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NEW: In need of Team Set Up / General Game Advice

NEW: In need of Team Set Up / General Game Advice

Mar 24, 2023, 19:2503/24/23

NEW: In need of Team Set Up / General Game Advice

I'm relatively new to the game (Day 14 - I get Jinzoh today), but I have been grinding probably substantially more than your typical player and have spent around $100, so I have a decent amount of useful champions, which I will list. Due to my lack of experience, I have just been pushing through everything to the best of my ability, overly upgrading/ascending good but not great artifacts, utilizing various debuff/buff champions and such to get through content, but I've hit a point in the game where I'm somewhat stuck. It appears to be the mid-game where I can start getting end-game quality pieces, but at a lower rate. Also hard stuck at a few spots (Bommal). No clue how to beat that guy other than resist gear, which I'm working on getting. My arena teams can't really compete at all at my levels so I only hit those super weak teams for medals. 

Two things I really wish I did when starting - pick Kael and download the game on PC for Lightsworn. I learned it day 1 but had already put in enough time that i decided to stick with Elhain. 

I'm level 44 so no Hydra yet. I have 4 champions with full masteries so I can grind out one champion at a time. I'm stuck at the following:

- Campaign (Palace of Aravia - Nightmare - I stopped focusing on campaign 4/5 days ago though so might be a few spots ahead of this - mainly grind out 12.3 on brutal for food, silver, levels, etc. - occassionally doing the challenges on normal)

- Dungeons

  • Iron Twins (Have not tried - other focuses)
  • Various Affinity Keeps (16-17 on all of them)
  • Minotaur's Labyrinth (Complete - Farming around 1:50 minutes - i farmed this a lot)
  • Ice Golem's Peak (On 14)
  • Spider's Den (On 13)
  • Dragon's Lair (On 18 - i farm this a lot)
  • Fire Knight's Castle (On 3 - I've prioritzed the sets in Dragon's Lair although I can't say I have even close to what I wish I had after all that grinding (Accuracy, Speed, Lifesteal))
  • Sand Devil's Necropolis (On 3 - also haven't focused on)


Champions (Going to kinda sort by what I think is best - top couple with their own line will definitely be what I consider the cream of that rarity) - Just pulled all my void shards for the 2x this moring hence some new stuff.


  • Ronda (Level 50 - I have not done a single one of her masteries, skills, or ascension - Saving my legendary books for a beast - I have 4 - I barely use her now - even in PvP - just a limited kit)


  • Geomancer (60 - max masteries/skills - deflection+cruel set)
  • Deacon Armstrong (same - but not all skills - 4 away - speed/acc set)
  • Armiger (Honorary Epic - Level 50, full ascension, getting his skills as i see him on market - acc / speed sets)
  • White Dryad Nia (new)
  • Lua (new)
  • Genbo the Dishonored (new)
  • Battlesage (new), Shaman, Quargon the Crowned, Kaiden, Nazana, Chancellor Yasmin, Seneschal (all level 40 with nothing on them besides some gear on a few for Faction Wars.)

Rare - (I've been fooding a lot of rares from shard pulls and dungeouns. I google each one and decide based on what I read / rating)

  • Elhain (My OG - big fan although I wish I got Kael - Level 60, full everything, in my best lifesteal)
  • Reliquary Tender (Max - regen + resilience set)
  • Warmaiden (50 - max skills/ascension - halfway through masteries)
  • Kael (level 50 but not much on him yet other than average gear - sorta new)
  • Kurzad Deepheart, Master Butcher, Shadowbow Tirlac, Theurgist, Hellfang, Hound Spawn (max skills), Fellhound, Geargrinder, Drowned Bloatwraith, Painsmith, Ogryn Jailer, Banshee, Prosecutor, Spirithost, Dagger, Avir the Alchemage, Bogwalker, Grinner, Odachi, Valerie, Grappler, Interceptor, Mycolus, Ashwalker, Doomscreech, Halberdier (fusion)


Random Inventory

I'm sitting on about 5 rows of food champions (2 5s, 8 4s, 3s and 2s), 4 legendary skill books, but my gear is not the greatest, as I'm sure you'd assume. Hard to get people in sets that suite them. I've spent my time grinding food/silver, dragon's lair, ascention potions, arena (gold 2 and bronze 2), clan boss (my clans beats easy - hard every day), I bought silver raid card and daily gem pack (will continue to buy). Not trying to spend more other than that moving forward. Just wanted a good start. 

