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Thoughts of a few blessings...

Thoughts of a few blessings...

Aug 18, 2023, 13:3308/18/23

Thoughts of a few blessings...

Just a quick one to get some thoughts on a few champions that I am holding high blessings for.  I have been lucky enough to pull a few 4,5, and 6 star blessings for some epic and legendary champs and I am just hesitant to commit.  I do not have a few of the legendaries...but have thought about holding til i maybe get lucky. So just looking for some thoughts on whether to awaken or turn into essence...


5* Goffred (don't have champion)

5* Jingwon (don't have champion)

5* Tatura (don't have champion)

5* Tuemesia (don't have champion - thinking of waiting on this one)

5* Samson (don't have champion)

5* Belanor (don't have champion - thinking of waiting on this one)

4* Eolfrig (don't have champion)

4* Ursuga (don't have champion)

4* King Garog - Recent pull...not super impressed


6* Dirandil

6* Sachi

5* Kinagashi

Thanks in advance for any thoughts that you all might have.  Love this community and love getting thoughts and opinions that might just help open up perspective a little.  

Happy raiding!


Aug 18, 2023, 13:4908/18/23

Never turn lego souls into essence. Even if they arent terribly useful legos, you never know what'll happen in the future (hello Nogdar!). Same for if you don't have them.

As for the epics - the two Shadowkin ones are okay for Shadowkin FW, if you haven't done them. Either way though I'd probably hold on to the souls, the benefit of converting them probably doesn't outweigh the cost.

Aug 18, 2023, 14:1308/18/23

I am at 61 of 63 on Shadowkin.  So great thoughts.  

I currently have a 5* on my Level 50 Dirandil.  I know that he can nuke a little...just cant decide if he is worth taking to 60 and then if that 6* blessing will be worth it.  Though that takes the Cruelty or Crushing Rend into that crazy territory.

Thank you sir!

Aug 18, 2023, 14:2608/18/23

Dirandil is just okay. You'll never use him outside of FW, but for FW he isn't bad. Dark Elves though is a pretty stacked faction, and Mithrala makes it very easy to complete, so I probably wouldn't bother bringing him to 60 unless you're a hop skip and jump away from completing all FW.

Aug 18, 2023, 20:1608/18/23

Actually at 61 of 63 for Dark Elves.  But I am not so sure that Dirandil is the key there for me.  Lol.