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Live arena riddled with issues.

Live arena riddled with issues.

Apr 3, 2023, 12:2604/03/23

Live arena riddled with issues.

#1. The meta blows. Nobody even trying for go first teams. Too easy to counter. So, its super tanky and block revives. What this needs is a shakeup that can only be prodcued by a pre-ban phase where we each ban at least two champs a piece so its not the exact same thing over and over again. I'd have us each ban 8 champs if I could. Better yet, there should be community bans, certain champs that arent allowed in live arena cause they are toxic to fun. Like, say, idk, UDK maybe? 

#2. The matchmaking system is incredibly lazy and not thought through. I am an active player, so I am in the beta. But I farm gold five, thats it. So, in live arena I am going up against end game players every single match and even though I out strategize them its hopeless just cause their champs are too strtong and their gear is too good. It seems really intuitive that, at least for the start, you would be matching us up based on PLAYER POWER. I guarentee everone I played had way way way more than me. So, i gotta sit through who knows how many days while all those guys get their ratings up. Not fun. Ive been playing 7 months, maybe shouldn't  be going up against people who have been playing for 3+ years and spending oodles of money? K, thanks. 

#3. 30 minutes is an eternity. Idk what makes you think this is appropriate in a climate where players are already telling you that this game is taking up too much time. 15 minutes max, shorter turns, AND the player who has downed the most champs wins, to avoid a lot of dry draws.  And I guarentee you are gonna get a bunch of people trolling with 14.9 second turns when they are losing. Bet on it. 

#4. Could be me, but I doubt it, but this 2-3 second lag after every decision is a bummer. 

Edit #1

#5. I cant look at champs during or after the game, nearest I can tell, and this makes playing, as a newer player, extremely frustrating. All i know is someone with a crit aura rinsed me. I need access to this info so I can improve. Im not snapshotting their pics then combing for them after every 10 matches.  

#6.  RNG is deciding matches a lot lot more for me. Several losses already on that 50/50 loss or a random stun hitting all four players. 

#7 In case you you havent heard no one thinks having potion dungeons as an area to buff your champions in as a good idea. Its been said (I cant remember which CC said it, ash maybe) but it should be all dungeons and you need to add doom tower. 

Apr 3, 2023, 13:2304/03/23

Thanks for this.  I haven't tried it yet.  When you say 30 min - is that per fight?  If so, I'm never doing this.

Apr 3, 2023, 13:2504/03/23

1) Not an issue. If you don't like UDK, then ban him.

2) Not an issue. Right now *everyone* is at the same rank. That'll clearly make newer players suffer, but it's something which should sort itself out as the pool gets built up.

3) Sure, you'll get trolls. Not much you can do about that. But 15 minute fights? Even when I'm fighting the AI, I often have fights going close to that length. Against a person? 15 minutes would be a joke, there's no way the fights would resolve themselves in time.

Apr 3, 2023, 15:5104/03/23

 "#3. 30 minutes is an eternity. Idk what makes you think this is appropriate in a climate where players are already telling you that this game is taking up too much time. 15 minutes max, shorter turns, AND the player who has downed the most champs wins, to avoid a lot of dry draws.  And I guarantee you are going to get a bunch of people trolling with 14.9 second turns when they are losing. Bet on it.”. 

Did anyone honestly not see this one coming? 

I wouldn't really call it "trolling" any more than those people who run high HP Stone Skin "annoyance" teams on defense in Classic Arena that take 5+ minutes to kill are "trolling". In my opinion, this is just another strategy...

On the good side... all those "Boomers" with the "patience passive" are going to be decimating the 1.2 second attention span, "instant gratification" crowd. 😂

Apr 3, 2023, 18:5804/03/23

Thanks for this.  I haven't tried it yet.  When you say 30 min - is that per fight?  If so, I'm never doing this.

30 minutes is how long you gottta slog for a draw, which I think is happening often. 

Apr 3, 2023, 19:2204/03/23

Tried 5 matches and lost them all, They were against teams far better than mine but wanted to try it out.

It felt very slow and drawn out compared to normal tag team arena, may grow on me but I didn't feel it offered anything that's not available already.

Also lost 2 games with connection issues that should improve in time.

Apr 4, 2023, 11:5404/04/23

Done another 5 games and my conclusion is it's a croc of shyte.

Apr 4, 2023, 14:4604/04/23

I'm on my fourth battle.  First three went fairly, I won 1 of 3.  Fourth, it's obviously a stalement so my opponent Taurus has decided to not use auto and let the timer run to 15 seconds every turn.  This person is likely AFK and hoping I just quit.  I know this is in beta, but this is an obvious problem.

Apr 4, 2023, 15:0704/04/23

I think its been rather smooth.  Difficulty level is going to be above Tag Arena... so I excpect most complaints to be matchmaking related.

Most of my matches were under 5 minutes, no AFK (I had to google that lol)

My strategy is terrible at the moment, my plan is 2-fold. 1) if player level <100 I assume I have better gear and champs 2) I'm likely toast so get risky and go unconeventional.  Unfortunately once I got to B2 I have seen mostly staccked teams.

Apr 4, 2023, 15:1504/04/23
Apr 4, 2023, 15:18(edited)

My timer went to 30 min and I lost, I assume my opponent lost as well.  I would like to see a 5 min limit and the system find a way to award a winner - from my perspective, whoever deals the most damage in a 5 min match wins if you can't win before then.

Anyway, not doing any more of this until they find a way to keep the fights under 5 min with a resolved winner.  

Plarium, there are alot of QoL things needed, please focus on this.

Apr 4, 2023, 16:0104/04/23


The two battles I left were stalemates, I could have left for 30 min I guess and hoped ths other guy gave up... but oh well.  My opponents conceded when they were beat, even if it would have taken me a few minutes to pick them off one by one.  So not everyone is an ass lol.

I think their should be a request stalemate option from opponent.  Maybe both get a few bars (or whatever they are called) but no ranking points. I don't know if i like picking a winner based on a criteria that would encourage a stalling for 30 minute win condition.