Personally I'd do Duchess then Gnut, for the added survivability before worrying about damage. As for books that's a tougher call. I think I'd focus on Artak then Duchess, them Gnut but their really isn't a bad wa to go.
Hi, I don't want to make a new topic. I am thinking about artifact sets for Gnut and considering Relentless set or Savage set. What do you think? I will probably make better stats with Savage set.
A good source for these kind of answer is also the website of Hellhades or ayumi . There are tons of videons on youtube about most of the better champs...
Hi, I don't want to make a new topic. I am thinking about artifact sets for Gnut and considering Relentless set or Savage set. What do you think? I will probably make better stats with Savage set.
Don't worry about sets. Focus on making sure the items have the right stats.