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Plarium and Live Arena

Plarium and Live Arena

Jul 4, 2023, 20:3107/04/23

Plarium and Live Arena

I have posted once before I cannot understand the mentality of the people that control the game design. The artist that create the game are absolutely amazing. 

Let me post you this if I was level 85 and I was fighting someone 20 levels below me I would feel it's unfair but they may have an advantage cause they spend money.

 But if I'm 85 and I'm going against the level 100 it would seem to be unfair. Most importantly it is extremely unfair are they level 100 1 day 6 months 2 years for since the game started.

 I have to say I've spent quite a bit of money on this game and I have gotten so upset with live arena I've destroyed over $3000 worth of my Samsung tablets over this.

 Mind you I completely understand your opinion at saying that I am stupid I am dumb I shouldn't have done that but unfortunately I take this game seriously and I put my heart and effort into it but it's just a sad thing that these developers have no clue on how to balance this game correctly.

 Again let me reiterate I'm going against someone that is 15 levels below. I feel that's a disadvantage in some cases. But me as an 85 going against the level 100 is so stupid they need to cut it off at 99.

 It's just common sense something that I feel lacks in when it comes to developing the game correctly.

 And I also have to admit I have an issue too I should have better control over myself I don't know if anybody else out here has had those kind of tantrums where they have destroyed their PC they're tablet their phone over this ridiculous circumstances please respond below if this has happened to you and I'm not the only fool out there that has done this.

 Sincerely thank you all for reading this if you decide the post I would greatly appreciate to hear your feedback I am so frustrated right now I don't even know how I'm gonna replace my Samsung S8 ultra right now over a $1000 PLARIUM doesn't deserve this I don't deserve this my attitude and actions has brought this to happen so perhaps I do.

Jul 4, 2023, 20:3207/04/23

Wow I agree

Jul 4, 2023, 20:3807/04/23

I agree

Jul 4, 2023, 20:3907/04/23

Why is this

Jul 4, 2023, 20:4007/04/23

Is he the only one that sees this happenin

Jul 4, 2023, 20:4007/04/23

Hopefully they listen to this post and understand it you know

Jul 4, 2023, 20:4507/04/23
Jul 4, 2023, 20:47(edited)

You agree to yourself and like yourself? Double time..?



And if you destroy our equipment over this should consider not playing at all and dealing with your anger problems....

Added...after seeing your multiple posts to yourself...your problem clearly does ot originate from RAID

Jul 4, 2023, 21:1007/04/23


hello amigo,

u r looking all wrong... 

its doesnt matter plyrs lvl acc, what matters ur position in tier...

take a look i am silver 2 and i fight all plyrs whos between 1,300 - 1,800 no matter what acc lvl are they...

look these both so much higher lvl than my lvl87 but look their points similar to mine...




forget abou lvl.. cuz theres can be a noob whales with no skill at all...

Jul 4, 2023, 21:4007/04/23

Wow so many ways to respond. I do not want to invalidate your perceptions.  But..,

in game it took me 2 years to reach level 100, and I had to fight higher level players for a long time.  I hardly ever see any players 99 or lower in live.  Almost evwry player I see is 100.  This tells me you are probably doing good, playing above, your level.  Nothing really to complain about. Just stick with it.

on another level, let me tell you a little bit about how I grew up. I lived a mile and a half from my elementary schoolo.. .  The day before kindergarten and the first day of school my mother walked me to the schoolhouse to show me the way.  I wasn't quite 5.  Two days at age 4 being shown the way to and from school!  For the next 12 years, when I was 5, 7 year olds chased me and beat me up and dogs chased me.  When I was 9, 13 year olds chased me and beat me up and dogs backed the hell down. When I was 13 years old high school kids chaserd me in their pickups and I climbed fences and ran through backyards.

getting your ass handed to you by someone above your level???  === growing up

Jul 4, 2023, 22:1207/04/23

Wow so many ways to respond. I do not want to invalidate your perceptions.  But..,

in game it took me 2 years to reach level 100, and I had to fight higher level players for a long time.  I hardly ever see any players 99 or lower in live.  Almost evwry player I see is 100.  This tells me you are probably doing good, playing above, your level.  Nothing really to complain about. Just stick with it.

on another level, let me tell you a little bit about how I grew up. I lived a mile and a half from my elementary schoolo.. .  The day before kindergarten and the first day of school my mother walked me to the schoolhouse to show me the way.  I wasn't quite 5.  Two days at age 4 being shown the way to and from school!  For the next 12 years, when I was 5, 7 year olds chased me and beat me up and dogs chased me.  When I was 9, 13 year olds chased me and beat me up and dogs backed the hell down. When I was 13 years old high school kids chaserd me in their pickups and I climbed fences and ran through backyards.

getting your ass handed to you by someone above your level???  === growing up

honestly this story was an awful example :P when i was  13 a kid older than me sucker punched me in the face, 5 seconds later he was face down on the floor, you should probably have taken this approach in ur childhood :P

on a serious note to OP, yes we have probably all got overly angry with games at some point, i headbutted my nintendo while playing pokemon when i was 12 out of anger (cant even remember what happened lol) and destroyed the screen, and i also was 100% very verbal out loud and ingame when playing league of legends ranked, its what competetive games can do to you, but ya you 100% need to learn some self control and learn to put the device down and walk away before you even get pumped enough to outburst like that, but on the upside we only learn from mistakes after making them.

and ya the game is unbalanced as crap in many ways but ur choosing to destroy things not the game, also dont spend so much on the game, it probably fuels the anger when something doesnt go right.

Jul 4, 2023, 22:4507/04/23

Ah, the OP again where he replies to himself 7 times. 

While we welcome open discourse on the forum, spam replying to yourself repeatedly - which you have been banned for previously - will result in loss of forum privileges. That will be happening again.

Furthermore, if you are having anger issues much like the ones you're describing in your post then I implore you to seek professional help rather than ranting about Raid. Good luck. 

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