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VERY IMPORTANT : New Live Arena Patch

VERY IMPORTANT : New Live Arena Patch

May 31, 2023, 01:5405/31/23

VERY IMPORTANT : New Live Arena Patch

Please note I was using voice to speak and i'm not going to edit it Because honestly I feel it's going to fall on deaf ears. Please Let's consider this i'm level eighty and i'm fighting against the level sixty which could seem unfair, but with people spending money and strategy it could be very fair.  May I ask you rhen why do you think it's fair that a level 80 to 99 fight people that are level  one hundred. Here's my point that level one hundreds could be 1 month old three months old 6 months old one year old two years old three years old.  Why with any imagination can't you understand thiervpower level could be 500+. No Pl of the team.  Why can't you guys get people that are as good as people design The champions to actually have a brain and think about the game that people are spending a lot of money on Listen to what I just said right there read and reread? So there are people from 80 to 99 going against level one hundreds that could have been in the game 3 or more years. It's stupid it's dumb that's what you need to change I'm level 86 fine put me up against a people up to 99. Why are you putting me against level one hundreds that have insane power and insane champions? It's stupid it's dumb and wake the heck up.

Anyways thank you for your kindness and listening to what I have to say. It's just so frustrating for me. I love this game and I think you guys do too. But let's stop making it ridiculous put. People that have common sense into places to make decisions because if not hire me. How give you my credentials and I guarantee you? It would be a much much better game for everyone involved.

Jun 1, 2023, 07:0206/01/23

It's not great, not many in my clan bother, it's long, matches are haphazard, some are easy some are evenly matched some are not worth playing as I'm hoplessley outgunned so I bail.

I enjoyed it at first, something new, but now I usually don't bother, better things to do with my time than wait during the setup and folk who let the timer run right down

So, don't fret it. you don't have to play, rewards aren't great, whales may eventually get the lego, nobody else so instead of getting worked up about it don't bother with it

Jun 1, 2023, 12:4706/01/23

The tyrany of rank. 

The one thing I will say is that people that are powerful shouldn't have it harder to reach Gold IVX. What they need to do is accelerate the stratification of players so that people with vast cosmic power float to the top more quickly. 

Jun 1, 2023, 13:0506/01/23

The tyrany of rank. 

The one thing I will say is that people that are powerful shouldn't have it harder to reach Gold IVX. What they need to do is accelerate the stratification of players so that people with vast cosmic power float to the top more quickly. 

The problem is people just arent motivated to play it.  Lack of time, limited open time slots, ....

But also, the particpation trophy generation thinks this should be Classic Arena 2.0 -- WHERE ARE THE SOLO DEFENSES.

But instead it is TAG ARENA x10 Difficulty, AS INTENDED.  If you are in bronze tag, you should lower your expectations.  And maybe, start learning PvP strategy in Tag Arena.  You are currently in 3rd grade remedial math, and attempting to skip 6 years of learning and take Calculus....I'm not saying don't do it at all, but winning 2 of 10 may happen for a bit... then 3 of 10.... and so on

Jun 1, 2023, 14:0006/01/23

The problem is people just arent motivated to play it.  Lack of time, limited open time slots, ....

But also, the particpation trophy generation thinks this should be Classic Arena 2.0 -- WHERE ARE THE SOLO DEFENSES.

But instead it is TAG ARENA x10 Difficulty, AS INTENDED.  If you are in bronze tag, you should lower your expectations.  And maybe, start learning PvP strategy in Tag Arena.  You are currently in 3rd grade remedial math, and attempting to skip 6 years of learning and take Calculus....I'm not saying don't do it at all, but winning 2 of 10 may happen for a bit... then 3 of 10.... and so on

the problem is it was so poorly launched that people now cbf with it, should have let top tier players rank up way faster.

Jun 1, 2023, 14:1706/01/23
Jun 1, 2023, 14:18(edited)

My main focus Is take a level one hundred they actually could be if we were using power levels two hundred rank three hundred rank four hundred rank five hundred plus rank. Whereas if I was level eighty going in to level sixty there's only twenty level difference. We have no idea how long this level 100 has been playing the game. They could be there for 6 months a year 3 years etc. Once again meaning did they have at level 100 a year to get better gear 2,3,4,5? Just because someone's level one hundred it could be a huge difference Forget about the fact if there's a twenty level difference between a level eighty and sixty. 

Jun 1, 2023, 14:1906/01/23

I want to thank everybody for your responses. It's much appreciated and I appreciate you.

Jun 1, 2023, 14:4406/01/23

the problem is it was so poorly launched that people now cbf with it, should have let top tier players rank up way faster.

I would argue the poor launch was due primarily to the limited availability and extended pick times.  But the other half of the problem is the  playerbase willingness to anything requiring any LOE.  If its not the equivalent of a freebie login reward (participation trophy) that they can get immediately they would rather whine instead of contributing to the inevitable point inflation.  Essentially the new system with reduced points for losses is a limited solo classic defense proxy... lower levels should expect to quit out 5 or 6 and maybe win a couple of 10 and gradually move up.

Jun 1, 2023, 17:4106/01/23

I ran into a couple of 90's to 100's today that quit before the match. Not sure why. I definately didn't have a team that would have invariably won. I also do not run a defense team lately. Intentionally losing isn't going to lower them as quickly as they would like. Maybe they both had something come up IRL. 

Jun 1, 2023, 18:3606/01/23

I would argue the poor launch was due primarily to the limited availability and extended pick times.  But the other half of the problem is the  playerbase willingness to anything requiring any LOE.  If its not the equivalent of a freebie login reward (participation trophy) that they can get immediately they would rather whine instead of contributing to the inevitable point inflation.  Essentially the new system with reduced points for losses is a limited solo classic defense proxy... lower levels should expect to quit out 5 or 6 and maybe win a couple of 10 and gradually move up.

only reason lower levels should expect such a low win rate at the moment is mainly because of mismatcted fights because of how long ranking is taking to play out, aka way to many top tier accounts sitting in silver etc still (not saying its their fault) but ya this created such a negative experience for months on end that i personally cba with it and just do it when i literally have nothing else to do. and i imagine this is how a lot of people feel, i dont think its a fact of people not wanting to take part and only wanting easy login rewards, its more so the above and the stain the launch of the update left in peoples memory of it. but ya they should expand opening hours, even if they remove 1 entire time slot and increase the other time slots, it would still be better than it is now, but at least with the update they announced they are at least going to correct it (sometimes people say better late than never but i think its a case of damaged beyond repair now, took them far to long to correct an obvious problem) only way they can really get some "hype" back into live arena is when they do eventually patch it add some extra rewards to get people to try out the "updated version"