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Who are my best champs for TTA pushing?

Who are my best champs for TTA pushing?

Sep 2, 2023, 19:3109/02/23

Who are my best champs for TTA pushing?

For refence, I'm in Silver 2 heading to Silver 3 right now. 

My current teams generally look something like this: 


"Speed team" with Arbiter > Deacon then nukers. It loses the most by far. 

My fast(er) Go-Second team with Kymar, Mithrala, Ukko and SWK (or another nuker - but I've been having a lot of fun with him)

My high resist anti-single target with UDK, Pythion, Lydia and Georgid. 

Stoneskins are UDK, Georgid. Don't have other stoneskinners right now, but I probably could. I also need to utilize my bolster pieces more efficiently. 


Champs I probably should be using (that I just got recently):

Madame, Ragash for sure. 

Any recommendations at better support type champs to slot in / change out my Arbiter team, I don't really like it at all. 

Also would love to know which champs generally synergize best with each other, or specific nukers I can be using (I have Ragash, but would probably need a better team built to support him)

Sep 2, 2023, 20:3609/02/23

All three of your teams unfortunately lack proper design. So, before I suggest new teams, let me go ahead and explain what is wrong with them.

Team 1 - You're running an old-school double booster team. But you're extremely vulnerable to a whole pile of problems, the biggest being, if you don't get all four of your champs to act before ANY of their team, there's a good chance you'll get cut into, and then it's game over. Second, you're running no debuffers, which means against very tanky teams you'll simply do nothing. Lastly, you're running no CC, so against anyone who does survive, you'll probably just flat-out lose - EG, if they have someone like a Stoneskin Duchess.

Team 2 - This team is just all over the place. You have no boosters or speed up, so you're at the mercy of just hoping your Kymar goes first. But, in order to actually reliably land CC, you'll need him at >500 ACC, and doing that while ALSO having 270+ SPD is very tricky. You also have only one damager on the team, and he isn't a great nuker at that. Ukko I guess is there for buff removal, but I'm not really sure what role Mithrala is playing on the team, since if they actually get a turn, you're pretty much dead anyway.

Team 3 - This one is the closest to a properly designed team you're running. But Lydia is totally pointless to have there. The whole point of Georgid is that he natively ignores armor. You don't need her debuffs, and you certainly don't need her buffs.

So, now to rework them:

Team 1: Run this against their tanky team, but NOT against a Mithrala team

Arbiter - 300SPD min, but you don't need to go crazy here. You're not trying to outpace another speed team, you just need to be fast enough to get your second champ to act before their team does.

Kymar - 250+ SPD ideally, but you may be able to run as slow as 240. 500+ ACC. This guy is pivotal to the team. You NEED him to land his AOE CC.

Wukong - Utility. He's here to deal with those annoying champs like Harima/etc. 200+ SPD, 500+ ACC, rest of the stats go into damage.

Ratbomber - the actual damage. ATK and ACC, nothing else matters. You don't want him to be *too* slow - 170+ SPD. 6000+ ATK, 400+ ACC. He doesn't need to win in one turn, but he does need to knock out their dangerous people.

Team 2: Run this against their speed nuke team

Pythion (lead for the aura) - You need him to be fast, so that he can save your team, but you especially need him with HIGH RES. I run mine with 260 SPD and 640 RES, which is surely out of your reach, but should give you an idea of what to aim for. 250+ SPD, 500+ RES.

UDK - slow as a rock. stats purely into HP and DEF. Other stats are irrelevant. Guardian or Stoneskin sets ideally. Bolster works too. I've mine at 106K HP and 4.5K DEF.

Ukko - helps to have a second reviver, and removing annoying buffs like Stoneskin/etc. You want her probably around 220+ SPD and 500+ ACC.

Georgid - your nuker. He won't get touched, so go with purely offensive stats. 6K+ ATK, 100% CR, 250+ CDMG. Speed is almost irrelevant, but try not to be lower than 150.

Team 3: Run this against their remaining team. It's not ideal, and has definitely aged poorly, but you don't have much of a better choice.

