In the future, it would be better to post this sorted by level, and not by affinity.
I think you need to build an actual CB team. I don't really see one from the 60's you have right now.
From what I can tell, you should be running a standard 1:1 rotation, speeds between 170 and 189, using:
I run now:
- Royal Guard (DEF down, MAX HP damage)
- Gnishak Verminlord (ATK down, bombs/poison)
- Orn (poison)
- Ultimate Deathknight (DEF aura, ATK down , heal)
- Apothecary (speed, heal)
it gives me 3-key CB Nightmare, or 4-key if "green" (spirit) affinity
I'm pretty stuck on Stage 16 Spider ("green"), Stage 20 Golem ("green") - therefore feel like some strengthening against "green" affinity would be nice.
P.S. I'll check you CB proposition. Thank you!