We need a more efficient way of turning shards into champ training points
Like - I'm capped, now, on space. 400/400/300. No more room to buy more. And of that space, the vast majority is food.
Yes, sure, you can argue I could clear out a pile of space by turning my rares or even epics that are copies / singletons into food, but that'd just kick the problem down the curb further.
The root of the problem is that, at a certain point, there simply is no need to make new 6* champs. You don't benefit at all, except purely for the sake of points for champ training. And that causes a massive headache for events such as today, where I spent like an hour summoning shards, going into the tavern, and upgrading them with brews.
The real answer is addressing the fact that there isn't any point in leveling champs once you reach a certain point in the game, but that would be far too difficult to address. The simple answer would be to just streamline the upgrade process.
Rather than having to scroll, select champs, upgrade, scroll, select champs, upgrade, etc - let us do them all in one click. Select the champ you want to upgrade, select the rank you want to upgrade it to, and then select the champs you want to use. Use a similar UI to the fusion one - in tavern, when you click the champ to upgrade and select the rank, your view transforms into a fusion-esque one, where you place the upgrade-food champs into slots, and select a type of brew to get the champ to that level you need. Have a checkbox that says "show only level 1 champs", so that we don't need to scroll past a million others.
I'm not great at art, but here's my best attempt: