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how can i improve my clan boss team?

how can i improve my clan boss team?

Apr 14, 2023, 23:5304/14/23

how can i improve my clan boss team?

so my current team is Deliana as lead, then kael, scyl of the drakes, toragi, and venomage all lvl 60 and i put out about 15 million to 19 on nightmare clan boss if im lucky. ive tried other combos including using champs recomended for a team by some guides by hellhades and others but just cant seem to get above that. any recomendations on a team i should work on? i seem to have some fair champs. id love to 1 key nightmare or get to the point i can 4 key ultra


Apr 15, 2023, 06:2604/15/23
Apr 15, 2023, 08:45(edited)

Use a 4:3 rotation built around this:

Specifically, this:

In that team, replace Skullcrusher with Altan, Frozen Banshee with Supreme Galek, Bulwark with Venomage, and Rhazin with Deliana. Turn off the A2 and A3 on Deliana, as all you need her for is the Leech.

Awesome thanks I'll try that in the morning. Now should I 6 star my altan and sentinel or can they get by at 5? Or are the speeds more important then the level? also should all my champs be those speeds bare minimum just want to make sure before i rebuild all my gear


Apr 15, 2023, 15:2404/15/23

Everyone has to be 6, because you're relying on Warmaster or giantslayer mastery for healing.

Speed has ranges. See the first link for those. 

Apr 30, 2023, 19:1304/30/23

Everyone has to be 6, because you're relying on Warmaster or giantslayer mastery for healing.

Speed has ranges. See the first link for those. 

ok so i finally got all to lvl 60 and sadly im doing far less damage then my original team idk what im doing wrong i have i have all of them with the speed recommended and all masteries. any possible ideas could my masteries be wrong or just crap equipment 

Apr 30, 2023, 19:1604/30/23

ok so i finally got all to lvl 60 and sadly im doing far less damage then my original team idk what im doing wrong i have i have all of them with the speed recommended and all masteries. any possible ideas could my masteries be wrong or just crap equipment 

Best idea is to take screenshots of your gearing and masteries. I do think running Deliana over Toragi, or not having Toragi in here is a mistake, though. 

Apr 30, 2023, 19:2304/30/23

Best idea is to take screenshots of your gearing and masteries. I do think running Deliana over Toragi, or not having Toragi in here is a mistake, though. 

thanks ill try to get some screenshots taken. be nice if they would implement a screen where we could get all info on the screen at once lol

Apr 30, 2023, 19:4104/30/23

Best idea is to take screenshots of your gearing and masteries. I do think running Deliana over Toragi, or not having Toragi in here is a mistake, though. 






Apr 30, 2023, 21:0704/30/23

Okay, so there are a bunch of major problems here:

  1. Everyone is pretty squishy, but Sepulcher is especially so. I expect she's probably dying far before everyone else, which will 100% mess you up. Pay attention to the run, and see what turn the first person dies at, and start increasing their defensive stats until the whole team dies at around the same time.
  2. You cannot take turn-meter increasing masteries on *anyone* as it will completely mess up your rotations. These include, but are not limited to (because I may have forgotten some): Rapid Response, Arcane Celerity, and Cycle of Revenge. You also cannot take Cycle of Magic on anyone who places buffs, as it will throw off your buff rotations.
  3. If you're relying on Leech for healing, as the team I suggested indicates, then you *must* take Warmaster or Giantslayer on *everyone*. Venomage currently doesn't have it, which means she is almost certainly going to die earlier than everyone else.
  4. Make sure you account for set bonuses in your tune. I didn't check the numbers specifically, but if you watch your runs, you should see the moves line up exactly with what the link I provided you indicates. Also, make sure that if the link indicates delays or priorities on your moves, that you set those same things in your Auto AI settings.
  5. While it isn't critical, it would help if you got Deliana's A1 booked fully. The extra 10% chance of having it land will help ensure it stays active throughout. 
  6. Altan *needs* to have his A2 fully booked. Without that, he won't be placing DEF up on the team every rotation like he needs to.
May 1, 2023, 04:1805/01/23

Very very bad gearing. Your heroes of crit rate and crit damage is very-very low. Dont surprise if your damage is low too.