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What is the champion you pulled and slept on for way too long?

What is the champion you pulled and slept on for way too long?

Jun 2, 2023, 14:3206/02/23

What is the champion you pulled and slept on for way too long?

I pulled Demytha forever ago, and I just never put any resources into her, and I have no idea what I was thinking.

For some reason I had it in my mind that she was not worth taking to 60 until I could build one of her clan boss teams. As soon as I built her for clan boss I realized how stupid I was  .

Immediately let me finish fw, comes in on several DT hard bosses I was struggling with, and just generally finds a spot when I am struggling to sustain my way through any content.

I sat on her for at least 6 months before really trying her out, even though I knew she is considered a very good champ.

Jun 2, 2023, 14:4106/02/23

Stag Knight.  This was ages ago in my n00b days, he was obviously much more valuable 3 years ago but despite the power creep still very underrated. 

Jun 2, 2023, 14:4906/02/23

I think there are quite a few.  Rector took me straight through FW.

im sitting on so many right now is the bigger issue.  Energy, gems, silver, etc are irrelevant.  Time, in game and irl, is the true resource.

Jun 2, 2023, 18:4506/02/23

Konstantin. I was so pissed when I pulled him probably over anyear ago. I guess him and Vlad were buffed at some point. I built them both two weeks ago and they together are good but even solo Konstantin has good uses in arena.

Jun 2, 2023, 21:5206/02/23

Oboro. I had a 4 star awakening for her and still didn't take her to 60 for months. Underestimated the work she does as a mischief tank.

Jun 2, 2023, 22:2306/02/23

I don't think any of my champs specifically fit that question, but the one who became useful only after getting the other requisite pieces is probably Shazar. He sat on my bench for ages until I finally got his soul, along with the rest of the team.

Jun 3, 2023, 03:1406/03/23

funnily enough, i'd say Demytha for me as well. I pulled her, got her to 50 with half masteries, even 6-starred her, but she's still naked, masteries still not complete and only level15 cuz i put 2 brews into her to gain some points some time or another.

But i think it's time to complete her. I got the Barbarian boyfriend last week, so a comp with those 2 is now possible :P

Jun 10, 2023, 08:2406/10/23


Accidentally misclicked and took the block revive ice golem clan quest a few months ago, and didnt have any other decent block revive champs. has fenax sitting at level 40 in my vault so i threw some gear on him.

Then live arena started and block revive became MASSIVE

Jun 10, 2023, 13:5806/10/23

Ninja for me. For months I refused to build him even though I knew full well that so many people loved him. I watched CCs videos about him, too, where he was praised so much and I still refused to build him for some reason. I don't even know why I refused. Well, once I finally got Demitha and started building the CB team, only then did I decide to build him, which made me relise how silly, to say the least, I was being🤦‍♀️