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Money Talks, MYTHICAL milk that cash cow

Money Talks, MYTHICAL milk that cash cow

Sep 7, 2023, 12:0909/07/23

Money Talks, MYTHICAL milk that cash cow

About time to look for a New Game thats not a Casher Completely Wins all the time 

Last Couple Big Updates have been Just about the MONEY GRAB 

Not Bad took RAID basically 4 years of playing before it is now, 

Basically not going to be worth playing even just for fun, MONEY TALKS, F2P WALKS 

Sep 7, 2023, 12:5809/07/23

Best of luck in your future endeavors.

Sep 7, 2023, 13:2509/07/23

I just don't get it. I mean I'd love to open one shard at 0.05% and snag a mythical.  But I don't see how not getting one is going to ruin my game????

Sep 7, 2023, 15:4609/07/23

I just don't get it. I mean I'd love to open one shard at 0.05% and snag a mythical.  But I don't see how not getting one is going to ruin my game????

you will start seeing them in game in a few weeks because Cash is King 

and the cashers will start getting them fast

gotta buy that next new thing with daddies CC 

Sep 7, 2023, 16:1909/07/23

you will start seeing them in game in a few weeks because Cash is King 

and the cashers will start getting them fast

gotta buy that next new thing with daddies CC 

Yes but why does it matter?  So Krakens get them all, whales get some, some time spenders may get one and FTP will for the most part get none

But how does it impact on you?  It's not a pay to WIN game, it's pay to progress, spend and you get to endgame quicker then all you have left is buying new stuff, the only two places it can possibly impact on your gameplay are the Arenas, specifically TAG as the get to Gold 1 mission is pretty much impossible.  

So, enjoy the game, when you get a legendary rejoice if it's a good one, shrug if it's not, Mythical champs shouldn't bother the ftp player base at all

Sep 7, 2023, 16:3009/07/23

Thats not problem, if someone can pay for any contents or for other else. But when the biggest valued Shard can give the worst crap rare heroes... 

Sep 8, 2023, 16:3409/08/23

Yes but why does it matter?  So Krakens get them all, whales get some, some time spenders may get one and FTP will for the most part get none

But how does it impact on you?  It's not a pay to WIN game, it's pay to progress, spend and you get to endgame quicker then all you have left is buying new stuff, the only two places it can possibly impact on your gameplay are the Arenas, specifically TAG as the get to Gold 1 mission is pretty much impossible.  

So, enjoy the game, when you get a legendary rejoice if it's a good one, shrug if it's not, Mythical champs shouldn't bother the ftp player base at all

The irritating part is the fact that the biggest percentage on mythical shards are for a rare champ. Hell, even sacred shards don't have a chance at a rare. It is like, what's the point. For me, it diminishes new crystal and the champs you can supposedly pull from it.The ONLY point for a shard with a cool new name is pure cash. They add the rare in the pull pool because they know people will spend more knowing the chance is so minuscul. I play this game in my downtime at work or when I have nothing else to do at home. I have spent money on this game. However, I haven't in at least a year and a half. It's not worth it. But, they got something out of me I guess.

Sep 8, 2023, 17:0309/08/23
Sep 8, 2023, 17:04(edited)

I wont be chasing the shards and the myth champs.  There is enough PVE content where I can still progress without them.  I dont see them as being make or break champs.  There will be vids showing how to beat them with rares eventually.  

If they are OP, they will be nerfed.  

Sep 8, 2023, 20:3409/08/23

Its all bs only mega whales will get them and even then some of them said they wont buy them i got a guy on my clan he have 33 mili player power he is one of them he said he wont spend over 2000 just to get one champ i dont blame him just another way they try to pull money out from peeps the game is going down hill more youtubers a quiting as well congrats raid you done good lol again !!!

Sep 9, 2023, 04:4609/09/23

For whales? Just see MacChan youtube channel. He was a big spender, Raid content creator. He is the first Swallow, who wanna left this game because of this changes. Over 80% chances to get rares from the biggest valued shards? Oh my... This greedy creation, step over the border-line. 

