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Clan Boss and Dungeon Farming Suggestions

Clan Boss and Dungeon Farming Suggestions

May 1, 2023, 20:2605/01/23

Clan Boss and Dungeon Farming Suggestions

Hi guys,

I'm about 50 days into this account. I'm currently 3 key-ing CB nightmare. I generally do about 16-19 mill damage per key depending on the affinity. I've been running Kalvalax, Teodor, Ronda, Deacon Armstrong, and Elva. I would like to at least 2 key nightmare and start making a team that can 2-3 key ultimate-nightmare ASAP as this is supposed to be a priority from what I've seen. Here is my roster:



Is there a comp I should be running over what I'm currently running for CB?

With regard to dungeons, I'm able to clear level 25 on all the main dungeons (Dragon, Spider, Fire Knight, Ice Golem - mostly on Auto). I just started leveling Muckstalker for Necropolis (I believe I should 60 him), Lodric Falconheart is my Borgoth shield champ (I also believe I should 60 him), I leveled Arndulf because I thought he would be useful for Fire Knight but I'm able to clear level 25 now, and Fellhound will be my campaign farmer once I get the right gear. I also plan on taking Gnarlhorn, Soulbond Bowyer, Warmaiden, Houndspawn / Hellfang, and maybe Kael to 60 at some point over time for various reasons, but primarily Faction Wars/Secret Rooms. I will only open shards on 2x events for the foreseeable future until I'm looking for specific champs and its 10x. 

My understanding is that level 20 of the main 4 is best for dungeon divers, 24 is best for gear overall, and 25 is best for 6 star gear. I've mostly run level 24 on the dungeons with a mix of 25. I can also complete a few levels of hard on each. I have not really pushed it though or tried to get further. What level of these dungeons do you think I should focus on? Is hard worth doing? Should I focus on anything other than these 4 dungeons, CB, missions, and food farming? Thanks.

May 1, 2023, 20:4805/01/23
May 1, 2023, 20:48(edited)

I don't know an exact team for clan boss, but you have a pretty stacked roster. Elva, Teodor, Geomancer: these are incredibly good champs for all PvE content, including clan boss. I'll let someone else answer regarding specific team composition.

Do not take muckstalker to 60. Level 30 is enough. Level 50 is defensible (easier to hit stats), but 60 is definitely too much investment for your account stage. To farm Sand devil 7 (best stage for small materials), six pieces of speed gear with an acc chest plate is the way to go. stats other than spd and acc literally don't matter. At your level, you won't kill sand devil in the first cycle, so a soloer like teo can slowly finish the job.

Hard mode dungeons have pretty steep stat requirements. For stage 10h, we're talking 250 speed and 350 acc, on top of a bunch of survivability. Stage 6 of dragon might be reachable for you, the other dungeons are probably way too hard.

If you put Teodor into a good regen set, he can solo dragon 25 (with 4 food champions) in about 1:30. He's literally the best soloer in the game. In your situation, I would build him for that (the stats are about the same you need for UNM clan boss). This is so insanely good early game that I would say it should take priority over building a CB team.

(P.S.: are you a spender? that account is pretty stacked for only 50 days in!)

May 1, 2023, 21:1005/01/23

I wouldnt prioritize CB just yet. You're missing some of the more important pieces to make a "proper" team, and I expect you're also missing a considerable amount of gear. For now, I would just swap Teodor out and add Nia. The tuning will be all off, but between Nia and Elva, you should be able to do a decent job of getting damage out. Revisit this in a month or so, as you get better gear.

For now, I would try to get Teodor to be able to solo dungeons, as Urlibu suggested. It's challenging, yes, but if you can pull it off, you can very much accelerate your overall progression.

Even if you can't quite solo with Teo, though, I would imagine you should *easily* be able to duo with Teo + Elva + 3 food.

May 1, 2023, 21:4105/01/23

Thanks for the advice guys. Exactly what I needed. 

