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New player looking for guidance

New player looking for guidance

Apr 29, 2023, 04:3704/29/23

New player looking for guidance

I have spent alot of time, not to mention probably $100, and I am afraid its been for nothing. Well, aside from learning what not to do, lol. I have attached a photo of my current, real time best team of champions, minus Shaman who is also maxed out at 50. I was advised to start this new thread and some more experienced players would help me assemble a team that evidently would be a better team than the one i have assembled. I probably am only saying this because i havent personally played with anyone better, but Ronda is a pretty powerful champion IMO but I have seen not one person speak of her on here. Am i just deprived and missing out? She is over 20,000 power currently and getting stronger daily but i dont like her defensive stays and HP levels. I suppose I'll stop now and wait for someone to chime in. Thanks again guys for any help you offer!! P.S.--I cannot beat any team in arena classic that has a level 50 UDK, and I do not like to jump on bandwagons if possible and would like to go against the grain and assemble a team without the champions that everyone else picks, i.e. UDK and that chick with the cape thin


gy thay shoots arrows. Im not picky as beggars cant be choosers. I am open minded and not above anybodys help. Thanks again!!

Apr 29, 2023, 04:5104/29/23

You need more champions to 60 . That will do a ton of help to you imo . Also post a screenshot of your champ roster , you never know what hidden early gem you have that could help you progress further .

Apr 29, 2023, 06:2804/29/23

The best singular champions do not neccessarily make up a great team. Raid mostly depends on synergies.

A good way to start would be to look at youtube videos. There are tons of videos describing multiple strategies, strater guides and so on. they might also give you some tips how to equip a chmapion.

As Lyryal mentioned. concnetrate on making some gear in Dragon...look up the videos on youtube. They explain and help a lot.

Apr 29, 2023, 09:3604/29/23

Ok, so i added screenshots of everything i have, including artifacts and my 7 or 8 best champions w/ their gear and/or rings & amulets. Really guys/gals, I super appreciate taking your time and looking at this thread to help me. Time is the one commodity that we cannot get back and its the one thing we get less of with each passing moment and IMO is priceless. Thanks for using some of yours' to help me!! Anyways, I cant wait to get my bubble burst when someone tells me Ive wasted a month of my time because Im back at square one somehow, lol. Without further ado, heres my Raid life:




























Apr 29, 2023, 12:2504/29/23

Okay...I can only repeat my advise from befor: Look up the starte guide videos on Youtube. You put a lot of effort into making the screenshots and showing them so I want to make a quick reply on which is obvious for me at first glance:

1.) You should concentrate on your main characters and make them 60. At the moment, these are 

Ronda, Kael, Nogdar, High Katun and Sanguinia.  Shaman works at 50 as well and will be very quickly forgotten

2.) The overall speed of your champions is way too low...or on the wrong champions. Put the Life steal set from Shaman on Kael. You want to have speed boots (speed being the main attribute) on most of your main characters. Speed is essential in most areas of the game...your main damage dealers (Ronda, Kael) are without any speed...make them as fast as possible.

3.) The crit rate on your nukers should be as high as possible. Shaman/Sanguinia are your highest crit rate champs and they are both not damage dealers.

4.) You will have to grind a lot to get better gear. As a rule of thumb and if possible: do not use anything below 5* and upgrade them as much as possible. 

5.) Watch the will learn a lot from them.

Apr 29, 2023, 13:1604/29/23

Thank you for your input. How do you know who are the nukers? What makes them nukers?  Why would I put the Lufe steal set on Kael and not Shaman? Wouldnt I want the one champion that can revive other champs to not die? I dont know if these are questions that you tube would answer or not, but if they are I will soon see!! Thanks again!!

Apr 29, 2023, 14:2104/29/23
Apr 29, 2023, 14:21(edited)

Thank you for your input. How do you know who are the nukers? What makes them nukers?  Why would I put the Lufe steal set on Kael and not Shaman? Wouldnt I want the one champion that can revive other champs to not die? I dont know if these are questions that you tube would answer or not, but if they are I will soon see!! Thanks again!!

They will kind of answer that. You also have the rough categories of champ Attack, will notice Ronda and Kael have an Attack category which usually mean they are strong in  attack and can nuke. This is a very rough categorization..

