On auto, she's better, because you can't control Warchief's targeting. On manual, she's generally harder to use if she is your only provoker, because you can't easily control whether Decay has five debuffs, but provides much more value overall than Warchief does.
should she change the hydra team you suggested a while back ? Or should she go in 2nd hydra key team ?
The one I gave you here ?
If so, I think she's a decent candidate to replace Warchief for that team, yeah. You've got a lot of debuffs coming from everyone else, so you shouldn't need to rely too much on her own ones. Might require a few restarts to get the initial ball rolling, but especially on manual, it should work well.
I love Kantra, absolute staple of my NM team but as Kram pointed out she needs a bit of support. Also I recommend running a back up provoke option if youve got one. Husk works really well since he doubles as a damage dealer, or someone in a provoke set.
Husk would work great since i have 2 built (2 gnuts too and sadly no acryzia :P)