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Problem with the new token UI

Problem with the new token UI

Apr 10, 2023, 19:3504/10/23

Problem with the new token UI

While on the one hand I understand that there's just not enough space in that to menu anymore, to properly show all the different tokens you collect (arena, cb, dt, etc...). The problem with the new UI is that I have no convenient way to see if I'm capped on anything.

This is a minor issue, yes, but in a game where maximizing your resources is essential for FTP, it's quite annoying that I need to actually click the button to expand the dropdown, in order to see if I'm capped on any of them.

I don't have a great solution for this - I'm not a UI/UX person. But maybe something simple, like highlighting it in yellow, similar to how the mine works? Specifically for tokens that are time-based - eg, classic arena and demon lord keys. Or, maybe just move those two back to the main view, and leave the rest in that menu? If space is an issue, then by all means, move silver/gems into there, since those aren't time-based either.

Apr 10, 2023, 23:5304/10/23

Good point.

Another bug is that the dropdown actually renders below the CvC icon for me.

Apr 11, 2023, 00:2604/11/23

lol.  i like the new feature, no clue what either of the problems mentioned are?

Apr 11, 2023, 01:3904/11/23

Simply, if I'm at 10/10 classic arena or 2/2 cb, I can't tell unless I click the icon to expand the drop-down. 

Apr 11, 2023, 02:0804/11/23

I dont see the problem either. Do you know you can click on any of those keys to directly access that area? This means you don't need to go into the battle menu anymore unless you want to run campaign or dungeons. So in other words, you will end up using this drop down menu several times a day, not purely to check if your tokens are maxed, but simply as a new and faster travel method.

Apr 11, 2023, 02:3004/11/23

Okay - tbf, I didn't know about that. But here's the thing. I idle-play this game. My goal is to minimize the amount of time I need to pay attention. So, when I'm working, I periodically glance at my phone, and check to see if there is something I need to do.

And there are exactly three scenarios where the answer to that question is "yes". And all three of those are based on time-related resources. Keys for CB, tokens for arena, and energy. When I'm close to, or at, the cap, I know I need to actually do something.

Previously, this would entail unlocking my phone and glancing at the screen. Now, I need to actually click the button to see those resources.

I know this sounds pedantic, but the reality is that this results in me being at resource-cap far more often than previously. And, right now, that doesn't really matter to me, because I'm essentially done with the game. But if you'd asked me a year ago, I would have been absolutely livid about this. At the end of the day, it'd translate into probably 10-20% fewer resources available - and, especially in the case of the CB keys, it could very well result in only being able to use three keys, instead of four.

The quick solution to this is just to swap things around. Move silver and gems to the dropdown, and move arena tokens and cb keys out of the dropdown. That way, the time-based resources are all presented up-front.

Apr 11, 2023, 13:0504/11/23
Apr 11, 2023, 13:06(edited)
Urlibu FTP

Good point.

Another bug is that the dropdown actually renders below the CvC icon for me.

I noticed this as well.  When you click on the drop down it is partially obscured by the cvc icon.

Apr 11, 2023, 16:2904/11/23

I assume this is only happening on some platforms then? I'm on iPhone. Here's a screenshot:


Apr 11, 2023, 17:1504/11/23
Urlibu FTP

I assume this is only happening on some platforms then? I'm on iPhone. Here's a screenshot:


Can confirm it happens on Android as well.

On the bright side... It's only for 2 days every other week. 😂

Apr 11, 2023, 18:1604/11/23

I'm not a huge fan of knowing I have 75 tasks to do lol.

Apr 12, 2023, 17:0004/12/23

I'm not a huge fan of knowing I have 75 tasks to do lol.

It's funny that you said this. One of my Clanmates said pretty much the same thing the other day but she had a slightly different take on it...

"Great... now theres an icon in the UI to remind me of all the things I can't do..."

Apr 13, 2023, 11:0504/13/23
Apr 13, 2023, 11:07(edited)

In fact its more than 75. Because the 5 extra silver keys will go over the 75. Then you deplete your tag tokens only to refill them. +10. Then the same for arena, +5 and +10. And of course they regenerate over time, so +14. We get 6 extra FW keys, so +12, and finally CB keys will also refill back to 2 during the day, so another +2

On the other hand, the crypt keys can all be reduced to 6 runs. so -30. And the silver keys can be halved by super raiding them as well, but you gain an extra run if you do a secret room, so -8.

That brings us to a total of 90 things to do :P