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Jun 6, 2023, 17:5206/06/23


Jun 6, 2023, 18:3006/06/23

That's not what I asked, lol. Gimme the summary :)

Jun 6, 2023, 18:4806/06/23
Jun 6, 2023, 18:49(edited)

TLDR -  'soulstone tournaments' are coming, like shard pulling but pulling shards.

Further speculation (unconfirmed just speculation) that it might become part of fusions eventually.

If the second bit happened, i think fusions would be very hard for ftp, i get a handful of stones a week 

Jun 6, 2023, 18:5306/06/23

Well, there goes that whole "we have no plans for soulstones to have other uses". Definitely gonna be some people angry about that, methinks.

Jun 6, 2023, 18:5506/06/23
Jun 6, 2023, 18:56(edited)

Well, there goes that whole "we have no plans for soulstones to have other uses". Definitely gonna be some people angry about that, methinks.

They are also making 6 star souls even more overpowered by giving them stat bonuses.

Its all about encouraging the whales to whale. No doubt some will be annoyed..

Jun 6, 2023, 19:0306/06/23

TLDR -  'soulstone tournaments' are coming, like shard pulling but pulling shards.

Further speculation (unconfirmed just speculation) that it might become part of fusions eventually.

If the second bit happened, i think fusions would be very hard for ftp, i get a handful of stones a week 

Hopefully (hey mods lol) someone can shoot down speculation of fusion inclusion...

I think average per week for me is 15 to 20 (9 from IT, 8 from Hydra, plus tournament/events) per week.

Jun 6, 2023, 19:4706/06/23

My average is like 10 (6-7 from Hydra, 3 from IT, only playing on Sunday)

Neither Soulstone tournament or event are actually something I would like to take part in. Soulstone Rush? Yeah...without adding or increasing the possibilities to get soul stones of every kind...forget about this.

Additional stats to 6* blessings?...well...forget about playing arena beyond the bare minimum

Turn attack tournaments? Interesting idea...and I even have an Acrizia...but actually...not interested.

I can understand that this Patch is purely from business side to increase the money flow...but for me it is rather toxic...where is something I can enjoy as a player?

Hoarding soul stones to pull them during events (and I am with Krama here: another broken promise) is not fun for me: Wait Shadow legends

New Lore? I do not care about the Lore after playing 3 years...

Overall, from my point of view a very disappointing patch...

Jun 6, 2023, 20:0806/06/23

I don't mind being "forced" to hoard stones regardless of how well I can do in tournament/events as f2p.  Its still free stuff for having an ounce of patience... 

I don't understand the turn attack tournament concept? Guessing no further details at this time? Just speculation as to how they would work?

The game has lore?

The 6star blessing is obviously not f2p friendly, but doesn't change my pvp competitiveness.  The same x% I have no chance against is unchanged. 

I think Plarium only said "no plans in near future for SoulCrack 2x/tournament " but I could be wrong.  

I expect 0% of patch updates to be targeted to my player segment,  hence never disappointed!

Jun 6, 2023, 20:1206/06/23

I don't mind being "forced" to hoard stones regardless of how well I can do in tournament/events as f2p.  Its still free stuff for having an ounce of patience... 

I don't understand the turn attack tournament concept? Guessing no further details at this time? Just speculation as to how they would work?

The game has lore?

The 6star blessing is obviously not f2p friendly, but doesn't change my pvp competitiveness.  The same x% I have no chance against is unchanged. 

I think Plarium only said "no plans in near future for SoulCrack 2x/tournament " but I could be wrong.  

I expect 0% of patch updates to be targeted to my player segment,  hence never disappointed!

What I thought to understand form the video is that the Turn attack tournament rewards you for beating a dungeon in the least amount of turns possible...

Jun 6, 2023, 20:4706/06/23

I don't mind being "forced" to hoard stones regardless of how well I can do in tournament/events as f2p.  Its still free stuff for having an ounce of patience... 

I don't understand the turn attack tournament concept? Guessing no further details at this time? Just speculation as to how they would work?

The game has lore?

The 6star blessing is obviously not f2p friendly, but doesn't change my pvp competitiveness.  The same x% I have no chance against is unchanged. 

I think Plarium only said "no plans in near future for SoulCrack 2x/tournament " but I could be wrong.  

I expect 0% of patch updates to be targeted to my player segment,  hence never disappointed!

You're only right on half of that last point.

You're correct that no patch updates will be targeting you as FTP. C'est la vie.

