Tag team arena
Hi, could somebody help me with how tag team arena match ups are worked out. I find that refresh after refresh you seem to get pretty much the same match ups. This isn't the case in the other arena battles, so why does this happen in tag team? Pretty much convinced that everyone in silver 1 is level 100, I find tag team pretty tedious at the best of times but need to progress for mission. Also it's pretty rum to spend jems on a refresh only for the same teams to reappear. Perhaps its always been this way, before this quest came up I just went skip, skip, skip to complete my daily quests. Tag rewards are tat (gold bars) giving little reward for battles that can last 10 - 15 minutes. Not got the time for this, nor the inclination. May seem like a bit of a rant, but would really like to know if other people have the same teams turn up time and time again.