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 Well done Plarium

Well done Plarium

Aug 9, 2019, 20:3308/09/19

Well done Plarium

I must give credit where credit is due and if ever there was a game company deserving of due credit, it would be Plarium.

In the last update you guys managed to fix something that wasn't broken and leave it badly broken, nerf a champion by improving it, over nerf a useful champion that really needed no nerfing, and drop team power ratings with no explanation.

I know I missed a few deserving "improvements". If I did could someone please point them out?

Seriously  people, did ANYONE ever complain that the team leader was dropping from multi-battles? I never saw it happen. NEVER. And I would bet that nobody ever saw it happen. So, please explain how you guys managed to write code to make sure the leader doesn't get dropped if he achieves max level and end up with code that drops champs that are max level? How is that even possible? It defys logic. Then again, logical is not a word that has ever been used to describe Plarium. Never. Ever.

Steel Bowyer. Yes. She was a bit op. Now she's essentially useless. A 7 turn skill cd that can be 5, eventually. It takes 21 tomes for that to happen. 21. On a rare champ. TWENTY ONE. Let that sink in for a minute. Twenty one. You could have adjusted her dps. BUT NOOOO! You had to wreck her. A multi attack skill that was useful vs fk and cb is now useless. You double nerfed 1 skill. How do you guys decide these things? Do you make a list of the worst things you can do to a champ and then implement them? That's how it looks from here.

I don't have Tomb Lord, but from what I have read you managed to turn meh into meh. Wow. Impressive.

My usual arena team dropped from just over 40k power to just over 37k. How? What did you guys do?

Equipped gear can now be destroyed free of charge. This one really is the worst new "feature" in the update. The absolute worst. How high and or drunk was the group that decided this was necessary? Was there ever once a suggestion from any player that posited the idea that this would somehow be a useful feature? No? Hmmm. I wonder why that is. Maybe it's because we don't  want to throw gear away. We SELL that which is useless. SELL. SELL. SELL! Let that sink in. We SELL useless gear. We don't equip it. We sell it. That which we equip is useful. We upgrade it. When better comes along we remove and replace it. That which is removed can be equipped on a different champ or sold. But to DESTROY it should never be an option. NEVER. The accidental destruction of gear should never be possible. NEVER! That needs to be removed immediately. I don't care if you have double or triple checks. Outright destruction of equipped gear should NEVER have been implemented. NEVER!

Double Dwarf Time. So far it looks more like double or nothing. Nothing here so far. 1 on the alt. 30 some shards. No dwarf. How is that double?

Yes, there are several gripes here. Well deserved gripes. Why? Well, at times it seems like you want everyone to rage quit. You guys ALWAYS over nerf. Why not try small adjustments first? Like with Steel Bowyer. Her Big Game skill could have been dropped to 2 attacks. But no, you made it one attack AND increased the
cd. A double nerf. Oh, the multiplier was increased too. Really? How can we tell? A .0000000000001 increase, while technically an increase, isn't REALLY an increase. Mine is just level 40. She'll stay there. I see no reason to bother with her. Eventually her gear will get reused. Not destroyed, re-used. Maybe sold, but NOT destroyed.

Yes, you added new events. While I look forward to them as a variation in the monotony, they really are just the same thing. And they should have been added a long time ago. The Dungeon Diver event and all of the new and old dungeon boss events should give points for any and all loot gained. Silver, brews, champions, potions, artifacts and accessories are all loot and should all count in these events. And the rewards should match the effort required. 1 tome as a max reward is insulting. Q O L! 

Plarium, you folks really need to read the player suggestions, make a list of them all, insert several in-game polls to get a good idea of what we, the players, would like to see implemented and then implement them. If you have features you want to include, let us decide on a few of them. I suspect that item destruction would have been voted off the island.

We like the game. We enjoy the game. We care about the game. So quit messing up the game.

Aug 9, 2019, 23:3308/09/19

I gave you +1 internet for wall of text.

But beside that - no one care, especially plarium.

Aug 10, 2019, 01:2608/10/19

Plarium may not care, but I do.  Particularly the part where I can't have a team of max champions anymore.  So basically, I don't get the same opportunities to beat a campaign on hard or brutal that so many others got.  That's just beyond stupid, and may be a game breaker for me.  I should be able to fight these campaign battles with a team consisting of all the characters I worked hard to max.  Period.  This change makes zero sense to me.  I don't ragequit games.  I put a lot of thought into whether I'm going to quit or not.  Besides this change, I'm pretty much happy with the game, though I am not happy with the the over nerfing into oblivion thing.  I'm so happy I didn't put any effort into my Steel Bowyer, yet.  And now I won't, because it's pointless.  She's become food.  

It's a real shame I can't play the champions I choose to play anymore.  Is that change enough for me to quit the game?  I don't know yet.  But I will suspend spending money on the game until I do decide.  
Aug 11, 2019, 14:2508/11/19
Gejzer just reads posts and then announces that the company doesn't care or announces that it is stating the obvious. Get a new hobby gejzer. 
Aug 11, 2019, 16:3408/11/19

Boooradley said:

Gejzer just reads posts and then announces that the company doesn't care or announces that it is stating the obvious. Get a new hobby gejzer. 

Aug 11, 2019, 16:5208/11/19
Aug 11, 2019, 16:53(edited)

AlWeMaX said:

I must give credit where credit is due and if ever there was a game company deserving of due credit, it would be Plarium.

In the last update you guys managed to fix something that wasn't broken and leave it badly broken, nerf a champion by improving it, over nerf a useful champion that really needed no nerfing, and drop team power ratings with no explanation.