However, the lack of absolutely anything at all targeting endgame players is a big fail on their part. We very much need something more to do than "just make your numbers bigger".

Jun 6, 2023, 21:0306/06/23

Hopefully (hey mods lol) someone can shoot down speculation of fusion inclusion...

I think average per week for me is 15 to 20 (9 from IT, 8 from Hydra, plus tournament/events) per week.

Important part: No confirmation in either direction right now.

I don't think it'll happen, but I don't know for certain.

Jun 6, 2023, 21:2506/06/23
Jun 6, 2023, 21:27(edited)

This type of stuff is a double edged sword.  They need to find ways for the whales to keep spending... for those that do spend. The people that throw tons of money into the game are the ones that also pay for all the awesome content. 

But... I bet that you guys didn't need to be preached to and knew this stuff already. Like I have said in other threads. I am pretty much an ass. 

One thing that I would like changed is the wishlist effectiveness. It seems to be just north of worthless. 

Jun 6, 2023, 21:5006/06/23

You're only right on half of that last point.

You're correct that no patch updates will be targeting you as FTP. C'est la vie.

However, the lack of absolutely anything at all targeting endgame players is a big fail on their part. We very much need something more to do than "just make your numbers bigger".

You are only partially correct ;)

Lots targeting endgame players $$$, no such thing as endgame f2p.

If we agree eg-f2p is a step below true endgame, then I'd say just about everything is targeted towards "us" (assuming you and I are in this cohort).   It's pushing us to spend, or slowly be replaced as the 2nd tier segment.

The new 2nd class segment will be new whales :)

My pedestrian analysis, sorry Kramasauras Rex.

Jun 6, 2023, 22:1406/06/23

You are only partially correct ;)

Lots targeting endgame players $$$, no such thing as endgame f2p.

If we agree eg-f2p is a step below true endgame, then I'd say just about everything is targeted towards "us" (assuming you and I are in this cohort).   It's pushing us to spend, or slowly be replaced as the 2nd tier segment.

The new 2nd class segment will be new whales :)

My pedestrian analysis, sorry Kramasauras Rex.

Nah. I mean there isn't anything to replace. Point is, there isn't anything left to do for players like us. We've already beaten the game. Tag/Live Arena are things we can poke at from time to time, sure, but we'll never be at the top of that game without spending, and nothing will change that.

Conversely, we've both already got all the rest of the content solved, with the small potential exception of FK10, which honestly doesn't really warrant solving right now anyway.

There isn't any new, recurring content to entice us. Which, ultimately, may not matter to Plarium, since we're not spending anyway. 

Jun 7, 2023, 00:0306/07/23

Hopefully (hey mods lol) someone can shoot down speculation of fusion inclusion...

I think average per week for me is 15 to 20 (9 from IT, 8 from Hydra, plus tournament/events) per week.

I don't expect to see soulstones as fusion inclusions. 

Ofc, around these parts never say never. 😅

Jun 7, 2023, 00:0406/07/23
Jun 7, 2023, 00:04(edited)

You are only partially correct ;)

Lots targeting endgame players $$$, no such thing as endgame f2p.

If we agree eg-f2p is a step below true endgame, then I'd say just about everything is targeted towards "us" (assuming you and I are in this cohort).   It's pushing us to spend, or slowly be replaced as the 2nd tier segment.

The new 2nd class segment will be new whales :)

My pedestrian analysis, sorry Kramasauras Rex.

Need to treat F2P as Forge 2 Pass and you'll be in a better place Trips. 😂

Jun 7, 2023, 03:2306/07/23

To be fair, I don't think Plarium broke any promises in this case. 9 months ago when they released the system, they said you could just pull without worrying for the near future. Not forever. 9 months is a pretty generous time to get used to the system and pull stuff whenever because you're excited.

Do I think this patch is good? Not enough confirmed info, I'll hold my judgement. But I will observe that I was relatively negative on souls at the start, but there's actually a decent f2p path to acquire 2 star leggos, which is already a pretty big boost for PvE stuff. As my account progresses, the relative value of the soul system keeps rising.

Are extra stats at 6* needed for balance reasons? of course not! But this supposedly whale-only system has kept at least this low-spend, midgame player entertained. I don't expect to get top rewards or even free champions from champ chase tournaments. And I don't expect it from hypothetical soul tournaments either. But I would actually be excited for potential special boosts to optimize soul pulling around.