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Plarium please...

Plarium please...

Jul 30, 2019, 10:4707/30/19

Plarium please...

There is a serious problem with a potion loot from a dungeons. Farming lvl 15, which is the actually highest, and get 3-4 lesser potions, or single exp brew in 80% of runs.. Where is the logic? The hardest part for advanced players is to get medium potions. Greatest potions we can recive from clan boss, and we don't need them so much. Now for fuse Razin, there is 4 epic champions, and everyone needs about 20 medium force potions, and little less amount of arcane potions for ascend to 3rd star which is the horrible part, then some of the greatest potions to ascend to 5th star, which isn't so big problem for me, because i already have about 100 of each type. Exp brew is an another kind of joke.. 18500 exp for a champion from it's affinity for cost of 7k silver, and 14 energy for run, when you can get a way more exp and earn silver instead of spend, if you just farm campagin for 8 energy. The amount of potion loot really needs to be increased. There is some screenshots for you. Please do something with that.

Jul 30, 2019, 11:0207/30/19


It does seem quite frustrating at times.  I assure it it's not a conspiracy of any sort though.  I have found better luck farming greater potions from lvl 13 and 14 potion dungeons.  Hope it helps.
Jul 30, 2019, 11:4007/30/19
David, agree with you bro.  Though the generation of potion types and number be random, there needs to be different "tolerance range" according to levels of difficulty. That serves to reward the player who has taken time to improve their teams. Eg. Lvl 1-5 Range 1-3 lesser potions and Lvl 12- 15 Lesser 5+ Medium 2 + Superior 1+ .
Jul 30, 2019, 11:4207/30/19
Jul 30, 2019, 13:23(edited)
Very good and very fair idea indeed, OMMIN IX. 

I had/have definately the most luck in chapter 10 and/or 11, doesn't matter which of the potion dungeons. I always get caught grinding there. Do not forget to change the chapter from time to time, e.g. after 10 to 15 runs. That is a subjective thing, don't know if it really helps, but I noticed that the more you run without pausing the worse the loot (only little potions will drop after a while of grinding, doesn't matter which chapter you are farming on). I often have the feeling that - beside RNG - there are other additional mechanisms which affect the gameplay. Only a subjective statement again.

But you are right, farming the needed potions is often frustrating. 

It is a gacha/rng ruled game, so take your time. E.g. spend not more than 200 energy on potion grinding on one day. If you do not get all you need, try it next time the dungeon opens. So you play the game in tamagotchi style. Open it from time to time and see if everything is right, make a few clicks and than back to real life where you can achieve the most with the most real, fancy and most notably hottest things you have ever seen. ;-) Believe me, it is true!

Jul 30, 2019, 11:4807/30/19
It is fine. Stop nagging. It is just that kind of game. RNG is the same for all. Problem are offers for money and lazy workers. 
Jul 30, 2019, 12:4407/30/19
Jul 30, 2019, 13:05(edited)

I do not nag, I am realistic.

Back to "real" gaming. Today I did spend approx. 700 energy on red dungeon (finger tipping while doing rl things). 

I spared the energy of the last three days (500 Energy by daily goodies), I don't cash anymore. 

I've got approx. 80 little, 20 medium and 7 big potions so far (today). Not bad maybe, do not know. It's all for Razin fusion. 

So far I got all of the four epic champs at lvl 5*, one at lvl 50 the others almost done. One with 5 purple stars (got those potions already), the other three with 2 lila stars each. I have still 600 energy left . I think it is not enough for getting all epic champs to 5* purple. If not I do spare the energy of the next days for the next time the red dungeon opens. 

While the fusion is going on I cannot compete in any event or competition 'cause of lack of energy and time (if I have enough energy I have to grind potions). Without cashing I would say, as a casual gamer, you need almost a month completing the fusion, of course only if not starting from scratch (all champs for fusion already grinded/cashed/collected during the last 5 months while mainly cashing). 

Then you have a legi champ not fully skilled, that means no specific artifacts, no books at all, no potions, no fodder champs. If you want to fully skill him as a f2p gamer than you might need at least a year. You cannot take part in every event 'cause you need to save energy and weekly boosts for leveling fodder champs. Got 13 legi books so far in 5 months all of them while cashing (about a few hundred bucks, do not know). Without cashing you - as a f2p gamer - might need at least yet another year to get all books needed.