I do great hall as able although its going to definitely be a grind. Haven't focused much, if at all, on Altar of Souls. Tried to get Supreme Elhain in this event but no chance. Still taking advantage of the events. I do forge as I get the materials for the main sets like Perception.


Questions / Requesting General Advice

That was a lot, thanks for reading if you're still here. Qs:

- First off, any general advice on how to improve is welcome.

- Are there any team comps with my Champions that I'm missing out for certain campaigns, dungeons, bosses, doom tower (stuck at level 10 Bommal), PvP, etc.?

- What should I be focusing on at this point in the game? Grinding as many to 60/50, getting ascension and mastery, finishing campaign, faction wars, stockpiling food for better champions?

- What should I be focusing on after that?

- Any tips on what my main team should be? (if there is any such thing.)

Thanks in advance!

Mar 24, 2023, 19:3703/24/23

Aite - you put effort into this, and so I will as well.

1) First and foremost - lesson number one in this game is to not waste resources unnecessarily. This is of primordial importance for things like shards and books, but is also important when it comes to things like who you choose to level, rank up, ascend, and get masteries for. The short and sweet here is - don't. Don't level, rank up, ascend, or get masteries for *anyone* except the ones you absolutely need for the content you are trying to overcome. The biggest way to set back your progression is to start making level 40s and 50s just because they are epic, or even legendary. The rarity of the champion does not, in any way, reflect their value to you.

2) Stop with your campaign progression. There's no benefit, and it costs a huge amount of energy to do. Come back to this much later, when you have good champs that can duo through it. It's not important at all right now.

3) Don't worry about Hydra, Twins, or Sand Devil.

4) Get as far into Doom Tower as you are able to. The sooner you can get started here, the better - and there's no resource cost, so it's guilt-free.

5) In terms of your roster: Ronda, Armiger, Nia, and Genbo are the only four you should spend any resources on. Nia should be your next priority, followed by Ronda. Your "go-to" team will include Deacon, Nia, and Ronda, and probably Genbo. To round out the team you'll need someone with good CC, and you don't have that yet. Keep an eye out for champs with AoE stun/freeze.

Mar 25, 2023, 02:2203/25/23
Mar 25, 2023, 02:28(edited)

Thanks for the response.

I understand your spending, campaign, dungeon, DT, and need for a better CC champion comments and am now just going +8 on artifacts for faction wars, team arena, etc. for now. In terms of spending on champions, I've researched every character I've upgraded. Hence why I called Armiger an honorary epic. 

Do you see any major mistakes in which champions I've upgraded so far? For instance, I've repeatedly seen that Geomancer and Deacon are two of the strongest epics. Stronger than most legendaries. Also that Warmaiden is one to max as she'll be useful in early and late game? but, why would Geomancer not be in my main team? I also chose to stick with Elhain over Ronda, and now I have Kael if I wanted to go that way, but isn't it substantially harder to fully max Ronda than Elhain or Kael when from my understanding the damage is not that different and the aforementioned rares have more utility? And wouldn't I want to keep those legendary books for some of the best legendaries if it takes so long to get these books when Ronda is not necessarily that strong?

Not trying to challenge what you're saying. I just don't fully understand the game and this has been how I approached certain decisions. A lot to take in. 

Edit: Also, for instance would you sacrifice warmaiden 50 (with most masteries and fully ascended at 5 stars) to get Nia up to 6 stars faster? Because Deacon has the strong version of decrease DEF?

Mar 25, 2023, 02:5103/25/23

No, I don't think you've made any major mistakes. Can we quibble over some people, like choosing to bring Reliquary Tender to 60? Sure. But they aren't huge mistakes. Just cautioning you in advance. Warmaiden, for example, is perfectly fine to leave at 50, and will not make it into any of your teams once you have the others leveled - but also just keep her, because you'll probably use her for FW. Geomancer is great in some places, but he's not really ideal in dungeons because he does nothing on waves. He's best suited for CB and Hydra.

Ronda is worth maxing simply because she is one of the best at what she does - damage. She'll be on every one of your teams once she's maxed. Dungeons, CB, DT, Hydra - everywhere. She's far and away the hardest-hitting person on your roster.

Mar 25, 2023, 04:3403/25/23

Alright, this is good advice. Thank you very much. So, should my priority moving forward be Ronda, Nia, then Genbo? And I should not hesitate to use my Legendary books on Ronda?

Mar 25, 2023, 04:4603/25/23

I think that's what I said in my first post, yes :)

Just a note about lego books - they count for champ training events, so try to line up when you are using them with those events, so you can double dip.

