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Multi battle suck

Multi battle suck

Oct 2, 2019, 01:0210/02/19

Multi battle suck

Does anyone reads this messages? Multi battle is not working properly since the last 2 months and it doesn't look someone is talking care of it.
Oct 2, 2019, 01:1010/02/19

It works fine for me 

Remember that you can have only 1 maxed champion and it must be in leader spot .. any other maxed ones will be kicked out 
Oct 2, 2019, 01:2110/02/19
Oct 2, 2019, 01:22(edited)

HaKa TaKa said:

It works fine for me 

Remember that you can have only 1 maxed champion and it must be in leader spot .. any other maxed ones will be kicked out 

Quite sure that this is exactly what he is talking about. It is completely useless for any player that does not have a fully maxed farmer yet.

2 months ago before they decided to make it like this, it worked fine with even 4 maxed heroes. Also there is an option to keep going with maxed heroes, which worked before, but does not anymore.

Oct 2, 2019, 01:3010/02/19
heidenherz said:

Quite sure that this is exactly what he is talking about. It is completely useless for any player that does not have a fully maxed farmer yet.

2 months ago before they decided to make it like this, it worked fine with even 4 maxed heroes. Also there is an option to keep going with maxed heroes, which worked before, but does not anymore.

yep  but from  plarium point of view it is not a bug  but  how they programmed the feature now . so we may question its usefulness  but it is useless to report as the dev answer will be it is working just fine  , and not necessary to have maxed farmer to use it . just farm at  the highest node your farmer can beat  till you reach 12.3 or 12.4 
Oct 2, 2019, 13:2110/02/19
Hello! Initially, we made the change in the way the Multi-battle feature works to avoid losing energy on the champions that have already been maxed out. However, we do see now how this may be inconvenient, so we will return things to the previous state (players will be able to fight with champions of the max levels placed in non-leader slots) in our next release.