but seriously you look very new to the game with ur roster but also you have pulled some amazing champions, teodor is literally one if not the greatest solo dungeon clearer you can get, if you put him in something along the lines of a regren set with 2600-3200 defense, 50-55k hp, 200 speed and accuracy he will be soloing floors 20-25 for you on dragon, that would be my aim right now if i was in ur shoes personally.
but u obviously may be a little low level and gear might not be good enough to build a solo build yet, but you should easily be able to clear 20 with a teodor on ur team, perhaps you could build ur rock breaker into a nice tank and he can be the front line in ur dungeon runs by provoking enemies and taking the hits while ur teodor and kael clear it with psn.
also im not sure of names of all the epics you own so im not sure of all their abilities, but if you got lucky and pulled an aoe hp burner that will also pair so damn nicely with a teodor and speeds things up a lot.