What I want to say is, that even if the game would be styled fairer (more energy, easier loot) you still would have a lot/enough to do. Everything else I could say upon the explanation above you can make up by your own. 

The good thing: you're not alone. Keep nagging, not begging! ^^ 

Jul 30, 2019, 13:2907/30/19
Potion is the reason why i'm not interested in fusion again. To get 1 legendary you need 4 lv 50 epic with full ascension. That means you gonna need a lots of superior potion. The cost is too high. If you already have 1-2 legendary or some good rare / epic champion you better spent your times to maximize the champion you already have. 
Jul 30, 2019, 13:5607/30/19
Jul 30, 2019, 14:42(edited)

Well written, though either with a lack of knowledge or based on the fact that you perhaps play only a part of the game. You should know that you need different champs to get into endgame focus, don't you? If you want to run nightmare cb you need geared champs you barely cannot use in arena, right? It would perhaps work if you have farmed the best vamp artefacts on the market and got decent DEF dds. 

Perhaps I am on the wrong trail, but if so 

a. I would have misunderstood everything I have read so far in the community and 

b. all my gaming experience of the last months was for nothing.

I've got only one legi champ which I could use on cb so far. It's Foli and I got it out of the last temporary Fusion. He wears vamp artefacts. In arena he would do almost no significant dmg. Your suggestion would work if you could save two different gear set ups for a champ (one for cb, one for arena). That's not wanted and so you are forced to get more then a few champs which is one of the basic game objectives anyway => see different champ elements. 

Other legi champs are Ignatius (Ogryn), Warchief (Skinw.) (got both during Foli Fusion) and Altan (Barbarians). I do play Altan in Arena together with Scullcrusher, Steelscull and Tayrel. All three are geared for cb so in the meantime I am down to G2 in arena and it is not the end of the descent. All three legi champs are imho arena champs, usable at cb was perhaps Ignatius, but only if you would not have anything better. Even Wretch (Undead) schould be better with lp burn (faster cd).  

Feel free to comment  and suggest. Focus is clanboss, though it would not fit the topic of this thread.

By the way: Rhazin will be the first valuable dd champ of the force/power/red element. Ok, got Zargala, but so far she cannot compete with the magic champs I use, focused on clanboss, of course. 

Jul 31, 2019, 04:0407/31/19

With the potion stages, you have just as much of a chance at getting the best potions on stage 8 as you do stage 15.  The only difference between them is a tiny bit more coins and experience.  That's it.  Both guild mates and I have tested it for months and averaged it out.  There is absolutely no difference in drop rates between the various stages.  If there is, it is so marginal that after months of gathering data from five of us, we saw no difference at all whatsoever.

Now with the artifact stages, that is a different story.  At the higher levels, you do get a better chance at higher rated gear.  Even then, the difference does not tend to be huge, so you if two stages drop the same star ratings, but one is MUCH easier for you to auto-farm (never any losses or much quicker), then it makes much more sense to farm the one that is easier for you to clear.
Jul 31, 2019, 05:1707/31/19

You're never going to see a response from Plarium.   While I believe everyone should continue to give feedback....  It will be lost in the endless spam of bots on their forums.   Considering they can barely manage to release patches and when they do they break things.... It's not surprising they can't manage their own forums and keep the spam bots away.

They've been treating us (the players and customers) like complete garbage since release. 

Every single change is 100% focused on making money.   I've personally never experienced a more predatory industry.   Maybe I just avoid them but Mobile gaming is  garbage as it is and Plarium is topping charge being anti-consumer and making decisions that actually hurt their customers more than help them.

Jul 31, 2019, 19:4207/31/19

It's a shame that Plarium or some random intern made such a beautiful looking game, only to get driven into the ground by hungry shites, who can't see father than today's earnings.

I'm all for supporting decent developers, but Plarium isn't one of them. Sadly, the mobile industry is driven by lowly, hungry, ravenous immoral subhumans.

Aug 1, 2019, 17:3608/01/19

oitgg450 said:

You're never going to see a response from Plarium. 

They've been treating us (the players and customers) like complete garbage since release. 

Every single change is 100% focused on making money.   I've personally never experienced a more predatory industry.   Maybe I just avoid them but Mobile gaming is  garbage as it is and Plarium is topping charge being anti-consumer and making decisions that actually hurt their customers more than help them.

Aaaand are 100% right.

Aaaand again...does plarium care?
