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Need help with Dark FaeNeed help with Dark Fae

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Need help with Dark Fae

May 30, 2023, 13:2705/30/23

Need help with Dark Fae

I am really struggling with this boss. I have tried a number of things to try to kill my mirror team off fast enough but with no luck. As far as where I am at in the game, I am mid-game. Unfortunately, I joined after they gave away Ninja so I do not have him on my team.

Any advice is welcome. 

May 30, 2023, 13:3205/30/23

Sigh... was finally able to defeat her just now. Still will take any advice as it was close. 

May 30, 2023, 13:3805/30/23

Since it's a mirror fight, you will always go before your own team. Makes it relatively easy. Just have either:

A) Your fastest champ on the team be someone with AoE CC, or

B) Your fastest champ on the team be a booster, and your next fastest person be fast enough to prevent cut-in and have AoE CC

May 30, 2023, 14:0705/30/23

usually best way to deal with it for future purposes is using a shield set on some random easy to kill champion, and the other 4 part of ur nuke arena team for example, the copies wont get the shield set buff but ur team will, and you of course make ur self easy enough to nuke out near enough in 1 hit.

May 30, 2023, 14:2105/30/23

Makes perfect sense. Thank you. 

May 30, 2023, 14:5905/30/23

Without seeing your roster, I agree with Krama and Oblivion with one additional, I would recommend your lead have an Accuracy Aura.  You don't want to boost the mirror team RES, HP, DEF, SPD or really anything else except maybe C.RATE or C.DMG.  

May 30, 2023, 15:4705/30/23
May 30, 2023, 15:47(edited)

Without seeing your roster, I agree with Krama and Oblivion with one additional, I would recommend your lead have an Accuracy Aura.  You don't want to boost the mirror team RES, HP, DEF, SPD or really anything else except maybe C.RATE or C.DMG.  

if he takes speed lead and another tm after that he should be ok to just nuke them i think.

May 30, 2023, 15:4905/30/23

What I ended up doing is putting together a glass cannon team with Ursula. I killed the fake Ursula and then rezzed my team as they died. Worked ok but it was close. 

May 30, 2023, 17:5905/30/23

Would recommend chemp with SPD or ATK lead, also do manual insted auto...

i use less chemps to make quick finish... 

this what i use on F40 normal:

even with atk lead i still play first turn so its good


for spd lead u can use if u have: lyssandra or deacon a.

May 31, 2023, 00:4505/31/23

I always use preset for this specific boss , turning a2-a3-a4-a5 :P off for round 1 and round 2 , that way all my champs have everything rdy for round 3 then since your champ go before their clone , i just build upon that with fastest champ having some sort of aoe TM dec .