Team for Dragon's Lair ?
I would like a suggestion who should be my next 2 - 6 * Champion , I have food for another 2 ( 6 * Champions ready)
My team I would think to be - 2 Damage Dealers /
1 Support and Control /
1 Debuffer
Kael - Fully booked / Masteries - 6* Star
Ronda - Fully booked / Masteries - 6* Star
Warnaiden - Fully booked
Uugo - Fully booked - Is a 6* Champion now , is not showing in the picture because is a old picture from previous post.
Anax - Attack ( Weaken / Decrease Deff / Decrease ACC /Poison 5% - Debuff) and (Increase Def/Attack Buff) EPIC B RANK
Royal Guard - (Decrease Def / Decrease Speed ) - Damage based on Enemy MAX HP
Kallia - Attack (HP Burn / Heal reduction debuff) EPIC B RANK
Corpse Collector - Support ( Leech / Decrease ACC / Heal Reduction / Poison 5% / Veil Debuff ) EPIC B RANK
Old Ghrukkus - Support ( Leech / Decrease Speed / Attack / Heal Reduction - Speed Aura 24 %) - Better than High Khatun on Speed % - EPIC B RANK
Can you give me a feedback please with who should be next ?
Thank you
Epic champions
Rare Champions