solo to full team UDk Stoneskin...I got Prince Kymar later and his whole build is centered around accuracy although it isnt 100% because of stoneskins ability....

Your best best is to save your main skills until Stoneskin wears off and tank the hits and then take UDK out...

whenever i find a Stoneskin Arena team I always

Nuke the rest tank the stone sking then kill UDK...hes pretty much weak against teams with revivers and hard hitters...Build your Sun Wukongs ACC up to over 200 at least...possible to have both Speed and ACC over 200 with Sun wukong all the while having decent damage...Sun Wukong has 2 skills that can Stop stoneskin...

Would advise you have a team specifically made to counter and win against UDK teams or simply avoid them

Jan 8, 2024, 13:3501/08/24

I always just leave the UDK for last. If you have Rhonda you have been around for a while. You should have a good enough go 2nd team to survive some of the UDK teams with Stoneskin. 

It sounds to me like you have one team built and that is a go-first team. That one team shouldn't work 100% of the time and there needs to be counters for those teams. To be honest, an UDK isn't a counter for a go-first team since he cannot rez. His passive makes it more difficult but most go-first teams can cut through defense fairly well. Maybe if you shared your roster and an example of the type of team you are struggling against I can help you out. 

Jan 8, 2024, 14:1401/08/24

Ya i use wukong as nuker, this is my team, the real damage dealer really is wukong only thats why no accuracy, kimi starts with remove buffs, then arbiter places inc atk, then chaagur reduce def and then wukong hits, if i rebuild my wukong into more accuracy to place the sheep i think ill run into problem that UDKs sheep will run out before i can actually kill anyone? So i think i just need to not engage UDK teams lul.

Just now checking my roster for other more beneficial decrease def champs, ive gotten madame serris some time ago, maybe i should level her and use instead of chaagur to get an extra chance of buff removal? I also have deacon unleveled, both seem better than chaagur in go first team, chaagur is nice tho if i cant nuke the opponents as the likelyhood to keep them CCd is real.


Jan 8, 2024, 14:5501/08/24

You're still not getting the point. You're running a team designed to just win outright, against a champ specifically built to counter that exact strategy. And you're doing it with literally one of the most powerful control champs in the game.

Swap Arbiter out for Serris, and enjoy the win.

Jan 8, 2024, 15:0801/08/24

You're still not getting the point. You're running a team designed to just win outright, against a champ specifically built to counter that exact strategy. And you're doing it with literally one of the most powerful control champs in the game.

Swap Arbiter out for Serris, and enjoy the win.

But why arbiter? I wouldve for sure thought chaagur out serris in, whats the catch? To have 2 chances of buff removal + wukong nuke?

Jan 8, 2024, 15:1801/08/24

Let me repeat this one more time - Ignore UDK. Stop trying to beat the exact thing built to counter you.

UDK does absolutely nothing. He's literally just there to trick people into attacking him and wasting their turns. You want Serris there to remove the potential block debuffs off of the *rest* of their team, and with the ACC up from Kimi, that should be very easy to do.

Though, actually, now that I say this, I realise that Chaagur may not actually work. Does UDK absorb his A1 when he pre-emptively attacks poisoned targets? If so, you'll need to run some other control champ instead of Chaag - something like Yakarl would work well.

Jan 8, 2024, 16:0001/08/24

Let me repeat this one more time - Ignore UDK. Stop trying to beat the exact thing built to counter you.

UDK does absolutely nothing. He's literally just there to trick people into attacking him and wasting their turns. You want Serris there to remove the potential block debuffs off of the *rest* of their team, and with the ACC up from Kimi, that should be very easy to do.

Though, actually, now that I say this, I realise that Chaagur may not actually work. Does UDK absorb his A1 when he pre-emptively attacks poisoned targets? If so, you'll need to run some other control champ instead of Chaag - something like Yakarl would work well.

Ya UDK absorbs chaagurs preemptive A1, the sleep just always goes to UDK and thus other enemy champs can move, but ya i´ll level up serris somewhere in this next fusion when champ training hits and ill try out yakarl instead of chaagur, i just didnt want to level serris cause i have dark elves faction wars good, but i think she is too good to not level

Jan 8, 2024, 16:0301/08/24

I hate to call her overrated, but IMO she is. Her value is significantly reduced now that there are so many other champs who do what she does. For example, I'd definitely use Ramantu or Ukko over her, and I'm sure there's plenty of others in the same boat.

All you need is someone who does buff removal, and ideally, does it without an attack. See if you have anyone else already leveled, or, if not, someone else who can do the job just as well but also brings other things of value.