Urlibu FTPJun 29, 2023, 11:2506/29/2306/05/22433Fusion warmup? what's going on?There's a fusion warmup right now, and no champion announcement so far. Did I miss something?
harleQuinnModeratorJun 29, 2023, 12:0006/29/2302/24/197972You haven't missed anything no. Stay tuned. More shortly. :D
EGDNITJun 29, 2023, 12:1506/29/2301/19/21647Unless someone knows of a champion or other character in Raid called "Gnut", I suspect it'll be related to the animated series considering that's the next episode.
MatrimJun 29, 2023, 20:3806/29/2309/14/201002TripsNo summon rush though! 2 soulstone tournaments instead You are scary...