What are some pretty Good sets for Champions?
So like the title says, I am simply trying to figure out what are some of the good sets for champions to use in like Arena for example.
I am a rather new player, I only started earlier this month and I have gotten to the mission quest of Reaching Silver 1 in Arena.
My main champions are Athel, and Galek for damage, I also have Arcanist for buffs and currently im using Shaman for revives. This is my arena team, all are 5 stars, level 50 with everyone but Shaman max ascended.
The main thing is for me, is that I don't know what some good sets are for Arena. I have been doing a lot of campaign so I mostly have life steal gear thanks to the 7 day progress rewards for new players, and when I go into the arena I get pretty stomped on by people who are nearly equal in power to me, or sometimes even lower and I can only assume its the gear difference that is affecting it. I go to the recommended but all I can really see is glass cannon like builds that would get destroyed by a faster team.
So with that, I have come to the forums to really just ask for some tips and gear recommendations to aim towards, champions to try and get that are better in arena then what I already have, pretty much just a mini guide for what I can do to try and get to that Silver 1. I'm copper 4 right now, just at the start of it so I just need that little push more and I can get out and continue on with my missions.