I spent 200 to get the account started. Felt like I would dislike the game if I couldn't farm the dungeons at levels needed for long term progression. Purchased a couple of the best deals for Sacred Shards and saved them for the 2x event so I went into it with about 14. That's all my legendaries besides Ronda. I feel like I've gotten pretty lucky from my pulls though based on what I've seen on other accounts. 

I bought some of the best deals for books to book 3 of them (Used that Ayumi calculator for 5+ value). Not sure if that's a lot of not but based on the daily offers they're forcing down my throat I feel like 200 isn't that bad. Also, is there a way to stop them from popping up? Asking for a friend, lol. 

I will only purchase the Daily Gem Pack, 6-month raid card, and good Forge passes moving forward since I'm where I wanted to get.

May 1, 2023, 23:5705/01/23

I'm able to finish drag 7 with me personally running it.

I put my best regen/immortal gear on Teo. I can run Drag 24/25 with Teo/Elva and 3 food. 

So this is what I should be focusing on for the foreseeable future? Gearing up in Drag 24/25 and hit some of the other dungeons during that time? Also CB, Arena, etc obviously. 

I'm assuming I should also put a major focus on farming FK for regen gear.

May 2, 2023, 00:4105/02/23

I'm able to finish drag 7 with me personally running it.

I put my best regen/immortal gear on Teo. I can run Drag 24/25 with Teo/Elva and 3 food. 

So this is what I should be focusing on for the foreseeable future? Gearing up in Drag 24/25 and hit some of the other dungeons during that time? Also CB, Arena, etc obviously. 

I'm assuming I should also put a major focus on farming FK for regen gear.

Yes, pretty much it. Long-term, FK is the best of the dungeons. Regen, Stun, Savage.

May 5, 2023, 13:5305/05/23

Well, I got ballsy and tried to go for Taras mid-week. Failed but pulled some good champs including a legendary.

Do these new champs change the above advice? (I think one specifically should.)

Supreme Kael, Demytha, Renegade, Pain Keeper, Seducer, Dilgol, and Executioner are the good/above average pulls. I'm thinking Demytha should get me doing UNM CB?

May 5, 2023, 16:3205/05/23

I'm on Deadwoodjedi looking at these unkillable comps to try and figure this out. Way beyond my current knowledge of the game and maybe my gear isn't quite there yet but it's close, if not there. 

I don't have the exact champs for any of these comps, but I'm thinking some combo of Demytha, Pain Keeper/Renegade (maybe not Renegade b/c CD is too long?), Deacon, Elva and a DPS or two (Kalvalax, Ronda, Teodor or Supreme Kael) should at least get me doing substantially better in clan boss. I am able to 2 key nightmare (3/3 the last 3 days) and get to the second drop using 2 keys on UNM since my initial post. 

Probably going to put Demytha in a shield set. All speed, HP %, and DEF % so she can also be used in other content. Not sure if I'm missing something but why would you need a shield set in clan boss? Seems like it has literally no purpose considering the boss doesn't do enough damage to kill until late teens. 

Thanks in advice.

May 5, 2023, 17:1105/05/23

Supreme Kael is a top-tier pull. He'll do good in clan boss, and combos very well with Teo because of all the poisons he puts out. I think he'll also be great everywhere in PvE, he really reduces the acc requirements of your entire team.

I never built an unkillable CB team (as it happens, I just got my first demytha today too). But I think demytha is the top champion to accomplish this.

Without going into any specific speed tunes, I think the trick with Demytha is that she puts out two turns of unkillable every 3 turns, as she comes with a buff extend ability herself. So you need just one more buff extender to make it work. Valerie is a farmable rare if you don't have any of the epics such as Anchorite or Sandlashed. Pain Keeper works too but you need 2 copies.

The difficulty with speed tuning is that spirit affinity puts out decrease speed on your team, which you need to block or cleanse, or the run will fall apart.