Cardinal - Stoneskin required. Stats aren't too important, just use your best stuff. I haven't used mine in a while, but she's got 5k HP / 3.8K DEF / 160 SPD / 560 RES

Lydia - Stats are pretty much irrelevant, just make sure she's faster than Seer

Ragash - Stats are pretty much irrelevant, just make sure he's faster than Seer

Seer - Make sure she's slowest. Stats exclusively into CR / CD

Sep 2, 2023, 22:0509/02/23
Sep 2, 2023, 22:06(edited)

All three of your teams unfortunately lack proper design. So, before I suggest new teams, let me go ahead and explain what is wrong with them.

Team 1 - You're running an old-school double booster team. But you're extremely vulnerable to a whole pile of problems, the biggest being, if you don't get all four of your champs to act before ANY of their team, there's a good chance you'll get cut into, and then it's game over. Second, you're running no debuffers, which means against very tanky teams you'll simply do nothing. Lastly, you're running no CC, so against anyone who does survive, you'll probably just flat-out lose - EG, if they have someone like a Stoneskin Duchess.

Team 2 - This team is just all over the place. You have no boosters or speed up, so you're at the mercy of just hoping your Kymar goes first. But, in order to actually reliably land CC, you'll need him at >500 ACC, and doing that while ALSO having 270+ SPD is very tricky. You also have only one damager on the team, and he isn't a great nuker at that. Ukko I guess is there for buff removal, but I'm not really sure what role Mithrala is playing on the team, since if they actually get a turn, you're pretty much dead anyway.

Team 3 - This one is the closest to a properly designed team you're running. But Lydia is totally pointless to have there. The whole point of Georgid is that he natively ignores armor. You don't need her debuffs, and you certainly don't need her buffs.

So, now to rework them:

Team 1: Run this against their tanky team, but NOT against a Mithrala team

Arbiter - 300SPD min, but you don't need to go crazy here. You're not trying to outpace another speed team, you just need to be fast enough to get your second champ to act before their team does.

Kymar - 250+ SPD ideally, but you may be able to run as slow as 240. 500+ ACC. This guy is pivotal to the team. You NEED him to land his AOE CC.

Wukong - Utility. He's here to deal with those annoying champs like Harima/etc. 200+ SPD, 500+ ACC, rest of the stats go into damage.

Ratbomber - the actual damage. ATK and ACC, nothing else matters. You don't want him to be *too* slow - 170+ SPD. 6000+ ATK, 400+ ACC. He doesn't need to win in one turn, but he does need to knock out their dangerous people.

Team 2: Run this against their speed nuke team

Pythion (lead for the aura) - You need him to be fast, so that he can save your team, but you especially need him with HIGH RES. I run mine with 260 SPD and 640 RES, which is surely out of your reach, but should give you an idea of what to aim for. 250+ SPD, 500+ RES.

UDK - slow as a rock. stats purely into HP and DEF. Other stats are irrelevant. Guardian or Stoneskin sets ideally. Bolster works too. I've mine at 106K HP and 4.5K DEF.

Ukko - helps to have a second reviver, and removing annoying buffs like Stoneskin/etc. You want her probably around 220+ SPD and 500+ ACC.

Georgid - your nuker. He won't get touched, so go with purely offensive stats. 6K+ ATK, 100% CR, 250+ CDMG. Speed is almost irrelevant, but try not to be lower than 150.

Team 3: Run this against their remaining team. It's not ideal, and has definitely aged poorly, but you don't have much of a better choice.

Cardinal - Stoneskin required. Stats aren't too important, just use your best stuff. I haven't used mine in a while, but she's got 5k HP / 3.8K DEF / 160 SPD / 560 RES

Lydia - Stats are pretty much irrelevant, just make sure she's faster than Seer

Ragash - Stats are pretty much irrelevant, just make sure he's faster than Seer

Seer - Make sure she's slowest. Stats exclusively into CR / CD

Any thoughts on putting Madame Serris into any of these lineups? 

Generally what happens with my Team 2 is that *if* I get nuked hard, both Mithrala and Ukko live, so I do revives (or SWK revives himself), and I usually have enough buffs with Mith + Ukko to nuke them out with SWK. 

