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Returning to the game after a couple years - need help with focus/ team building

Returning to the game after a couple years - need help with focus/ team building

May 21, 2023, 23:0705/21/23

Returning to the game after a couple years - need help with focus/ team building


As the title says im getting back into the game after being away for a couple years. Been watching some videos trying to pick up some of the new mehcanics. Im a little at a loss of what I should be focusing on right now. I feel like before I didnt have a great idea of team building, I grabbed Kael and Apothecary and maxed them. I found a couple legendaries and some other epics. Based on some videos I recently watched im leveling High Khatun and Warmaiden right now. 

A couple questions - based on this list of champs whats the best team I could build? Should I target unlocking anyone specific? Are my Legendaries good/ useful with who I have (Cupidus looks okay on tier lists).



Besides grinding dailies, weeklies and other easier challenges - what should be my focus right now? 

Another thing im not totally sure on is gear, is there some good guides to follow for best gear per character or does that change based on team comp? Here is what I have for some of my higher level guys. 





Any references, youtube videos, feedback or advice would be much appreciated. Looking to get back into this but im pretty overwhelemed right now. 


May 22, 2023, 21:5105/22/23

Priority one needs to be getting a CB team together. Got anyone else in your roster/vault? How close are you to Ghrush?

May 23, 2023, 01:2105/23/23

Im on Day 60 so not that close - everything shown above is all I have for champs 

May 23, 2023, 08:4905/23/23
May 23, 2023, 08:55(edited)

Im on Day 60 so not that close - everything shown above is all I have for champs 

first thing id be doing is removing some of those 3 star items ur wearing, tayrel for example just aim for stats with him instead of aiming to make set items work (you can use all different types of gear they dont have to be sets, just pick the best stats etc) and aim for 5 star minimum quaility gear if possible. probably also at the very least get high khatun to lvl 50 and acend her, she will be useful for ur early game and cb lead until you get more champions. id also 6 star skullcrusher for ur clanboss team and micreated monster probably also worth 6 staring. oh and cupidus 100% get 6 star, id just focus on those for now.

also not sure of the names of all the epics you have so if you can name them that helps.