I know I missed a few deserving "improvements". If I did could someone please point them out?

Seriously  people, did ANYONE ever complain that the team leader was dropping from multi-battles? I never saw it happen. NEVER. And I would bet that nobody ever saw it happen. So, please explain how you guys managed to write code to make sure the leader doesn't get dropped if he achieves max level and end up with code that drops champs that are max level? How is that even possible? It defys logic. Then again, logical is not a word that has ever been used to describe Plarium. Never. Ever.

Steel Bowyer. Yes. She was a bit op. Now she's essentially useless. A 7 turn skill cd that can be 5, eventually. It takes 21 tomes for that to happen. 21. On a rare champ. TWENTY ONE. Let that sink in for a minute. Twenty one. You could have adjusted her dps. BUT NOOOO! You had to wreck her. A multi attack skill that was useful vs fk and cb is now useless. You double nerfed 1 skill. How do you guys decide these things? Do you make a list of the worst things you can do to a champ and then implement them? That's how it looks from here.

I don't have Tomb Lord, but from what I have read you managed to turn meh into meh. Wow. Impressive.

My usual arena team dropped from just over 40k power to just over 37k. How? What did you guys do?

Equipped gear can now be destroyed free of charge. This one really is the worst new "feature" in the update. The absolute worst. How high and or drunk was the group that decided this was necessary? Was there ever once a suggestion from any player that posited the idea that this would somehow be a useful feature? No? Hmmm. I wonder why that is. Maybe it's because we don't  want to throw gear away. We SELL that which is useless. SELL. SELL. SELL! Let that sink in. We SELL useless gear. We don't equip it. We sell it. That which we equip is useful. We upgrade it. When better comes along we remove and replace it. That which is removed can be equipped on a different champ or sold. But to DESTROY it should never be an option. NEVER. The accidental destruction of gear should never be possible. NEVER! That needs to be removed immediately. I don't care if you have double or triple checks. Outright destruction of equipped gear should NEVER have been implemented. NEVER!

Double Dwarf Time. So far it looks more like double or nothing. Nothing here so far. 1 on the alt. 30 some shards. No dwarf. How is that double?

Yes, there are several gripes here. Well deserved gripes. Why? Well, at times it seems like you want everyone to rage quit. You guys ALWAYS over nerf. Why not try small adjustments first? Like with Steel Bowyer. Her Big Game skill could have been dropped to 2 attacks. But no, you made it one attack AND increased the
cd. A double nerf. Oh, the multiplier was increased too. Really? How can we tell? A .0000000000001 increase, while technically an increase, isn't REALLY an increase. Mine is just level 40. She'll stay there. I see no reason to bother with her. Eventually her gear will get reused. Not destroyed, re-used. Maybe sold, but NOT destroyed.

Yes, you added new events. While I look forward to them as a variation in the monotony, they really are just the same thing. And they should have been added a long time ago. The Dungeon Diver event and all of the new and old dungeon boss events should give points for any and all loot gained. Silver, brews, champions, potions, artifacts and accessories are all loot and should all count in these events. And the rewards should match the effort required. 1 tome as a max reward is insulting. Q O L! 

Plarium, you folks really need to read the player suggestions, make a list of them all, insert several in-game polls to get a good idea of what we, the players, would like to see implemented and then implement them. If you have features you want to include, let us decide on a few of them. I suspect that item destruction would have been voted off the island.

We like the game. We enjoy the game. We care about the game. So quit messing up the game.

double dwarves: there's a thing called rng, it wan't "guaranteed" dwarves, but double, rng still take's it's place there.

Destroy function: it need's a warning message, but what if the piece of gear on them is now useless? you don't take it off to sell it, destroying it is a much better option.

Tomblord: the buff made him into something extremely overpowered and had to have that 1 ability re-nerfed into it's proper state.

SteelBowyer: the  nerf have may of been a little over done, but she was very overpowered for her rarity, she's more in-line with a rare [non void] and her attack based on enemy max hp may only be 1 now, but the increased damage to it IS noticable. 

Power: stats power gain was reworked to better show how strong a champion is, things like RESIST gave massive boosts.

multi-battle: i get what you're saying, but it's mainly used to level food and take them out after reaching lvl thirty, there's an option there to not be taken out once maxed level as well.

All in all, i'm only trying to help, what you wish to think is up to you. There's a few things there you need to research on before posting.

Aug 11, 2019, 19:0908/11/19

Dragon Claws said:

SteelBowyer: the  nerf have may of been a little over done, but she was very overpowered for her rarity, she's more in-line with a rare [non void] and her attack based on enemy max hp may only be 1 now, but the increased damage to it IS noticable. 

The nerf "may have been a little overdone"? The nerf made her absolute trash. Look at her reviews in game. All bad, all down, SB had ONE good skill and that 1 skill got nerfed to oblivion. Her other 2 skills are worthless....what are you gaining from decreased accuracy and a self heal..both are useless or underwhelming in most cases. She was too good for her rarity? Well then..maybe instead of shitting on everyone who already invested, including before that ridiculous forum post announcement, which nobody read, increase her rarity or how about you took her out of the game till you fixed her? But no, you let her stay, let everyone waste money, resources and time into her progression just to give us this absolute garbage. I don't know if you even have her, but your statement that her damage IS noticable is so ridiculous, I had to laugh...there are dozens of testimonials of players who do have her maxed and compared her damage, I also noticed a huge decline in her damage and there is nothing "noticable increased". Stop trying to fool everyone here it's getting dreadful to listen to the same excuses over and over.

Where are the refunds for everyone who invested in her??