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Lydia Star Increase

Lydia Star Increase

Jul 6, 2023, 16:4807/06/23

Lydia Star Increase

Darn you Plarium . Darn you to heck. Seriously, I was 14 stars away from acquiring Lydia and slowly eeking my way forward and you decided to push her even further away from my reach! Why on earth did you simply not leave her at the reward level she was, and then just add some cool other rewards, like leggo books and sacred shards, so that progression in the new crypt would still have advantages. I really think this would have made nearly everyone happy, because you wouldn't be wronging people like me and would still be rewarding those who continue beyond that point. But NOOOO, you had to make it even more impossible for me to get a champ I've been trying to work to for over a year now. Sometimes Plarium, you're the worst.

Jul 6, 2023, 16:5507/06/23

To be fair:

There was an over six month warning period, including multiple notifications recently that Sylvan Watchers would be coming out. That's usually the cue to put all your focus into Faction Wars and finish it up. 

Jul 6, 2023, 17:1607/06/23
Jul 6, 2023, 17:17(edited)

The extra rewards towards 945 stars are decent ..epic book , void shard , 1 of each soulstone(including a big one at 940)

But yea we were warned ahead of time that the lydia milestone would be requiring more stars . At least they filled the gap with rewards !

Just noticed tho that SW faction war is still hidden , meaning lydia is currently unobtainable until it opens ..

Jul 6, 2023, 21:3707/06/23

Any reason why you didn't push really hard for Lydia during the past several months? We knew that Sylvan's were coming out beginning of July. 

Jul 7, 2023, 23:0707/07/23

Same scenario when Dwarves and one other faction came out but I forget the other. 

I got the message and after fooling around with Knights Reverant for a couple of months and no success with beating 21, let alone 3 staring it, manualled the run and got my Lydia. Still it took me more than 20 minutes to beat the stage. 

Hear ya. Not fun to fall behind a bit but it will come. 

- Coag

Jul 8, 2023, 21:1307/08/23

It's too simple to say "you should have pushed harder".  Completing all of faction wars requires a very large number of different champs and no one can control when they will get a sufficient roster. With 14 crypts (not counting sylvan watchers) that's 70 distinct, usable champs spread across all factions at a minimum but probably a lot more to get the required diversity. 

What really should have been done when Shadowkin was added is that Lydia should have been separated from the number of stars and simply required 13 factions fully 3 starred. This would have kept the requirements consistent as there were 13 factions when Lydia was added to the game. 

I say this as someone who has Lydia, so no benefit to me either way. 

Sep 7, 2023, 12:2809/07/23

It's too simple to say "you should have pushed harder".  Completing all of faction wars requires a very large number of different champs and no one can control when they will get a sufficient roster. With 14 crypts (not counting sylvan watchers) that's 70 distinct, usable champs spread across all factions at a minimum but probably a lot more to get the required diversity. 

What really should have been done when Shadowkin was added is that Lydia should have been separated from the number of stars and simply required 13 factions fully 3 starred. This would have kept the requirements consistent as there were 13 factions when Lydia was added to the game. 

I say this as someone who has Lydia, so no benefit to me either way. 

Thanks for this; I simply could not have responded better myself. This is exactly how I feel but let me add a note or two more.

Yeah, I knew the crypt was coming but I have a grand total of 5 Sylvan Watcher champs, none of which were, and still aren't yet, completely leveled and such. You think I can beat an entire crypt with 3 rares and two epics that aren't fully maxed? I may not be a f2p player but I am a low spender, emphasis on low. So it takes months for me to get champs and months more for me to upgrade them.

What this all boils down to is that my roster just isn't good enough right now but I'm not entirely sure why some people seem to think I should be punished for that; that is, that I should be penalized because I don't wish to spend more money. 

'Anyhow, this is a bit moot as this is an old post now but I felt like responding anyway.