Not a huge amount of interest in this one, personally. New boss for accessory-enhancing mats, new Hydra mini clan competition, new 9-piece set bonus for guardian (25% -> 50% -> 75%) and stoneskin (50% -> 50% -> 75%).
Copy that...but...there will be a champ filter which i am looking forward to. Seems like they copied some other ideas from RSL helper ;-)
But the other stuff...hmmppff...Hydra might be free additional stuff...but there are not many who like playing Hydra in my clan.
accessory-enhancing mats...well....I do not really play SD or IT...guess the Phantom Rider will be added to content I mostly ignore...
9 piece protection is such a massive deal. Every buff comes with an extra +5% damage, which I expect to be multiplicative on top of final damage. A typical buff support champ will thus give you 10-15% extra damage to the whole team. Razelvarg, Duchess, Siphi. Heck, even the meme Opardin team we were talking about a while ago!
For reference, each artifact dungeon drops multiple sets, which kind of balances out that spider drops faction specific accessories. If we have essentially 15 different sets in a weekly chest, it'll be nearly impossible to assemble anything.
So, my speculation (also based on the artwork) is that these accessories will be faction-independent!
I haven't talked about stoneskin because there's nothing to talk about, except that assembling 4-6 pieces with 9 slots will be marginally easier.