May 5, 2023, 17:3905/05/23

I've really been enjoying Supreme Kael. PvE and PvP. I built him in Regen/Speed gear. Crit damage gloves, HP % Chest, speed boots. The below accuracy on my stats is from a crit damage accessory with a 3x roll on accuracy because I have no other useful pieces currently. His A2 hits big (one shots some people in arena). A3 does not do as much from my experience but still very good for the debuff. 


The stuff I looked up on him stated he was good but not useful for end game players - although his use should increase with new hard mode dungeons and increased accuracy requirements. Plus I'm not end game. Also, I'm sure you gents tend to have higher speed. I generally have between 210 and 240 on my champs with Deacon being my fastest for both PvE and PvP. How does this build look to you? 

I also mentioned speed because I'm looking at these unkillable team comps and a lot of them have DPSers with speed below 200. I'm going to have to look up some speed tuning vids to fully comprehend this but any insight is useful. 

Congrats on your first Demytha! I'm assuming you'll be looking to make an unkillable team at this point too? Or do you have other ways of beating CB NM and UNM? 

Onto the last point, I do have a Valerie sitting at 3* level 30! And I have the one 5* Pain Keeper. So I'll look into this. 

This should be interesting to figure out but based on where I am on this right now - Demytha, Pain Keeper, Valerie, Heiress or Elva (for the debuffs, but likely Elva because increased speed as well) and a DPS. 

May 5, 2023, 18:2405/05/23
Urlibu FTP

Supreme Kael is a top-tier pull. He'll do good in clan boss, and combos very well with Teo because of all the poisons he puts out. I think he'll also be great everywhere in PvE, he really reduces the acc requirements of your entire team.

I never built an unkillable CB team (as it happens, I just got my first demytha today too). But I think demytha is the top champion to accomplish this.

Without going into any specific speed tunes, I think the trick with Demytha is that she puts out two turns of unkillable every 3 turns, as she comes with a buff extend ability herself. So you need just one more buff extender to make it work. Valerie is a farmable rare if you don't have any of the epics such as Anchorite or Sandlashed. Pain Keeper works too but you need 2 copies.

The difficulty with speed tuning is that spirit affinity puts out decrease speed on your team, which you need to block or cleanse, or the run will fall apart.

block damage buffs can't be extended. if you want to make an unkillable team with demytha, you'll either need her running at a 3:1 ratio or you'll need a second block damage/unkillable champ.

May 5, 2023, 18:4905/05/23

block damage buffs can't be extended. if you want to make an unkillable team with demytha, you'll either need her running at a 3:1 ratio or you'll need a second block damage/unkillable champ.

Sorry, when you say 3:1 ratio do you essentially mean I need Demytha plus Pain Keeper and two Valeries, not one?

May 5, 2023, 18:5505/05/23

Sorry, when you say 3:1 ratio do you essentially mean I need Demytha plus Pain Keeper and two Valeries, not one?

A 3:1 ratio means that demytha takes 3 turns for every turn the boss takes. Thus, you can time it so she puts up block damage just before every hit.

Sorry, my bad, I wasn't aware that block damage can't be extended. So only pain keepers will work.

I personally will not be building an unkillable team, as I'm already 2 keying UNM. My champion builds these days are for late-game content like hydra and doom tower hard.

May 5, 2023, 19:1105/05/23

Approximately how much speed does this require on Demytha?

May 5, 2023, 19:3705/05/23

Approximately how much speed does this require on Demytha?

Mine is at 295  plus Speed Aura from Fu-Shan..

May 5, 2023, 22:2105/05/23
May 5, 2023, 22:24(edited)

Alright, I'm at 267. Just put every highest speed substat artifact I had from whichever set in my inventory. Level 1 speed enchants. No masteries. Should this be good? 

Or do I need to toss some of my higher speed enchants on each piece and probably get to about 285 plus add masteries?