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Potion Keeps are a Joke!

Potion Keeps are a Joke!

Aug 24, 2019, 00:5208/24/19

Potion Keeps are a Joke!

I had a mission to collect 5 Super Arcane Potions.

The reward you get for collecting 5 Super Potions is 150 energy.

It took me around 1k+ energy to get 5 Super Potions Farming level 15 Arcane Keep?

I am Farming the Max Level!

This can’t be working as intended.

I don’t see why a person Farming the max level has to burn up 1k Energy to collect 150?

Potion Missions are not even realistic.

Can we remove something from level 15 Potion keeps?

  • Lesser Potions 
  • XP Brews
  • Green Shards
Don’t you agree that a person who is able to Farm the highest possible level should get drops rewards which match there present situation?

When I was low level player Farming the beginning levels of Potion keeps, I didn’t mind getting Lesser Potions, XP Brews, & Green Shards.

Those drops all helped me in my current state at the time.

I currently am Farming lvl 15 Arcane Keep, I’m clearly looking for a Super Potion, Medium Potions, or Ancient Shards.

I shouldn’t have to get rewards similar to what beginning players Farming stage 5 are getting lol.

I don’t want XP Brews.

I would prefer Rank Up Chickens.

Medium Potions, Super Potions, Ancient Shards, & Rank Up Chickens

Don’t you think this could be a more fitting drop reward for a player who is farming higher stages?

Lesser Potions, Meduim Potions, Mystery Shards, & XP Brews

Don’t you think this could be a more fitting drop reward for a player who is farming lower stages?

I feel like farming stage 15 is utterly useless.

My mission basically forced me to Farm Stage 15.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have even done it.

I think the game needs to relook at the Potion Dungeons.

I think something needs to be changed.

Aug 24, 2019, 07:0408/24/19

I think something is bugged or they nerfed it .  

 i just spent 500 energy for 2 superior potions.  The events used to offer the arcane potions so farming was not required as much but they have been gone for awhile.   

Aug 24, 2019, 09:2008/24/19
Aug 24, 2019, 09:21(edited)

Topic mentioned many times before. I agree with you in 100%.

Now let's answer you from typical 'plarium' point of view:

Player J said:

Can we remove something from level 15 Potion keeps?

'No. Give monies.'

Don’t you agree that a person who is able to Farm the highest possible level should get drops rewards which match there present situation?

'No. Gibbe monies.'

I currently am Farming lvl 15 Arcane Keep, I’m clearly looking for a Super Potion, Medium Potions, or Ancient Shards.

I shouldn’t have to get rewards similar to what beginning players Farming stage 5 are getting lol.

I don’t want XP Brews.

I would prefer Rank Up Chickens.

'and we prefer to fok your drops up to frustrate you and bored you to death so maybe you will buy them for real monies.'

Medium Potions, Super Potions, Ancient Shards, & Rank Up Chickens

Don’t you think this could be a more fitting drop reward for a player who is farming higher stages?

'No. Give us more monies.'

Lesser Potions, Meduim Potions, Mystery Shards, & XP Brews

Don’t you think this could be a more fitting drop reward for a player who is farming lower stages?

'No. Did we already mention that you can give us your monies?'

I think the game needs to relook at the Potion Dungeons.

I think something needs to be changed.

'We dont care but you can give us more monies.'

..and my personal favorite

This can’t be working as intended.

'But it is. Now stfu and give us monies.'

Hopefully I helped you more (or probably same) as typical plarium responds.

Aug 25, 2019, 02:4008/25/19

The next mission I had is to Farm 5 Super Magic Potions!


This is so ridiculous.

I farmed for 5 Super Magic Potion on Stage 15.

It took me all day.

I finally completed the mission 5 mins before the game reset!

This is utterly ridiculous.
Mar 6, 2021, 18:3303/06/21

Well, I see that this is dated from 2019 and they pay no more attention to it then they do in the forums or reddit... at least they don't close them after 5 minutes like they seem to on reddit. But it's clear Plarium pay absolutely no attention to anything that they've turned over to pay to win or suffer Vegas skewed RNG (the player never wins). the only reason no whales play is because they have obsessive compulsive disorders like me. 

Mar 6, 2021, 18:5803/06/21

750 energy in Force Keep and I got ONE Superior Pot .................


                    March 2021

Mar 6, 2021, 19:4003/06/21

Farm  level  10/11/12  I  always  get  lots  of  superior  potions  from  there.  In  fact  they  are  the  only  levels  i  farm  for  superior  potions.  

Mar 6, 2021, 21:0403/06/21

I totally agree, potion dungeons have an issue for sure.