Also, my current team of Pythion, UDK, Lydia and Geo basically I put against their reviver teams, so Lydia generally counters that. 

For some of my stats in general:

Pythion is 78k HP, 3200 Def, 223 speed, 464 RES

Georgid is 5.8k ATK, 100%CR, 220% CDMG, 167 speed (not great)

SWK is 4.4k ATK, 100%CR, 200% CDMG, 225 Speed, 300 ACC

UDK is 65k HP, 5,100 DEF, 142 speed, 502 RES, 220 ACC.

Arby is 329 Speed, 214 res, 40k hp, 3200 def

Just giving you a "general" sense of some of my teams. 

Sep 2, 2023, 22:0909/02/23
Sep 2, 2023, 22:11(edited)

Also does anyone like Basher, Vogoth or Ronda slot in anywhere? I've been really annoyed against a decent Basher team. 

Another thing...I have a pretty hard hitting Helicath built with about 200CDMG, I've seen people utlize Helicath before and I've definitely used him to get his passive attacks in + Block Damage

Sep 2, 2023, 22:1909/02/23

Serris is just too one-trick for most teams nowadays. She does absolutely nothing of value except remove buffs, and there are many others who do that and more. Hence using Kymar and Ukko on one team each.

Also, remember that whether or not something may work right now, it doesn't mean it'll continue to work. And I guarantee you that team 2 will just flat-out die to any decent nuke team.

Regarding using Lydia to counter revivers - again, it's a gimmick. I have her on your Cardinal team for that reason, but she really isn't meant for that role. She's meant as a debuffer and just all-around control champ with that A3.

In terms of your stats - you have a lot of work to do. Accuracy below 350 is basically irrelevant, but even at 350, you're really only running enough to debuff their nukers. Anything below 500 is not going to cut it, if the debuff is something you're relying on.

Basher is, once again, in that line of gimmicks. He does nothing but a 1-turn cooldown, which, sure, can disrupt some teams, but losing an entire champ slot just for that is not worth it.

Helicath can be okay on some teams, and you could consider putting him on that 3rd team instead of Ragash. Ragash contributes more to Seer, but Helicath may extend your team enough to win. Your choice. I'd use Ragash.

Sep 2, 2023, 23:0409/02/23
Sep 2, 2023, 23:05(edited)

Thanks Kram, I know you're a very late game player, but honestly in Silver 2, heading to Silver 3 I'm still easily debuffing people with 300+ acc. Usually people in this rank only have like 1-2 dedicated resist champs (UDK, Pythion, maybe a Duch). Outside of that, usually 300-370 is what I run in most of my teams. 

I do really appreciate the help, and I'll definitely be trying to shift my comps around. 

I did see one random comp that was using a Bolster set on a Harvest Jack to get a +30-40k bolster shield - any relevance in stacking out the Bolster sets in each of my teams?

Sep 3, 2023, 04:5109/03/23

Thanks Kram, I know you're a very late game player, but honestly in Silver 2, heading to Silver 3 I'm still easily debuffing people with 300+ acc. Usually people in this rank only have like 1-2 dedicated resist champs (UDK, Pythion, maybe a Duch). Outside of that, usually 300-370 is what I run in most of my teams. 

I do really appreciate the help, and I'll definitely be trying to shift my comps around. 

I did see one random comp that was using a Bolster set on a Harvest Jack to get a +30-40k bolster shield - any relevance in stacking out the Bolster sets in each of my teams?

The curve rises sharply. Silver 3 is just about the end of the kiddie pool. At silver 4 you have people like me, who are too lazy to keep up, and just drop down periodically and rise back up to gold again. Along with all the people trying to go from 4 to gold for the missions.

As for Bolster - sure. I have a team which runs with that. Mithrala, Mortu, Brogni, Boragar. I think Mortu is in Bolster and Boragar is in Shield. But Harvest Jack is really quite terrible unfortunately. I wouldn't invest in him. Stick the Bolster set on UDK instead.