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Problem with Clan Quest

Problem with Clan Quest

Oct 24, 2023, 15:1510/24/23

Problem with Clan Quest

First of all, can someone please block the spammers advertising porn sites?

Thank you.

Now, the problem I'm having is with the Clan Quest where you have to place 10 Simultaneous Debuffs on the Fire Knight?

This is a pain, because I always reduce him to 0 hp before I get 10 individual stacks. Does anyone have any suggestions that does not involve switching armor for the whole team?

Oct 24, 2023, 15:1710/24/23

I mean just use a slower team, that has time to stack debuffs?

Oct 24, 2023, 15:1910/24/23

I mean just use a slower team, that has time to stack debuffs?

Sigh... If I knew how to do THAT would I be posting here?

Come on, people, is there seriously some code of silence on this game that forbids sharing strategies?

Oct 24, 2023, 15:3310/24/23
Oct 24, 2023, 15:33(edited)

the irony of the user name is not lost on me here 🤔

jokes aside, evilized gave you a strategy. If you want hyper specific options based around your champions, you'd probably want to post you roster to get said answers.

I usually go with poisons on the 10 debuff quest.

Oct 24, 2023, 15:3710/24/23

the irony of the user name is not lost on me here 🤔

jokes aside, evilized gave you a strategy. If you want hyper specific options based around your champions, you'd probably want to post you roster to get said answers.

I usually go with poisons on the 10 debuff quest.

Samsies.  Even if it's run a low level on manual for the one run.  Usually use someone that places a ton of debuffs without a hit so killing the boss isn't a concern.

Oct 24, 2023, 15:5310/24/23
Oct 24, 2023, 15:54(edited)

I dunno folks, maybe after scouring the net for an hour, then deciding to bite the bullet by coming here (hoping to find advice), logging on, putting in a Two-Factor authentication code to prove its me, having to open a second email with a warning that I had logged in (again confirming it was me) coming here and seeing dozens of posts advertising brothels in Dubai... I kind of expected more than folks stating the obvious or telling me to figure it out myself.

Silly me, huh? Expecting actual help on the actual game's forum...

Oct 24, 2023, 15:5510/24/23

I don't think any of us really understand what exactly you're being blocked by. Is it your team comp? Personally, I used to run a team with Lydia + Coldheart + Skarg + Cruetraxa + Nethril, and placing 10 debuffs wasn't a problem at all.

Maybe your team comp doesn't have enough debuffer champs? If so, you can try to work around that by putting a Toxic set on someone.

Oct 24, 2023, 16:0110/24/23
Oct 24, 2023, 16:03(edited)

To be clear here, so I'm understanding correctly:

The answer is extremely obvious - including to you - but you either can't or won't do it, have been sparse with details on your end and it is the forums fault somehow? That's fairly confusing to me considering there have been suggestions that don't involve changing gear.

Oct 24, 2023, 16:0310/24/23

Also, from my memory, this quest can be done on Stage 15. Should be fairly easy to run a different team there who is just built to place debuffs, since the boss itself should be fairly easy to clear on 15, assuming you're already able to do 20.

Oct 24, 2023, 16:1110/24/23

So when I choose the ten simultaneous debuffs, I run a team that keeps the turn meter down but takes longer with less damage.  I don't know who you have, but on Lvl 20 I use Visix, Coldheart, Lyssandra, Warlord and Fatman.  Hope that helps, but the turn meter vs damage discussion is the one you need to have with your teams.

Oct 24, 2023, 16:1510/24/23
Oct 24, 2023, 16:17(edited)

Krama, Sizzle, thank you, THAT is what I needed - suggestions by posters who base their replies on their own experience.  See, while I don't have Lyssandra, I do have  Visix and Warlord, and would not have even thought of them had I not come here. 

Everyone else, well, I hope I don't get suspended from saying this, but you are simply confirming what is wrong with these forums, a big reason why this game has gotten so frustrating. What is the point of a forum if you are going to be as unhelpful as possible in your replies?

Oct 24, 2023, 16:5110/24/23

What is the point indeed? Maybe it's just to insult people who try to help, but don't help posters exactly the right way, whatever that happens to be. haha

Oct 24, 2023, 16:5410/24/23
Oct 24, 2023, 17:01(edited)

Krama, Sizzle, thank you, THAT is what I needed - suggestions by posters who base their replies on their own experience.  See, while I don't have Lyssandra, I do have  Visix and Warlord, and would not have even thought of them had I not come here. 

Everyone else, well, I hope I don't get suspended from saying this, but you are simply confirming what is wrong with these forums, a big reason why this game has gotten so frustrating. What is the point of a forum if you are going to be as unhelpful as possible in your replies?

Me: if you want specific advice you should probably provide more details, like your roster

You: doesn't provide more information, pontificates about why you aren't getting exactly the advice you want (which you weren't clear about in the first place)

Suggestions going forward: be specific with what you want, try to be less abrasive and toxic when you don't get the exact answers you're looking for to very unclear questions. If you're looking for posters to match their knowledge and experiences to what you've got to work with, logic dictates that providing them with the necessary information will facilitate that. 

Oct 24, 2023, 18:0310/24/23

Me: if you want specific advice you should probably provide more details, like your roster

You: doesn't provide more information, pontificates about why you aren't getting exactly the advice you want (which you weren't clear about in the first place)

Suggestions going forward: be specific with what you want, try to be less abrasive and toxic when you don't get the exact answers you're looking for to very unclear questions. If you're looking for posters to match their knowledge and experiences to what you've got to work with, logic dictates that providing them with the necessary information will facilitate that. 

All of OPs posts follow this trend. Refuses to post any specifics and gets angry when given vague responses, or angry over gear advice when specifics have been posted.

Oct 24, 2023, 20:5010/24/23
Oct 24, 2023, 20:52(edited)

Do you have Tomb Lord? He is a beast for this quest. I use him for it when I grab that one. A2 places 4 Poisons, A3 does no damage but places Dec Atk + Dec Def.  That's 6 debuffs in 2 turns. His A1 is a triple hitter that does Dec Speed. Good for breaking FK shield and dec his speed. 

I tend to go A2 - > A3 -> Emic A2 to reduce CD -> A2 again that is all 10. Then just finish off FK. 

Go through your champs and find ones that place multiple debuffs at the same time or places Debuffs without doing damage if you are having issues killing it while building to 10.

Oct 25, 2023, 03:3410/25/23


May 8, 2024, 13:0205/08/24
May 8, 2024, 13:03(edited)

Here is the Team I used  to get the Elite ClanQuest for the first time today. Achieved by trial and error (which is what I do in Hydra  - but in dungeons you waste energy) as there is little useful help online, anywhere. I used about 4 variations of teams (I could not get Venomage @ Lvl 50 - weak gear,  to land one debuff  before getting wiped out by Fyro). 

Kael (Lead): Scyl; Coldheart; Mordecai; Frozen Banshee. They were too fast for Stage 10. Mordecai and Frozen Banshee are at Level 50; the rest are Level 60 with masteries; all champs have blessings.

