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You need champion trading

You need champion trading

May 3, 2023, 08:1705/03/23

You need champion trading

I know, I know 

You have already replied to this before with:

"Hello! While this may sound as an interesting idea, we are not going to make it possible. The whole concept of the game presupposes receiving champions in the process of playing. Simply exchanging them with other players would simply be unfair in a way, could cause unexpected consequences in terms of maintaining the game balance and potentially lead to cases of abuse. We do have, as it is, a lot of ways in the game to receive Shards and summon plenty of champions :) "

But here it out. You are worried about the game balance, in fact it would make it more fair and easier for people to maintain that balance with clan memebers helping other members out, friends helping friends out. People love this game, I think its fantastic. The only problem I have though is, I want to do faction wars, but I only have 2 of this three of that. I would have to spend LOTS of money to get what I need. Without getting what I need to keep playing, te game becomes stale, cannot progress and cannot compete. If you add a trade function, it would greatly increase playablity, keep players around longer and make the game mre enjoyable. Such as me, I cannot progress any further unless I want to keep buying things and hopping I get whatI need.

 Now I know the next part, well we want you to buy things not trade them, its how we make money,, buy charing you the price of a new video game to get 1 legendary. I get it, I dont agree with it, but I get it To avoid misues, require the trade to cost 100 gems or 150 gems, people still have to pay money or play and save up. Make it so new accounts cannot trade for 30 days and can only trade with other clan memebers. To make it even harder to abuse, make it so Item can only be traded x amount of times and make it a scaling cost to trade items. For example, a common cost 5 gems, a uncommon cost 20 gems, rare costs 50 and legendary costs 100. 

Here is a sample code, I know its not just that easy, but really its not that much harder. I would play this game for a long time if I could trade and such, otherwise its only a day or two before the game is stale. I beat the campaign in 3 days. This basic trading system example allows for a one to one trade with another player

// with these condition. Account must be 30 days or older. Both players need
// to have been in the same clan for 5 days, and each item can only
// be traded 3 times in its life. The cost to trade is based one
// an item/char with a rank of 3-4.

// Commons cannot be traded
// uncommon cost 20 gems
// rares cost 50 gems
// legendary cost 100 gems

// Check account and clan participation
if(Account age > 30 days && Clan membership > 5 days)
// Check rarity of both cards
if(Card1.rarity == "Common" || Card2.rarity == "Common")
// Can't trade common cards
print("You cannot trade a common card")
else if(Card1.rarity == "Uncommon" && Card2.rarity == "Uncommon")
// Trade two uncommons
int cost = 20 gems
print("The cost to trade two uncommons is " + cost + " gems")
else if(Card1.rarity == "Rare" && Card2.rarity == "Rare")
// Trade two rares
int cost = 50 gems
print("The cost to trade two rares is " + cost + " gems")
else if(Card1.rarity == "Legendary" && Card2.rarity == "Legendary")
// Trade two legendaries
int cost = 100 gems
print("The cost to trade two legendaries is " + cost + " gems")
// Check card power
if(Card1.power > 3-4 && Card2.power > 3-4)
// Check how many times item has been traded
if(Card1.tradeCount < 3 && Card2.tradeCount < 3)
// Trade item
// Add one to tradeCount of both cards
// Subtract cost
int gems = gems - cost;
// Trade item
Item temp = Card1;
Card1 = Card2;
Card2 = temp;
// Confirm trade
print("Trade successful!")
// Can't trade item
print("This item has been traded too many times")
// Can't trade item
print("This item does not meet the power requirements")
// Can't trade item
print("You do not meet the account or clan requirements to trade")

// End of Trading System Script