help with multi-use champs
To explain the subject line, how do you handle champs that are top-tier for multiple areas of Raid but where their needed stats for each section differ?
As an example, I use Brogni in my clan boss team. I hit NM currently, and he goes last, so his speed is set at 170. Also, I've got Fatman on the team loaded with ACC and he lands def down/hp burn/poisons easily, so that allowed me to let Brogni's ACC be a little low at 140 to use gear that brought up his HP/DEF etc more, since I don't actually need him to land his HP burn at all.
But now I want to use Brogni as one of my 18 hydra champs. Suddenly his speed isn't high enough, his ACC is too low, he could prob use some RES... so how do you handle this? And also there's the masteries conundrum, where some that can reduce skill cooldowns are bad for a tuned CB team, but they could be crucial for hydra...
As a ftp player who has played for several years, I have good champs, but do I have 18 who can handle hydra while top-tier guys like Brogni sit it out? No.
What's the thinking process for champs like Brogni, or UDK, or Scyl, who can used in so many areas?
Thanks in advance, I always appreciate the advice