Sep 9, 2023, 07:0909/09/23

I just don't get it. I mean I'd love to open one shard at 0.05% and snag a mythical.  But I don't see how not getting one is going to ruin my game????

I don't appreciate your voice of reason..... Remember, someone else having mythical champs will prevent you from doing Clan Boss and Hydra with the teams you already have beating them.... and don't forget it!

Sep 9, 2023, 07:1509/09/23

I wont be chasing the shards and the myth champs.  There is enough PVE content where I can still progress without them.  I dont see them as being make or break champs.  There will be vids showing how to beat them with rares eventually.  

If they are OP, they will be nerfed.  

Well said Poly.

Sep 9, 2023, 10:0209/09/23

I don't appreciate your voice of reason..... Remember, someone else having mythical champs will prevent you from doing Clan Boss and Hydra with the teams you already have beating them.... and don't forget it!

Your sarcasm will go over most heads who are on fire.  Do they realize that if they quit it will only improve my RNG odds?

Sep 9, 2023, 15:3609/09/23
Sep 9, 2023, 15:40(edited)

Players krep thinking primals are even in the same category as sacreds? Or even voids? Poppycock!!!

if I had 1000 sacreds I could pull a darn good roster of leggos.

if I had 100,000 primal s I'd (currently) never be able to pull more than 4 mythical champs.

if I'm luck enough to pull a mythical, then buy 200 more primals and pulled a second, 25% it'd be a dup.  If I were lucky enough to get 2 of the mythical, bought another 200 primal and got lucky enough to get a third, 50% it'd be a dup.  If I had 3 unique mythical, bought another 200 primal and pulled another, 75% it'd be a dup.

the value of primal s may be initially high given they're the only way to get a mythical, but their value plummets quickly given the limited pool of available champs.

I imagine this is something they have considered and new mythical will be a priority.  Whose to say there will not be fusions (high bar) or even a log in.  Hell, down the road when people are hoarding (I still have my 2 free ones) I bet there'll be a guaranteed. They will need to prompt the whole concept.   I think players are jumping the gun on evaluating the whole thing.

so, if they made it where everyone gets one and then odds are high, inside 6 months all whales and even some low spenders would have all 4 and the whole damn venture would have 0 value in the business model.  Work for what you want, ignore the rest.

Sep 9, 2023, 15:4609/09/23

Best of luck in your future endeavors.

And this is way Plarium is the absolute worst consumer rated product on market...keep the glib and cavalier tude going....

Sep 9, 2023, 15:5909/09/23

I don't appreciate your voice of reason..... Remember, someone else having mythical champs will prevent you from doing Clan Boss and Hydra with the teams you already have beating them.... and don't forget it!

I'll try not to forget!

Sep 9, 2023, 16:2509/09/23
Sar48 EON

And this is way Plarium is the absolute worst consumer rated product on market...keep the glib and cavalier tude going....

I was actually being sincere.  I'm sorry you see the worst intentions in the message.

Sep 9, 2023, 16:2909/09/23

Your sarcasm will go over most heads who are on fire.  Do they realize that if they quit it will only improve my RNG odds?

Quinn being sarcastic?  Never have I seen such a thing.

Sep 9, 2023, 18:3009/09/23

Your sarcasm will go over most heads who are on fire.  Do they realize that if they quit it will only improve my RNG odds?

How exactly will anyone quitting improve your RNG odds? 

is this really how you think RNG works?

Sep 9, 2023, 18:4309/09/23

I'm at Mercy on sacred shards. please some one send me a sacred

Sep 9, 2023, 19:3509/09/23

I was actually being sincere.  I'm sorry you see the worst intentions in the message.

I suggest people look at the Plarium company, their health as a company as well as the underlying consumer rating.  sadly, they created potentially a very good game but their grift will always over rule their creativity. 

I was stupid enough to pay $100 on primal shards (8 rares + the two free shards make 10 rares) and yes, I am a "whale" and i have already moved on to another game. I will still pull the roughly 800 shards (ancient and void) and then most likely quit

Islin is garbage, the 40 sacred s i just pulled yielded no Staltus but 4 garbage dupes (hakkhorn, loraica, my 5th Hurndig and 4th foli). The shark has been jumped finally