Need some help building my Tag Teams for Silver 2+
Currently running:
Current Problem (speed)
- The problem I'm generally having is my Gorgorab speed is pretty meh at 279, where my Arbiter is 308. Even then, I'm not always winning the speed trade in Silver 1 (heading to Silver 2). I know speed will only get my so far, so I'd like to leverage some other champs to be more consistent in general. That's not to say my Gorgorab is built right (with mostly Rare speed gear with double rolls).
Currently working on:
- Right now I'm taking Ragash, Sandlashed and Magnarr all to 60 + Masteries and Books (will have Ragash booked next PR CVC).
- I also haven't been utilizing Soulless as much as I feel like I should.
What I'm looking for:
- More synergized team comps (something like UDK, Pythion, Sandlashed and Geogrid)?
- Recommendations on the breakdown of comp strategy (an Increase Defense, Reviver, Nuker, etc).
I've heard some niche champs like Cardinal (or even Skytouched Shaman) can be used well in TTA, any advice on using them as well?