Relic Keeper or Saurus for the first level 60 char?
It's been a month I'm playing the game and I still haven't gotten any level 60 char.
I've been just levelling random characters for fun and testing in Arena. Wasn't being efficient. (Silver 2 atm)
So I guess that I need to get my first rank 6 char to be able to solo farm on Brutal.
I'm actually leveling 5 food to level 40 so that I can use them. I'll get them rank5 before I get the food for them.
Let's just say, I'll be able to get my first rank6 in a week or maybe less.
I've seen a video on Saurus and saw that he was able to solo brutal at level 60 with good gear.
I think I've got enough to get 100% crit and good ATK but maybe not the needed crit damage.
Also, I'm only at T6 masteries on him and I don't have any good rings, amulet or banner (on him or any other champ...).
Now, I've just "discovered" the Fusion and how I could get more or less easily Relic Keeper.
But the time needed to invest into getting and then after leveling him to level60... It's gonna take some time.
So :
How I see it.
-Saurus :
pros :
- -can get him faster at level60.
- -gear kinda ready.
cons :
- not sure if he'll be able to solo brutal without T6 masteries and without amulet/banner.
- He seems really weak with his auto's.
-Relic Keeper :
pros :
- pretty sure to be able to solo brutal with the gears I can give him.
cons :
- -might need much more time to get him and then level upto => 60.
- -attacks 1 target after another => Slower.
- -might need to get another speed runner in the long run and in this case he becomes useless? => Waste of time to invest into him?
- Useless outside campaign?
If you can help me with my doubts, I really need a solid (speed?) farmer at brutal 12-3? So I can get the other champs faster to level 60.
I feel really stuck. I can't do advanced dungeons.
(I also have, Kael at lv40. Elhain lv50, Kallia lv50, Athel lv50 that could be options to first level60?)
Thanks in advance.