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who should i keep in the team to play ?who should i keep in the team to play ?

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who should i keep in the team to play ?

Oct 7, 2019, 07:2510/07/19

who should i keep in the team to play ?

HI all, I just played this game for 1 hour, i have Kael, jinglehunter, warpriest, fortress goon, muckstalker, and executioner, who should be the Leader of the team , and who should i drop? 

anyway, i also have crusader, sniper, and bandit

thank you  for all your all help
Oct 7, 2019, 08:5110/07/19

JohnWick said:

HI all, I just played this game for 1 hour, i have Kael, jinglehunter, warpriest, fortress goon, muckstalker, and executioner, who should be the Leader of the team , and who should i drop? 

anyway, i also have crusader, sniper, and bandit

thank you  for all your all help

Hi JohnWick,

for the moment is good Kael how leader.

Have a nice Day
Oct 7, 2019, 15:3210/07/19

Mr. Ivv said:

JohnWick said:

HI all, I just played this game for 1 hour, i have Kael, jinglehunter, warpriest, fortress goon, muckstalker, and executioner, who should be the Leader of the team , and who should i drop? 

anyway, i also have crusader, sniper, and bandit

thank you  for all your all help

Hi JohnWick,

for the moment is good Kael how leader.

Have a nice Day

Thank you MR. IVV, as you said , Kael will be the leader, what about other Characters, any suggestion? thank you for your time

Oct 8, 2019, 08:4910/08/19

JohnWick said:

Mr. Ivv said:

JohnWick said:

HI all, I just played this game for 1 hour, i have Kael, jinglehunter, warpriest, fortress goon, muckstalker, and executioner, who should be the Leader of the team , and who should i drop? 

anyway, i also have crusader, sniper, and bandit

thank you  for all your all help

Hi JohnWick,

for the moment is good Kael how leader.

Have a nice Day

Thank you MR. IVV, as you said , Kael will be the leader, what about other Characters, any suggestion? thank you for your time

Hi agai John,

i am sorry but i need change idea about your Leader (i don't remember about the Junglehunter's aura).

For the moment you can build your team in this sequence:

1 JingleHunter Leader (this champions you must build with a lot of Crit rate must be around 80/100%, atk, speed around 200 or better because he will start with his A3 and turn back the enemy turn meter)

2  Warmaiden maybe will better to find for her debuff (Def Debuff) and she must build with a lot of acc for be sure to place debuff

3 Kael a lot of Atk and Crite rate and Crite Damage but is better build Kael for Boss Clan (A lot of Acc, Lifesteal set if you have and speed of course you need atk too)

4. Executer for the beginer is quite good but i pref build him with lifesteal set and primary stat Def (gloves, chest in %Def) and boots stat.

5. Fortress goon is a quite good champions and a good healer for the moment (build a lot of Hp/Def and speed).

If you need more help you can find us on our Discord Server ->

Have a nice day