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Need help with direction - more inside

Need help with direction - more inside

Sep 11, 2023, 19:1009/11/23

Need help with direction - more inside

Guys, just to fell you what are circumatances:

- 1 key UNM CB

- working towards Hard DT, currently floor 70, I belive I can manage to get up to 90.

- about 695/945 stars in FW, with few finished and few barley touched

- 1 key Hard Hydra

What I need you Ask? 

First of all I would like to know opiniom of more expirenced players which leggo should I book. Below is list of unbooked leggos. 


Then I would like to know your opinion of which Epic should I max next. I am thinking about Thylessia or Husk but maybe I have a hidden gem somewhere in there.

Roster below.




And my last concern is about further progres into the game - Hydra especcially. Below is my team that let me 1 key Hard. I am looking for a guidance about how to improve there, what is my best team (perhaps mentioned earlier Husk or Thylessia can have some use) and when should I move to Brutal.And my last concern is about further progres into the game - Hydra especcially. Below is my team that let me 1 key Hard. I am looking for a guidance about how to improve there, what is my best team (perhaps mentioned earlier Husk or Thylessia can have some use) and when should I move to Brutal.


Sep 11, 2023, 19:2909/11/23

First thing's first - your priority should be clearing DTH. That's far more important than Hydra. What's your current DTH team? What are you blocked by?

In terms of Hydra team comp - you should easily be able to get much more than that. Graazur is a beast. I'd just swap out Skraank for Artak. What kind of problems are you encountering on Hard Hydra?

Sep 11, 2023, 19:4409/11/23

First thing's first - your priority should be clearing DTH. That's far more important than Hydra. What's your current DTH team? What are you blocked by?

In terms of Hydra team comp - you should easily be able to get much more than that. Graazur is a beast. I'd just swap out Skraank for Artak. What kind of problems are you encountering on Hard Hydra?

I guess it is mainly limited by Hydra eating my champs at some point. Skeuramis was lat  Man alive at round 130 or something.

In regard to DTH in last rotation Boss on floor 90 was my limit. Celestial Grypphin iirc. He just outdamaged most of my team. In this rotation I finished normal first and now doing 10 floors each day so so far no troubles.

Sep 11, 2023, 19:4909/11/23

Husk is hydra God.  Build 3 of them if u can

Sep 12, 2023, 09:5109/12/23

Husk is hydra God.  Build 3 of them if u can

So how would you build Hydra team given my account and my champs?

Sep 12, 2023, 11:4309/12/23

So how would you build Hydra team given my account and my champs?

If youre 1 keying Hard Hydra probably time to at least attempt a higher difficulty.

Tuha / Uugo / Graazur / Husk / Artak / Oella would be a strong team with a good mix of damage and support to try out.