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suggestion for live arena

suggestion for live arena

Jul 1, 2023, 22:0507/01/23

suggestion for live arena

recently tried live arena again after 2 months of ignoring it due to how it was launched, the champion matchups seem a little more realistic but it does not seem to much different than it was before, but one thing that has not changed that i really feel plarium need to step in and fix is the turn count in live arena. it needs to be removed and replaced with a fixed time limit. or at least in my opinion it does and ill explain why.

first of all when live arena is open its open for a limited time so why we are applying the same turn limit rule that we apply to every other aspect of the game that is not live im unsure, 2ndly the only people (and lets be honest here) that benefit from such an excessive turn limit are people who have already lost the fight but have example a deathknight or wythir or some other similar very hard to kill champion left standing, and i think most people have been in the scenario where they end up in a loop fight only to have to either decide to quit(even though they are technically winning) or wait out the 30 + min time frame and hope they guy who lost the fight in the first 30 seconds does the right thing and quits, but we all know they wont. 3rdly i believe adding a much lower and more reasonable turn limit will clean up people simply taking champions to try and stall win fights which in turn gives live arena more appeal.

now the above does not really fix the issue for people trying to stall win fights(im talking about those guys waiting 30 + mins just so you dont win out of spite), but it does drastically reduce peoples times wasted needlessly, however (im still unsure about this next idea) plarium could also apply some extra tactics to decide the winner of a fight that ends in high time/turn limit ending such as total damage dealt, total damage received and other factors, why would this be important? because it means that people trying to win by these unfair means would lose every fight, because they are just simply surviving off a regen set and yielding no damage at all and the fight at the end of the turn/time limit would be given to the team with the highest damage to damage received (and other factors) and not just an outright loss for both parties.

happy to hear thoughts on this.

Jul 2, 2023, 04:0807/02/23

Time to choose champs 15 secs, youre not going to world championship, choose the damn champ

Time limit on fight 10 minutes, there is no fight that should take longer than that timeframe

Whoever has more champs alive after time limit wins, if the amount of defensive regenerators is the same on both teams give the win to higher HP% i dont know

When are the changes to champion choosing time happening anyway, noone likes the time limit from the start and we all know it, so why is the 1 minute limit still there

Jul 2, 2023, 10:1007/02/23

Time to choose champs 15 secs, youre not going to world championship, choose the damn champ

Time limit on fight 10 minutes, there is no fight that should take longer than that timeframe

Whoever has more champs alive after time limit wins, if the amount of defensive regenerators is the same on both teams give the win to higher HP% i dont know

When are the changes to champion choosing time happening anyway, noone likes the time limit from the start and we all know it, so why is the 1 minute limit still there

10 minutes seems like a much more reasonable time frame to me, and im certainly not against the game auto picking for you if you cant do it in a reasonable time.

Jul 2, 2023, 14:2007/02/23

10 minutes seems like a much more reasonable time frame to me, and im certainly not against the game auto picking for you if you cant do it in a reasonable time.

Auto picking, and auto attack after 1st max idle timeout should absolutely be implemented 

Ties should absolutely stay a double loss. Anything that encourages stalling is a terrible idea.

Jul 2, 2023, 17:2607/02/23

Auto picking, and auto attack after 1st max idle timeout should absolutely be implemented 

Ties should absolutely stay a double loss. Anything that encourages stalling is a terrible idea.

i like the idea of auto attack after first max idle instead of the game just maxing idle time every turn.

Jul 3, 2023, 09:4707/03/23

In my experience more and more folk are taking the maximum (well a couple of seconds short) time limit for everything, sticking up a hard to beat team mostly all in stoneskin and hoping I get bored waiting and quit

Jul 3, 2023, 12:4107/03/23

In my experience more and more folk are taking the maximum (well a couple of seconds short) time limit for everything, sticking up a hard to beat team mostly all in stoneskin and hoping I get bored waiting and quit

yup sadly its something we see far to often.

Jul 3, 2023, 12:5907/03/23

They actually announced just a few days ago that the max time will be cut from 30 minutes to 15. didn;t say when it will go into effect afaik though

Jul 3, 2023, 13:5007/03/23

They actually announced just a few days ago that the max time will be cut from 30 minutes to 15. didn;t say when it will go into effect afaik though

first iv heard of this, its certainly a step in the right direction if its true, do you have a link and are they updating anything elese related to arena?

Jul 3, 2023, 13:5407/03/23

It was in the Skratch/Cirillia interview video