But, barring some other crazy pulls between now and, say, the next three months? Yeah Ronda is absolutely going to be your best champ.

Mar 25, 2023, 11:0603/25/23
Mar 25, 2023, 11:07(edited)

Ronda is a strong legendary and definetly worth lvl 60, but I don't think she really needs books. Of course, like all champs, a booked Ronda is better than an unbooked Ronda, but the effect of the books is not essential to make her usable. The debuffs from the A2 allready land at 100% chance without any books.

Thread OP doesn't have any other legos to compare right now, so I will take Rhazin as example, as this legendary may be obtained by everybody sooner or later. Debuff chance of Rhazin's A2 unbooked only 75%, this champ really needs books to get his full potential. 

I would save the legendary books for possible future pulls. Lego books are one of the rarest ressources in the game. I personally pulled a Krisk during the last 2x void event, one of the best champs in the game, and I have 0 lego books for him right now.

Mar 25, 2023, 19:4203/25/23

Thanks for all the help, guys. So many more questions but I'll leave it there! Thanks.

Mar 31, 2023, 17:3503/31/23

I have a brief follow-up. Quick Q. I took Ronda to 60 (fully ascended/masteries - with some books) and I took Nia to 60 with (full masteries/ascended no books).

I also just managed to pull Rector Drath from an ancient shard. Seems pretty dang strong to me as a healer and likely replaces Reliquary Tender? Should he take priority over Nia now? Or just start booking Nia and take Rector to 60? Or should I continue with the prior order and do Genbo/Armiger next?

Thanks in advance.

Mar 31, 2023, 17:4603/31/23

There's no question that Drath is better than RT - but I don't think you need to invest in her right now. I'd focus on the other two instead. I think that Nia should be more than enough to keep your team alive.

Mar 31, 2023, 18:1203/31/23

Got it. Would you put RT, Nia, and Drath in the same category of champion? Support...?

Sorry very new. A lot to take in. 

Mar 31, 2023, 18:1503/31/23

Essentially wondering if RT should be completely off my "go-to" team now that I have Nia. 

Mar 31, 2023, 18:3703/31/23

The big difference between RT and Nia is that RT has a revive, which Nia does not. Whether that matters or not depends entirely on how you play the fights out - but the tl;dr is, it shouldn't matter. The reason is that you really should either not be having anyone die at all, or you should be aiming to have everyone die except one person who can solo. That latter idea is a bit of a complex situation though, so don't concern yourself with it for now.

The reason why I mentioned earlier to keep an eye out for champs with CC, is that most dungeon teams operate under a "fairly" simple model - boost your team, then either flat-out clear their team, or CC their team and clear them out before they attack. The former approach usually requires champs like Seer/Zavia/Elenaril, as flat-out clearing a wave at higher stages is pretty difficult with face damage. So, most teams tend to resort to the latter.

As an example of how that would work for you, if you had the champs, you'd be running Ronda, Armiger, Nia, and Genbo, and, say, Astralon. On each of the waves, you'd have Astralon set to open with his AoE stun, and then have it be disabled so he doesn't use it twice. You'd then ensure that your team *doesn't* fully clear the wave until after Astralon had a chance to get a second turn, because then he'd have the stun back up on the next wave. Then, once you reach the boss, you'd have Nia ensure the team stays alive long enough for you to bring the boss down.

Mar 31, 2023, 18:4403/31/23

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I'm not quite there yet. So I need a stun AoE stun champion and/or stun gear on a champion with multiple AoE attacks (such as Elhain?). 

My team definitely needs speed tuning. I've certainly noticed that. I.E.: Deacon Armstrong should be going first. 

I get what you're saying. Would it be worth it for me to drop the money and get Michinaki and put him in a stun set given the above?

Mar 31, 2023, 18:4903/31/23

I can't really answer that question. I can say that Michinaki is a great champ, and one who would help you out considerably - but whether it is worth spending money on, that's a decision only you can make.

But no - he wouldn't really be worth putting in a stun set. You can't rely on that set for CC, the probability is just too low. It's good, yes, and there are scenarios where it can help enormously - but this isn't one of them. Even Scyl, who you get for free, isn't perfect for this. Even if you get Fearsome Presence on her, and even if you put her in a stun set, she still is going to have times where they aren't stunned, and depending on where you are, that could possibly be the difference between failing a run.

In terms of epic champs who can fill that role, there are really only two - Achak and Archmage Hellmut.

Mar 31, 2023, 19:2203/31/23

Alright, I appreciate it. So I just need to wait for the right champs.