Kael And Galek goes with ATK and CRIT atm and have 100% Crit and 162 and 160 speed. But no lifesteel
Warmother goes with Crit % / atk / acc
Scar with Speed/Def/HP
Bloodfeather with atk/crit
Although the dmg output at this point is very low imo, but can be helped with a debuffer. Or perhaps thats the wrong way to go.
I have no healer except scar and apothecary and no def decreaser. For example Spider + Ice golem is hard with these setups but dragon , force, arcane , minotaur goes well
Clan boss is only like 4M in Normal. I Guess survivability sucks with this team .
The others i have who i dont use or ranked up is Hordin , Apothecary, Bellower Oathbound, Lightsworn, Zelotah, Nazana,