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Auto-sell filter

Auto-sell filter

May 20, 2023, 20:4105/20/23

Auto-sell filter

This feature is so complicated and badly implemented. Seriously they did the whole thing backwards.

It would be 100% better if you could choose the items to sell, not the ones to keep.

Choose what to sell. click on 5-star rares => all 5-star rares gone. Simple. Click on Fury => all fury gone.... see how that works? Easy. Click on boots. click on flat stats => all flat stats boots gone.

I mean, i'm not that smart, but it seems a total rework of this feature needs to be done. Currently, fomr comments i've read on other platforms, it seems that 99% of the players who have tried it now turn it off completely

May 20, 2023, 20:4805/20/23

If anything, I find it worse than before. It's unclear how the different settings are combined and there's no way to test it since you don't actually get to see any of the sold items, so using it is a hard pass for me. RSL Helper does it better, with more clarity, more flexibility, and the option to feed a fake item into it to see what would theoretically happen to it.

May 20, 2023, 21:0605/20/23

I mean, since it's literally not even on right now, it's hard to really evaluate it with much accuracy.

Could it be better? Sure. As it stands, though, being able to sell everything that doesn't have a speed substat would significantly cut down on my need to manage inventory. So I'm content to keep it once they re-enable it after fixing the bugs.

May 20, 2023, 21:4305/20/23

Didnt they turn it back on just yesterday with the patch/update (whichever it was)? Could be wrong here. i just wrote this after i saw HH's video he made this morning.