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How does silver cost actually work?

How does silver cost actually work?

Sep 16, 2023, 05:4009/16/23

How does silver cost actually work?

For a while now I have only been doing the daily, weekly and monthly quest. Trying to let things build up. Meantime, I was saving up gems for the $4 million silver purchase. Only thing I'm spending silver on is the aforementioned quests. I could do the required upgrades with $700,000 without too much damage. Two days ago I purchased the $4 million silver. Today I have $1,742,000. Does your system cause even more failed upgrades when we have more silver? Logically, there can't be another answer. Explain how doing the basic quest upgrades leaves me with silver in a normal situation but I've lost more than $2 million in two days, doing tha exact same upgrades? Starting to wonder how much you're cheating us.

Sep 16, 2023, 05:5709/16/23

You should understand that upgrading items is NOT based on fixed costs but on a randomize success roll.

The higher you level up your artifacts, the higher the costs will also be.

So it could be that you need only a few hundred k to level up an artifact to could also be you need 2-3 million silver. 

It is a randomized approach...

Oh, and never buy silver with energy and run spider dungeons to sell the unwanted accessoires...

Sep 16, 2023, 05:5709/16/23

silver  is a huge resource to manage correctly in this game

to level up 1 piece of gear from lvl 1 to lvl 16 you can expect to spend between 1.5 and 2.5  million silver  on average / on a bad day maybe closer to 3 million

silver can be easily farmed  in the game with energy  by running campaign 12/3 brutal 100s  of times while leveling up champions then selling all that gear (shields)

Another favorite to farm is the Spider Dungeon and selling unwanted loot as well as these  items will give the  most silver  but a tougher component of the game to farm for   newer accounts

experienced  players do not buy silver. They farm it as a general rule as  its easy to farm 10s  of  millions  of silver  in just a few  hrs  of  game play

Sep 16, 2023, 06:0109/16/23

There is a nonzero chance that there is some fishy "IF goldamount > X THEN" but most likely its just bad rng, jewellery upgrades cost more than armor upgrades and can chew through gold faster than fat kid through cookie store