Who should I be using in my Hydra A, B and C teams?
Trying to get more consistent in using 3 Hydra keys efficiently. I've gotten to the point where I can hit Brutal, usually close to the top chest, but not always, and I can easily top chest Hard nowadays.
Here is my current Hydra A team.
* Kantra is in Relentless 59k HP, 4.4k def, 212 speed, 270 acc
* Lydia 65k HP, 4k def, 256 speed, 380 acc
* Mithrala is 66k hp, 4k def, 252 speed, 600 acc
* Shamael is Provoke set (backup), 52k hp, 2.5k def, 50% cr, 75% cdmg, kinda just mainly for Head of Torment counter.
* Michi is 42k hp, 5.6k def, 179 speed (in Clan boss), 100% cr, 200% cdmg, 320 acc
* Gnut is 40k hp, 3.7k def, 232 speed, 100% cr, 230% cdmg, 365 acc.
Gnut surprisingly didn't go crazy hard, and wondering if I should switch out to someone like Walking Tomb or potentially someone else. What Gnut does REALLY well is he can focus the head that eats someone. That's definitely one of his strong points.
As I transition this team to being more brutal efficient, I'm looking for pointers in this team synergy as well as how my B and C teams could look. I'm also likely going to use the new fusion Strategos Islin for a defensive buffer on one of the teams.