Apr 29, 2023, 17:2204/29/23

I agree, move everything on Shaman to Kael, and you will find he will solo carry you up to nightmare campaign and through many levels of dungeons.  Then move either Sanguinia or High Khatun gear to Ronda, Probably Sanguinia's since you do want higher speed on High Khatun. The increase crit dmg and speed will help her greatly along with that crit dmg set. Sanguinia, just focus on making her beefy as a support, try to find HP and DEF items to use on her, Same for Shaman if you are going to use her at all for content. Early game is all about having 1 or 2 decent nukers with the rest just wanting to survive and aide them. 

As for Norog, if you have any semblance of a reflex set, you'll want to try that with heavy def stats. IF you don't just go for HP % and DEF % Gloves and chest, with some speed boots if you can find any. Right now is great for that because of dragon event. If at all possible, try to find this gear with ACC in the substats. If not it's fine until you hit early-late game when you can find better gear. 

I hope this additional info helps. In addition, you can use sites like Hell Hades to check any champs you have and find out decent builds and areas they are good in. GL man and I hope all this helps you enjoy the game more. 

Apr 30, 2023, 03:5204/30/23

Yes thank you all very much...i am going to save up some coin so i can change this gear around...shouldnt take me long as I am already on nightmare stage 2-4...i 3 started all of stage 1 nightmare and everything up until there also...i camt wait to try all this advice...yay!!! Thanks again!!

May 4, 2023, 16:3705/04/23

One more question plz, anyone: am i missing something, or is it common to spend half a milliom coin to go from level 12 to 14 upgrading artifacts?  Does anybody have any input on how to make the upgrading of artifacts cheaper?  PLEEEEEEASE share if so!!!! 

May 4, 2023, 17:1605/04/23

One more question plz, anyone: am i missing something, or is it common to spend half a milliom coin to go from level 12 to 14 upgrading artifacts?  Does anybody have any input on how to make the upgrading of artifacts cheaper?  PLEEEEEEASE share if so!!!! 

This is what it costs. Usually, it's about 1-2 million to get from +12 to +16. They key to handling this is to be very picky on which gear you upgrade. Only invest into high quality pieces.

Boots: main stat speed

Chestplate: main stat HP%, DEF% or ATK% (accuracy and resistance are sometimes good, but only for specific situations). Support champions should be equipped with HP% or DEF%, other champs with whatever their type is (attack, defense or hp)

Gauntlets: HP%, DEF%, or crit rate%. Damage dealers should get crit rate. Supports should get HP% or DEF%. Later, when you have much better gear, crit dmg% will also become good. But it's not good on lower rank gear.

Some random tips: 

- the best stage to level your champions is 12-3 brutal. It has the best return of silver and xp for the amount of energy invested.

- it's important to ascend your champions. For example, Norog has a passive that protects your entire team, which becomes much better at ascension level 3.

May 4, 2023, 17:1705/04/23

It is common, I've spent upwards of 2 million from 15 to 16, with bad RNG.  Even the Artifact upgrading is RNG controlled.  There is no way to make upgrading cheaper, but there is a way to get more silver.

1) Only keep the artifacts you get 5 star rare and above. Sell everything else.  Next sell any gloves and helmets with a flat ATK, DEF or HP main stat.  Only keep %, RES and ACC.  Next sell anything that doesn't have speed as a substat.  

2) Lastly, of those that you want to keep, upgrade to 8 only, check to see if SPD and any other good stats got a roll.  If not, sell it. For example: take a Rare 5 star with SPD and Flat HP (275 HP as opposed to 5% HP).  If you roll (2) on HP, sell it.  Keep it if you get (2) on SPD or (1) each and you are content with that.  Still a profit.

May 4, 2023, 17:1805/04/23
Urlibu FTP

This is what it costs. Usually, it's about 1-2 million to get from +12 to +16. They key to handling this is to be very picky on which gear you upgrade. Only invest into high quality pieces.

Boots: main stat speed

Chestplate: main stat HP%, DEF% or ATK% (accuracy and resistance are sometimes good, but only for specific situations). Support champions should be equipped with HP% or DEF%, other champs with whatever their type is (attack, defense or hp)

Gauntlets: HP%, DEF%, or crit rate%. Damage dealers should get crit rate. Supports should get HP% or DEF%. Later, when you have much better gear, crit dmg% will also become good. But it's not good on lower rank gear.

Some random tips: 

- the best stage to level your champions is 12-3 brutal. It has the best return of silver and xp for the amount of energy invested.

- it's important to ascend your champions. For example, Norog has a passive that protects your entire team, which becomes much better at ascension level 3.

Beat me to it!