Looks like for now your best bet is a 1:1 rotation, speeds between 170 and 189, with doompriest, yannica (disable a2 and a3), gnut, giscard, and rear guard sargent. Make sure doompriest is fastest, giscard slowest, and rear guard second slowest. Yannica needs a1 booked to get leech to land more, and probably wants the blue mastery to boost its chances too.
If you're able to hit the speeds you could run a 2:1 with Apo / HK / Rearguard / Gnut / Doompriest. Not the best team but could get you to 4 key UNM. Also 2x Ancient is this weekend so hopefully you can find some luck there.
No leech - doomie passive really enough? If not, it'll be pretty hard to make that team work without lifesteal gear...