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Amius in Sintranos help

Amius in Sintranos help

Jan 3, 2024, 02:4401/03/24

Amius in Sintranos help

On normal ...need some team suggestions on how to beat it please ^^

I gave it some attemps after reading guides and i just cant seem to find the right team or im doing something wrong on manual ?? 

I've tried the crohnam,djamarsa,wukong strat (costed me gems to redo masteries and now they both are awful in hydra lol) and i've tried the pythion,venomage strats with support and dec attack(other than venomage's one)


Jan 3, 2024, 03:1201/03/24

So, you have the team I used, which worked on both Hard as well as Normal - Razel, Ukko, Pythion, and I assume somewhere in there you have Ratbomber. For the last slot I used Vizier, specifically for the block healing, though the debuff extend was useful too. I'd guess you could sub anyone in who has block healing - Venomage seems like an easy choice. Kantra is pretty solid too.

The key is making sure you use your moves at the right time. In normal form, the boss will use the debuff/buff swap move when it has ATK down, so you want to "waste" that move by using Ukko's A1 before using any other debuffs. The other moves in normal form are pretty ignorable. In dark form, the big dangerous move is actually the A1, so it helps to have an awakened champ be the target. For me, Razel has 6-star, and I guess was also the weakest on my team, so the boss would always target him, and he'd usually survive. It helps hugely to make sure ATK down is always active when he's in dark form. With ATK down he doesn't do much damage at all.

Jan 3, 2024, 03:5101/03/24

So, you have the team I used, which worked on both Hard as well as Normal - Razel, Ukko, Pythion, and I assume somewhere in there you have Ratbomber. For the last slot I used Vizier, specifically for the block healing, though the debuff extend was useful too. I'd guess you could sub anyone in who has block healing - Venomage seems like an easy choice. Kantra is pretty solid too.

The key is making sure you use your moves at the right time. In normal form, the boss will use the debuff/buff swap move when it has ATK down, so you want to "waste" that move by using Ukko's A1 before using any other debuffs. The other moves in normal form are pretty ignorable. In dark form, the big dangerous move is actually the A1, so it helps to have an awakened champ be the target. For me, Razel has 6-star, and I guess was also the weakest on my team, so the boss would always target him, and he'd usually survive. It helps hugely to make sure ATK down is always active when he's in dark form. With ATK down he doesn't do much damage at all.

dont have ratbomber >.< but will try again with a similar team taking into account what you said about each form ..

Jan 3, 2024, 04:1801/03/24

Just remember that the key is ATK down. As long as that is always active, the boss really doesn't hurt much at all.